to his office oor Spaans

to his office

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

hasta su oficina

I want every backyard, bush and storm drain, from the crime scene to his office searched.
Quiero cada callejón, matorral y desagüe desde el escenario hasta sus oficinas registrados.

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Soortgelyke frases

the director would like to see you in his office
el director desea verlo en su despacho
the director wishes to see you in his office
el director desea verlo en su despacho


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David had been to his office many times.
David había estado en su despacho muchas veces.Literature Literature
There’s no time to go round to his office, to explain face to face.
No tengo tiempo de pasar por su despacho, de explicárselo cara a cara.Literature Literature
Wojakowski and Mandrake were almost to his office.
El señor Wojakowski y Mandrake casi habían llegado al despacho.Literature Literature
By the time I got back to his office it was already a crime scene.
Para cuando regresé a su oficina, ya era una escena de crimen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The door to his office opened and Marsha walked in with some files and a mug of coffee.
La puerta del despacho se abrió y Marsha entró con unas carpetas y una taza de café.Literature Literature
After breakfast, the Society’s president invited Brothers Van Amburgh and Ilett to his office.
Después de desayunar, el presidente de la Sociedad invitó a los hermanos Van Amburgh e Ilett a su oficina.jw2019 jw2019
I talked to his office this morning.
Hablé a su oficina esta mañana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Francisco quickly leant out of the door to his office and looked both ways.
Francisco se asomó furtivamente por la puerta de su oficina y miró a ambos lados del pasillo.Literature Literature
She could run to his office, but her legs no longer felt as if they could carry her.
Podría ir corriendo a su oficina, pero sintió que las piernas no iban a sostenerla.Literature Literature
To his office.
A su despacho.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The lawyer asks you to go to his office to sign some forms.
El abogado pide que vayas a su oficina para firmar unos formularios.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And will you please come to his office first thing in the morning?
¿Querrían tener la cortesía de ir a verlo mañana a primera hora?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He walked back to his office to check his E-mail and read this morning's online news.
Regresó a su despacho para comprobar si había recibido e-mails y leyó las noticias de la mañana.Literature Literature
Nobody who saw him going to his office that morning would have thought it.
Nadie que le hubiera visto ir a su oficina aquella mañana lo habría pensado.Literature Literature
Even when I went to his office, there wasn’t anything there that seemed odd or out of place.”
Aun cuando yo iba a su oficina, no había nada que pareciera raro o fuera de lugar.”Literature Literature
Grasping the situation, Beletsky summoned Manasevich to his office.
Al comprender la situación, Beletsky llamó a Manásevich a su despacho.Literature Literature
He was on his way to his office, of course.
Él se dirigía a su oficina, por supuesto.Literature Literature
Leading us back to his office, he weaves through the corporate gray hallways.
Mientras nos conduce de regreso a su despacho, sigue un curso sinuoso a través de los pasillos grises de la corporación.Literature Literature
Chapter 5 Upon returning to his office, Sano found an uncharacteristically glum Tsunehiko waiting for him.
Capítulo 5 Al regresar a su oficina, Sano encontró a un Tsunehiko desacostumbradamente cabizbajo esperándole.Literature Literature
"""See you later,"" he said quickly and returned to his office."
—Oh, yo... —Hasta luego —dijo rápidamente, y volvió a su despacho.Literature Literature
But daily travel by train to his office turned into a nightmare.
Pero las idas y venidas diarias a la oficina en el tren se convirtieron en una pesadilla.Literature Literature
What's he done to his office?
¿Qué ha hecho de su oficina?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I hopped, skipped and jumped to his office..
Cojeé, brinqué y salté a su oficina..OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had expected Thinley to open the conference with a formal welcome, and then return to his office.
Esperaba que Thinley la inaugurara con una bienvenida oficial y después regresase a su despacho.News commentary News commentary
She was immediately put through to his office by his secretary, who apparently would never forget her.
Su secretaria la pasó inmediatamente con él; al parecer, no la había olvidado.Literature Literature
71176 sinne gevind in 172 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.