to hang on oor Spaans

to hang on

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


As long as mom and dad don't kick me out, I'm going to hang on.
Mientras mamá y papá no me echen, voy a aguantar.

depender de

It's up to you to hang on to it.
Pero depende de ti conservarla.


I need you to hang on for me for one second, okay?
Necesito que me esperes un segundo ¿De acuerdo?

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Soortgelyke frases

to hang up on
to hang up one's gloves
colgar los guantes
to hang on a branch
colgar de una rama
on the weekends I like to hang out with my friends
los fines de semana me gusta pasar el rato con mis amigos
to hang up one's clothes
colgar la ropa
to hang up one's boots
colgar las botas
to hang out with one's friends
salir con los amigos
to hang on to


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Like I'm some loser who's trying to hang on to something that she's never even had.
Como si fuera una perdedora que trata de aferrarse a algo que nunca ha tenido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps her amnesia made such transient things more precious, the need to hang on to them greater.
Tal vez su amnesia hacía aquellas cosas pasajeras más preciosas, y la necesidad de asirse a ellas le resultaba mayor.Literature Literature
Kurt was doing all he could just to hang on.
Kurt estaba haciendo todo lo que podía por sujetarse.Literature Literature
'You need one of those little pouches to hang on your belt,' Rose told him.
–Necesitas uno de esos pequeños zurrones para colgarte del cinturón– le dijo Rose.Literature Literature
I dared to hang one in my rooms at Cambridge.
Me atreví a colgar uno en mis habitaciones en Cambridge.Literature Literature
Pug told him, and the King seemed to hang on every word.
Pug se lo explicó, y el rey pareció absorber cada palabraLiterature Literature
He charmed her with his usual stream of compliments and seemed to hang on every word she uttered.
La encandiló con su retahíla de cumplidos y fingió quedarse prendado de cada palabra que Stella pronunciaba.Literature Literature
Klara knows what it’s like to hang on to the world by her teeth.
Klara sabe lo que se siente al estar aferrada al mundo con los dientes.Literature Literature
“Tell him to hang on for two minutes.
Dígale que aguante durante dos minutos.Literature Literature
You do want to hang on to that intrigue!
¡Os habéis empeñado en aferraros a esa intriga!Literature Literature
You're not gonna be able to hang on to her.
No la vas a poder retener.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He wanted only to hang on to what he had.
Sólo deseaba aferrarse a lo que tenía.Literature Literature
Christ. how long you going to hang on to these fantasies?
Mierda! iCuánto tiempo vas a pasar metido en esa fantasía?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And then she dug in her fingernails to hang on, dug until they pierced him in the heart.
Después le clavó los dedos para sujetarse, y siguió apretando, hasta perforarle el corazón.Literature Literature
‘Are you really going to hang on until they get that motor car out of the water?’
—¿De verdad vas a quedarte hasta que saquen ese vehículo del agua?Literature Literature
Pat had managed to hang on throughout.
Pat había logrado permanecer colgada de él durante todo el tiempo.Literature Literature
That's why you had to hang on to the tape.
Por eso tenías que colgar el vídeo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, I'm going to hang on to mine for now.
Bueno, yo voy a quedarme con el mío por ahora.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Don't hang on to thoughts, don't hang on to anything.
No esperes los detalles, no esperes nada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Not too old to hang on the end of a line - and to use 'is cunning.'
—No es demasiado viejo para sostener el extremo de la línea... y para usar su astucia.Literature Literature
You have to hang on the last syllable a bit.”
Tienes que estirar la última sílaba un poco.Literature Literature
‘And Olive did them bonny paintings to hang on the walls and made it all look Egyptian-like.
—Y Olive pintaba aquellas escenas tan bonitas para adornar las paredes y dar a todo un aire egipcio.Literature Literature
I'll shift Coruscant and all its rotten moons to hang on to him, Zey.
Moveré Coruscant y todos sus culos podridos se aferraran de él, Zey.Literature Literature
I wanted to hang on to that.
Yo quería aferrarme a eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Looked like he was going to hang on.
Parece que va a mantenerse.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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