to have nothing to lose oor Spaans

to have nothing to lose

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no tener nada que perder


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They would seem to have nothing to lose.
Parecería que nada tienen que perder.Literature Literature
You’re a child of the street, you must know what it means to have nothing to lose?
Tú eres un niño de la calle, debes saber lo que significa no tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
Hyperbolus, on the other hand, appeared to have nothing to lose.
Sin embargo, Hipérbolo no parecía tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
“I never want to go back to having nothing to lose.
No quiero volver a no tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
To have nothing to lose is to be formidably powerful.
No tener nada que perder es ser formidablemente poderoso.Literature Literature
At least, when one was thought to have nothing to lose.
Al menos, cuando se pensaba que uno no tenía nada que perder.Literature Literature
It was such a relief to have nothing to lose.
Era tan tranquilizador no tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
It’s impossible to have nothing to lose when someone loves you.”
Es imposible no tener nada que perder cuando alguien te quiere.Literature Literature
Because the secret is to have nothing to lose.
Porque el secreto era no tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
I have a whole life to tell; I have nothing left to lose and few to offend.
Tengo toda una vida por contar; ya no tengo nada que perder y pocos a los que ofender.Literature Literature
The presumption should be that governments with nothing to hide have nothing to lose by allowing their citizens and internationally recognized media to report on their actions.
Se debe actuar bajo la suposición de que los gobiernos que no tienen nada que ocultar no tienen nada que perder al permitir que sus ciudadanos y los medios de comunicación reconocidos internacionalmente informen sobre sus acciones.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Having nothing, they have nothing to lose and nothing to defend in the system.
Nada tienen y por ello nada tienen que perder ni defender en el sistema.Literature Literature
At this point, I have nothing to gain and you have nothing to lose if we call a ceasefire.
En este punto, no tengo nada que ganar y usted no tiene nada que perder si llamamos a un alto el fuego.Literature Literature
Having nothing to protect means I also have nothing to lose.”
No tener nada para proteger significa también que no tengo nada que perder.Literature Literature
What do I have to fear when I have nothing to lose?
¿Qué tengo que temer cuando no tengo nada que perder?Literature Literature
They say when you have been sentenced to death, you have nothing to lose, so - you are, by definition, a dangerous prisoner.
Dicen que cuando te han sentenciado a muerte, no tienes nada que perder, así que... eres, por definición, un preso peligroso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I have no doubt Seth is going to revert back to having nothing so he has nothing to lose.
No tengo ninguna duda de que Seth volverá a no tener nada para así no tener nada que perder.Literature Literature
And if you don’t have any information to share, then we have nothing to lose by wiping the slate clean.”
Y si no tienes ninguna información que compartir, entonces no tenemos nada que perder por hacer borrón y cuenta nueva.Literature Literature
With the rope waiting for him, the boatman would fight to the death, having nothing to lose.
Le aguardaba la horca, así que lucharía a muerte pues no tenía nada que perder.Literature Literature
Which just goes to prove we have nothing to lose by trusting Starheim.
Lo que viene a demostrar que no tenemos nada que perder confiando en Starheim.Literature Literature
It seems to me you have nothing to lose.
Me parece que no tienes nada que perder.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We have nothing to lose; we have everything to gain.
No tenemos nada que perder; tenemos todo por ganar.Literature Literature
Among the beggars, we feed our soul and talk to those who have nothing to lose.
Entre los mendigos, alimentamos nuestra alma y hablamos con quien no tiene nada que perder.Literature Literature
It seems to me that you have nothing to lose by giving your approval, and possibly something to gain.”
Considero que no tiene nada que perder dando su aprobación, pero sí algo que ganar.Literature Literature
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