to go mad oor Spaans

to go mad

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volverse loco








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"""Why do you keep insisting that you're going to go mad?"""
—¿Por qué insistes en afirmar que vas a volverte loco?Literature Literature
The only way to cease existing is to go mad.
La única manera de dejar de existir es la locura.Literature Literature
“But if I don’t taste you now I’m going to go mad.”
Pero si no te saboreo ahora mismo, voy a volverme loco.Literature Literature
One is weeping; he can’t take any more, he’s going to go mad.
Uno llora porque ya no puede más, cree que se va a volver loco.Literature Literature
You're going to go mad and die whatever you do.
Vas a enloquecer y a morir hagas lo que hagas.Literature Literature
“From this point on the text itself appears to go mad.
A partir de este punto el mismo texto parece enloquecer.Literature Literature
You think I'm not going to go mad in some other city?
¿Crees que no voy a volverme loco en alguna otra ciudad?Literature Literature
That we have to pretend to go mad.
Que tenemos que fingir que nos volvemos locos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Together, Melanie and I worried that we were going to go mad.
A ambas, tanto a Melanie como a mí, nos preocupaba la posibilidad de terminar volviéndonos locas.Literature Literature
She predicted that Rango would go mad, if he had any brains to go mad with.
Predijo que Rango se volvería loco caso de que tuviera cerebro con el cual enloquecer.Literature Literature
He was going to go mad if the suggestion were made to him.
Se volvería loco si le hicieran aquella propuesta.Literature Literature
If he didn’t marry her soon, he was going to go mad, utterly and completely mad.
Si no se casaba pronto con ella, iba a volverse loco, absoluta y completamente loco.Literature Literature
If I start to go mad I’ll let you know.
Si empiezo a enloquecer, te avisaré.Literature Literature
If you put a tub full of blood into a stable, the horses are like to go mad.’
Si se introduce un barreño lleno de sangre en un establo los caballos enloquecen».Literature Literature
In the early 17th century, the flower caused a whole country to go mad.
En el siglo 17, la flor causó que todo un país se volviera loco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The bugs are going to go mad for all that bare white skin.”
Los mosquitos se van a volver locos con tanta piel blanca desnuda.Literature Literature
‘Then I propose to go mad along with them,’ Peter said.
—Entonces propongo que nos volvamos locos también —dijo Peter—.Literature Literature
But when he wakes up tomorrow he'll—he'll start to go mad.
Pero cuando despierte mañana... empezará a volverse loco.Literature Literature
Vex knew he and Lu were starting to go mad.
Vex sabía que él y Lu empezaban a perder la cordura.Literature Literature
It had caused his father to go mad, had caused Portia to marry a man undeserving of her.
Había vuelto loco a su padre, había empujado a Portia a casarse con un hombre que no la merecía.Literature Literature
The witnesses, seeing the blood, appeared to go mad.
Al ver la sangre, los testigos enloquecieron.Literature Literature
I refuse to look, and I refuse to go mad.
Me niego a mirar, y me niego a volverme loco.Literature Literature
Trying not to go mad under the weight of the silence.
Intentando no volverse loca con el peso del silencio.Literature Literature
Flipper himself, Ivan Toss), the equipment of an entire space-research station seems to go mad.
Flipper en persona (Ivan Tors), el equipo de una estación de investigación espacial parece volverse loco.Literature Literature
Oh, Eustace, come to bed, if you don’t want me to go mad.
Oh, Eustace, si no vienes a la cama de una vez, vas a volverme loca.Literature Literature
3281 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.