to hog oor Spaans

to hog

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Sorry we're late, but some people were trying to hog all the pizza.
Lamentamos llegar tarde, pero una gente trataba de acaparar toda la pizza.

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He could be yours, I wouldn’t want to hog him.
Podría ser tuyo, yo no lo querría para mí sola.Literature Literature
Sorry we're late, but some people were trying to hog all the pizza.
Lamentamos llegar tarde, pero una gente trataba de acaparar toda la pizza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is got by casting of pearls to hogs.
Esto viene de arrojar perlas a los puercos.Literature Literature
You just want to hog it all
Sólo quieres acapararlo todoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I can't have grandstanders trying to hog the whole show.
No puedo tener fanfarrones intentando adeñuarse del espectáculo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most people already think I make stuff up just to hog attention.
La mayoría de la gente ya piensa que invento cosas para llamar la atención.Literature Literature
Or were they motivated by a selfish desire to hog the limelight?
¿O fueron motivadas por un deseo egoísta de atraer los reflectores?Literature Literature
Oh, man! Isn't that like Sherman to hog all the credit?
¡ Ese Sherman se quiere quedar con toda la gloria!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So keep him home, Alfred, even if you have to hog-tie him.
Que no salga, Alfred, así tengas que atarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Or were the celebrities motivated by a selfish desire to hog the limelight?
¿O las celebridades estaban motivadas por un deseo egoísta por ganar atención?Literature Literature
Grapes sold for $8 a ton and were sometimes fed to hogs.
Las uvas se vendieron a ocho dólares la tonelada, y a veces se alimentaba con ellas a los cerdos.Literature Literature
Or are you trying to hog all the glory for yourself?”
¿O es que quieres acaparar todo el mérito para ti solo?Literature Literature
She wanted to hog-tie her husband and not release him until he told her what was wrong.
Quería echarle el lazo a su marido y no soltarlo hasta que no le confesara lo que ocurría.Literature Literature
According to some women in my past, I have an unfortunate tendency to hog the covers.
Según algunas antiguas novias, tengo una lamentable tendencia a acaparar las sábanas.Literature Literature
Champagne Beach is located in adjacent and close proximity to Hog Harbour village on the northeast of Santo.
La playa de Champagne está situada en las proximidades y al lado de Hog Harbour Village en el noreste de Santo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How much longer are you going to hog the bathroom?""
¿Durante cuánto tiempo piensas acaparar el baño?Literature Literature
Of course the pigeons try to hog the feeders.
Las palomas intentan acaparar los comederos, por supuesto.Literature Literature
“I guess you and Helenka want to hog all the fun.”
—Supongo que Helenka y tú queréis acaparar toda la diversión.Literature Literature
That damned American in Monte Carlo was trying to hog all the business.
Aquel condenado norteamericano de Montecarlo estaba tratando de acaparar todo el negocio.Literature Literature
Well, I don't mean to hog it here.
Bueno, no me refiero al cerdo aquí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don't want to hog your time up.
No quiero acaparar todo tu tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It’s just it’s my favourite chair, Rimmer said petulantly, and you always seem to hog it.”
—Es mi sillón favorito —dijo Rimmer petulante— y siempre estás tirado en él.Literature Literature
And all electronegative means is, likes to hog electrons.
Y todos los medios electronegativos es, le gusta consumir electrones.QED QED
"""Even if I promise not to hog the covers or tickle your feet?"""
—¿Aunque prometa no acaparar las sábanas o hacerte cosquillas en los pies?Literature Literature
It's not illegal for a man to hog it to himself.
No es ilegal que un hombre la acapare para él.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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