to hear his voice oor Spaans

to hear his voice

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

escuchar su voz

As many as it takes to hear His voice.
Tantas como sea necesario para escuchar Su voz.

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Then two days ago, we began to hear his voice.
Hace luego dos días, empezamos a escuchar su voz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She seemed reasonably pleased to hear his voice, a little surprised maybe.
Parecía casi complacida de oír su voz, aunque tal vez algo sorprendida.Literature Literature
It was good to hear his voice, the singsong accent and the careful Greek words.
Me gustó oír su voz, el acento monótono y las palabras escogidas en griego.Literature Literature
Bond shouted to hear his voice and know that he was still alive.
Bond gritó para oír su voz y saber que todavía estaba vivo.Literature Literature
I wanted to hear his voice and track his thoughts, and to keep watching his lips moving.
Quería oír su voz y rastrear su mente, y seguir viendo sus labios en movimiento.Literature Literature
The wolf no longer howled to hear his voice.
El lobo no aullaba ya para oír su voz.Literature Literature
But then, when he finally does, I’m relieved to hear his voice.
Pero finalmente responde a la llamada y también me siento aliviada al escuchar su voz.Literature Literature
If she was surprised to hear his voice, she was hiding it well.
Si estaba sorprendida de oír su voz, lo estaba escondiendo bien.Literature Literature
I really want to hear his voice again
Quiero escuchar su voz de nuevoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""Retro-rockets, two-second blast,"" he said, pleased to hear his voice steady and calm, almost bored."
—Retrocohetes, ignición en dos segundos —dijo, complacido al oír su voz firme y tranquila, casi indiferente.Literature Literature
It’s nice to hear his voice, even if he’s frantic and frustrated.
Es agradable oír su voz, incluso cuando suena frenético y frustrado.Literature Literature
i just want to hear his voice.
Tan solo quiero escuchar su vozOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I dialed Pietr’s number, wanting to hear his voice.
Marqué el número de Pietr, con ganas de escuchar su voz.Literature Literature
She hurried her own animal on, eager to be beside him, longing to hear his voice.
Vesta apresuró a su cabalgadura, ansiosa de estar junto a él, de escuchar su voz.Literature Literature
Regardless of his attitude, I still loved my son and was happy to hear his voice.
A despecho de su actitud, aún lo quería y me alegraba de oír su voz.Literature Literature
God, she’d wanted to hear his voice just one more time.
Dios, habría querido oír su voz solo una vez más.Literature Literature
She’d give anything to hear his voice, to hear one word.
Ella daría cualquier cosa por poder oír su voz, por escuchar una palabra.Cualquierpalabra.Literature Literature
I need to hear his voice, Dre.
Necesito escuchar su voz, Dre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
May felt an overwhelming desire to speak to him, to hear his voice.
May sintió un deseo abrumador de hablar con él, de oír su voz.Literature Literature
I was equally afraid to hear his voice.
También me daba miedo oír su voz.Literature Literature
Students love to hear his voice.
A los estudiantes les encanta escuchar su voz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Oh, if I take his call it'd be great to hear his voice.
Si cojo su llamada estaría bien oírle la voz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sometimes she called only wanting to hear his voice.
A veces, llamaba sólo para oír su voz.Literature Literature
After all the years of ignoring him, I needed to hear his voice.”
Después de ignorarlo durante tantos años, sentí la necesidad de oír su voz.Literature Literature
She'd listened to them over and over all weekend, just to hear his voice.
Se pasó así todo el fin de semana, solo para oír su voz.Literature Literature
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