to go up the street oor Spaans

to go up the street

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ir por la calle


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I'm going to go up the street to the bakery, get some bagels.
Voy a ir a la panadería, a comprar unos panecillos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
May I borrow mack's truck to go up the street as my husband's vehicle is in the shop?
¿Puedo tomar prestada la camioneta de Mack ya que el auto de mi marido está en el taller?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When we went out to go up the street and climb the stairs to the station it was very cold.
Cuando salimos para ir a la estación, hacía mucho frío.Literature Literature
Half the crowd's going down to the subway; the other half's going up to the street exit.
La mitad de la gente baja hacia el metro; la otra mitad sube hacia la salida de la calle.Literature Literature
Only a few streetlights functioned, and we had to go slowly up the street, looking at each car.
Solo funcionaban algunas luces de la calle, y tuvimos que circular despacio calle arriba, mirando cada coche.Literature Literature
Here, he wants you to take this and leave, but you're not to go up in the street.'
Ahora quiere que cojas esto y te marches, pero no debes subir a la calle.Literature Literature
Here, he wants you to take this and leave, but you're not to go up in the street.
Ahora quiere que cojas esto y te marches, pero no debes subir a la calle.Literature Literature
Do you want the brother to go up and down the street naked and catching pneumonia due to your foolish stupidity?’
¿Quieres que el hermano se pasee desnudo por la calle y que atrape una neumonía por una estupidez tuya?Literature Literature
Yeah, he was supposed to go up the street up Beckly Avenue - he was in Oak Cliff - to go to the Steak and Egg Kitchen... where he was supposed to meet with J.D. Tippet... and have their " breakfast of infamy. "
Sí, él tenía que ir a Beckly Avenue... él estaba en Oak Cliff - para ir a Steak y Egg Kitchen... donde supuestamente se encontraría con J.D. Tippet... y tener su " desayuno de la infamia ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He did not want to go up the public streets with her, his soul all naked and alight as it was.
No deseaba caminar por la calle con ella, desnuda e iluminada su alma como entonces estaba.Literature Literature
Sometimes they both wanted to go up the same street, sometimes only one of them, when the other politely went along.
A veces los dos querían tomar la misma calle, a veces solo uno, y el otro lo acompañaba educadamente.Literature Literature
‘You want me to go up to this man on the street?’
—Pero ¿pretendes que aborde a ese hombre en plena calle?Literature Literature
Fluhr stopped the car next to the Corvair, but Egan motioned them to keep going farther up the street.
Fluhr detuvo el vehículo junto a Corvair, pero Egan les hizo señas de que siguieran adelante por la misma calle.Literature Literature
And in the morning, we'll have stuff here to eat, or you can go up the street to Joe's Café for breakfast.
Y por la mañana, tenemos cosas aquí para comer, O se puede ir calle arriba al Café de Joe a desayunar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gaston forced me to get up and go back to the street.
Gastone me ha obligado a levantarme y a volver a la calle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were all going to end up on the streets, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to—and in just three days.
Iríamos todos a parar a la calle, sin nadie a quien recurrir... en solo tres días.Literature Literature
She used to... go up and down the street for hours.
Ella solía... recorrer la calle durante horas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He followed her outside and convinced her to go with him to a diner up the street.
La siguió a la puerta y la convenció para que lo acompañara a un restaurante al cabo de la calle.Literature Literature
Then she remembered that he’d have had to go to Albemarle Street to pick up the ring.
Entonces recordó que iba a pasar por Albemarle Street para recoger el anillo.Literature Literature
“Sorry to disturb you, but you’ll have to go up to the Glenton Apartments on Leavenworth Street.
—Lamento molestarte, pero vas a tener que ir a los Apartamentos Glenton en la calle Leavenworth.Literature Literature
I actually go to school up the street.
Ahora voy a la escuela calle arriba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Is this the way you plan to pay us back, by going up to people in the street and telling them Hewlett is a fake?
¿Así es como piensas pagarnos, yendo por ahí contando que Hewlett es un fraude?Literature Literature
Below me, the town was beginning to wake up, but I didn’t want to go through the streets.
A mi espalda, la ciudad comenzaba a despertar, pero no quería que me viesen por la calle.Literature Literature
The proprietor keeps going to look up and down the street and returning to Lise.
El dueño sale otra vez a inspeccionar la calle arriba y abajo y vuelve con Lise.Literature Literature
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