to have one's hair cut oor Spaans

to have one's hair cut

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cortarse el pelo


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I insist on being last to have my hair cut and sit on the stool, watching, worrying.
Yo insisto en ser la última en cortarme el pelo y me siento en el taburete y observo, preocupada.Literature Literature
To learn their ways and still not have to stand in the fields and have one's hair cut at harvest time!
¡Aprender sus costumbres, pero no tener que estar de pie en sus campos y cortarse el pelo en la época de la cosecha!Literature Literature
“Tell me, is it true you have to cut your hair on a regular basis?
Dime, ¿es cierto que te tienes que cortar el pelo regularmente?Literature Literature
I shaved him every morning, and arranged to have a barber come to the hospital one afternoon to cut his hair.
Le afeité cada mañana y lo organicé todo para que un barbero viniera al hospital una tarde para cortarle el pelo.Literature Literature
He's gonna have to get his hair cut, put on a uniform and get rid of that attitude!
¡ Tendrá que cortarse el pelo ponerse un uniforme y cambiar de actitud!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Just one thing—you’ll have to cut your hair and disappear for a while.
Tendrás que cortarte el pelo y desaparecer una temporada.Literature Literature
Tony, however, didn’t see why he should have to cut his hair over one school assembly.
Tony, sin embargo, no veía por qué debería tener que cortarse el cabello por una asamblea escolar.Literature Literature
The Subcommittee takes note of the information provided by the State party, according to which following the visit the Buenos Aires Prison Service issued a decision in which it expressly recalled the prohibition on forcing inmates to have their hair cut, as well as on any other measures affecting their personal appearance, and stipulating that failure to respect the ban would constitute serious misconduct.
El SPT toma nota de la información proporcionada por el Estado Parte de que, con posterioridad a la visita, el SPB emitió una resolución recordando expresamente la prohibición de obligar a internos a cortarse el cabello contra su voluntad, o cualquier otra medida que interfiera en las decisiones personales sobre el aspecto o apariencia, y disponiendo que la inobservancia constituirá falta grave.UN-2 UN-2
I will have to pay one of the gaolers to cut off my hair.
Tendré que pagarle a algún carcelero para que me corte el cabello.Literature Literature
On the first day he ordered Hector to have his hair cut to regulation standards.
El primer día de clase ordenó a Hector que se cortara el pelo como mandaba el reglamento.Literature Literature
Then Mary Patti made an offering to St Francis Church on the cliff that she would have my hair cut.
Entonces Mary Patti hizo una promesa a la iglesia de San Francisco del acantilado de que me cortaría el pelo.Literature Literature
His hair has been cut, and he appears to have put on a bit of weight.
Le han cortado el pelo y parece que ha ganado un poco de peso.Literature Literature
But it was funny that one of the judges said that I would have to cut my hair.
Lo divertido fue que uno de los jueces dijo que tenía que cortarme el cabello.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps you like that style and wear your hair that way, and one of the brothers has suggested that it would be appropriate to have your hair cut and wear it more neatly.
Quizás a usted le guste ese estilo y lleve su pelo así, y uno de los hermanos ha sugerido que sería apropiado que se cortara el pelo y lo llevara más nítidamente.jw2019 jw2019
One day he might have his long hair cut off, and try to make something of his life.
Y tal vez un día se corte el pelo y pruebe a hacer algo de provecho en la vida.Literature Literature
One of the victims was a five-year-old girl who appeared to have her hair cut.
Una de las víctimas era una niña de cinco años, a la que, por lo visto, le habían cortado el pelo.Literature Literature
I remember on Lemnos you said you didn't have proper bathing facilities, you had to cut your hair short.
Recuerdo que en Lemnos dijo que no tenían las instalaciones de baño apropiadas, que tuvo que cortarse el pelo corto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And your Aunt Sue is kind of lazy when it comes to personal hygiene so you may have to be the one to remind her when it's time to get your eyebrows waxed or get your hair cut, but eventually she'll get the routine down.
Y tu tía Sue es algo floja con la higiene personal, así que tú deberás recordarle cuando quieras depilar tus cejas o cortarte el cabello, pero con tiempo, comprenderá la rutina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He would have to clear this up and he was keen to examine the way children’s hair was cut, out there on the streets.
Tendría que aclararlo y sentía urgencia por fijarse por la calle en el corte de pelo de los niños.Literature Literature
One day, a friendly Gestapo man, who came regularly to Brother Koehl’s barbershop to have his hair cut, suddenly asked him: ‘Herr Koehl, are you still studying the Bible?’
Cierto día, un amigable miembro de la gestapo que solía venir con regularidad a la peluquería del hermano Koehl para cortarse el pelo, le preguntó de súbito: ‘Señor Koehl, ¿sigue usted estudiando la Biblia?’jw2019 jw2019
The Commissioner spoke of the need for a proactive movement towards the provision of services, but we cannot all cut each other’s hair; on the contrary, we also have to produce something.
El señor Comisario ha hablado de la necesidad de un cambio proactivo hacia la prestación de servicios, pero no podemos cortarnos el pelo los unos a los otros; también tenemos que producir algo.Europarl8 Europarl8
Some have the hair on their crowns shorn flat but cut the hair at the sides, both left and right, to hang down straight.
Y unos cuantos acostumbran a raparse el centro de la cabeza, pero dejan que su pelo crezca a izquierda y derecha.Literature Literature
I`m a very happy doggy apart from when I have to be brushed, I don`t like that at all, I`m also not keen on getting my hair cut either, which is every 6 weeks.
Yo soy un perro muy feliz, exceptuando cuando me cepillan y no me interesa el corte de pelo, que es cada 6 semanas.Common crawl Common crawl
I knew you would need more so I happened to be going past a barber shop and I saw some tails of hair hanging in the window with the prices marked on them and I thought it would do my brain good to have my mop cut off.
Sé que necesitas más entonces pasé por delante de una peluquería y vi manojos de cabello en la vidriera con sus precios marcados sobre ellos y pensé que mi cerebro necesita ventilarse un poco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hannah you have an opinion about everything, from honey boo-boo's hair cut to the weird look the lunch lady gave you when you asked for butter on your corn.
Hanna, tienes una opinión sobre todo, desde el corte de pelo de Honey Boo Boo hasta sobre la extraña mirada que te echó la señora del almuerzo cuando pediste mantequilla en tu maíz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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