to gouge out oor Spaans

to gouge out

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Oh. Baby, when we get home... can you remind me to gouge out my brain with a spoon?
Nena ¿cuando volvamos a casa me recuerdas que me arranque el cerebro con una cuchara?



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I took the key from around my neck and used it to gouge out more of the earth.
Cogí la llave que había en torno a mi cuello y la usé para sacar más tierra.Literature Literature
She’s trying to gouge out my eyes with her long fingernails that are painted with repulsive white polish.
Intenta sacarme los ojos con sus largas uñas cubiertas de un esmalte blanco y asqueroso.Literature Literature
They threatened to gouge out the right eyes of all in JABESH GILEAD (1 Sam. 11:2).
Amenazaron sacarles el ojo derecho a todos en Jabes de Galaad (<091102>1 Samuel 11:2).Literature Literature
Jardir’s honor howled for him to gouge out every eye for feasting on what should be his alone.
El honor de Jardir rugía de puro deseo de sacarles a todos los ojos por disfrutar de lo que debería ser sólo para él.Literature Literature
One of the robbers then pulled out a sharp knife and started to gouge out my father’s eyes.
Uno de los ladrones sacó un cuchillo afilado y empezó a sacarle los ojos a mi padre.Literature Literature
“If anyone pins a medal to my chest, I’ll use it to gouge out both his eyes, Doc.”
—Si alguien me pone un alfiler en el pecho, lo usaré para sacarle los ojos, doc.Literature Literature
A little boy and a little girl were threatening to gouge out each other’s eyes.
Los dos pequeños, niño y niña, amenazaban con sacarse los ojos uno al otro.Literature Literature
The Navajo had to gouge out holes in the ground in an effort to find refuge.
Los navajos tuvieron que cavar agujeros en el suelo para cobijarse.jw2019 jw2019
It’s no wonder she can’t hear me talk about mercy without wanting to gouge out my eyes.
No es de sorprender que no pueda oírme hablar de misericordia sin querer sacarme los ojos.Literature Literature
I wanted to gouge out the bastard’s eyes with my own hands.
Quería arrancarle los ojos al bastardo con mis propias manos.Literature Literature
You’d have to gouge out both eyes not to see what was in front of you.’
Tendría que arrancarse los ojos para no ver lo que ocurre ante usted.Literature Literature
He had been in enough dirty fighting to know how to gouge out an eye.
Había luchado en suficientes peleas sucias para saber cómo arrancar un ojo.Literature Literature
Oh. Baby, when we get home... can you remind me to gouge out my brain with a spoon?
Nena ¿cuando volvamos a casa me recuerdas que me arranque el cerebro con una cuchara?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You want to gouge out the eyes of a stranger?
¿Tienes ganas de sacarle los ojos a un desconocido?Literature Literature
The second bullet was lodged deep in the spine and took several minutes to gouge out.
La segunda bala estaba metida en la columna y tardaron varios minutos en sacarla.Literature Literature
She might as well take a swipe at the moon, or try to gouge out the stars.
Sería lo mismo que intentar dar un golpe a la luna o apuñalar las estrellas.Literature Literature
She longed to gouge out his snake-green eyes.
Se moría de ganas de arrancarle esos ojos verdes de serpiente.Literature Literature
He’d have to gouge out his eyes and even then the memory was seared into his brain.
Tendría que arrancarse los ojos e, incluso así, el recuerdo le quedaría grabado en la memoria.Literature Literature
It is as though Edmund in King Lear himself were to gouge out Gloucester's eyes.
Es como si Edmundo en El rey Lear le sacara él mismo los ojos a Gloucester.Literature Literature
Hands were alternately fists to hit and claws to gouge out eyes and tear or choke.
Las manos eran puños para golpear o garras para arañar y desgarrar o ahogar.Literature Literature
It was common to gouge out the eyes and kill the person by stabbing or strangulation.
Era habitual sacarle los ojos al contrario y matarlo acuchillándolo o estrangulándolo.Literature Literature
It causes water to gouge out vast canyons.
Provoca que el agua excave vastos cañones.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Had anyone attempted to gouge out the whole center of the hill, it would have fallen in.
Si alguien hubiera intentado excavar todo el centro de la colina, esta se habría venido abajo.Literature Literature
She needed to gouge out the bullet before the concierge returned with the flics.
Necesitaba extraer la bala antes de que la portera volviera con los flics.Literature Literature
But I cannot readily control you should you decide to gouge out the last of my heart.
Pero no podré controlarla a usted si decide arrancarme el poco corazón que me queda.Literature Literature
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