to inhale oor Spaans

to inhale

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You don't even know how to inhale.
Ni siquieras sabes como aspirar.


The doctor told me to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.
El doctor me dijo que inhalara y exhalara lenta y profundamente.


Now I need you to inhale to your maximum.
Ahora, necesito que inspires todo lo que puedas.



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‘My poor Leila’ he said aloud, holding the envelope to his nose to inhale the fragrance of chypre.
-Mi pobre Leila -expresó en voz alta, sosteniendo el sobre contra la nariz para inhalar la fragancia del chipre.Literature Literature
If conscious, the patient is instructed to inhale and strain against a closed glottis.
Si el paciente conserva la consciencia, se le instruye para que inhale y puje contra la glotis cerrada.Literature Literature
He drew in a deep breath as if to inhale the images that were forming in his mind.
—Tomó una honda bocanada, como si quisiera inspirar las imágenes que se estaban formando en su mente.Literature Literature
You want me to inhale this?
¿Quiere que inhale esto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You just had to inhale, so you weren't a junkie.
Sólo había que inhalar, así que no eras un yonqui.Literature Literature
“You’d have to inhale an egg or something,” Penelope said.
—Tendrías que inhalar un huevo, o algo así —le dijo Penny—.Literature Literature
“McKenna,” she said, flooded with riotous heat as he knelt to inhale the scent of her body.
—McKenna— dijo, inundada de un desenfrenado calor cuando él se arrodilló para inhalar el olor de su cuerpo.Literature Literature
The stifling smells of tobacco, alcohol, and sweat made me wish I didn’t need to inhale.
El olor asfixiante de tabaco, alcohol y sudor me dio ganas de no tener que respirar.Literature Literature
I told myself to inhale, but for one terrible second, nothing happened.
Me ordené inhalar a mí mismo, pero durante un terrible segundo, nada sucedió.Literature Literature
Uchtdorf not toinhale” the praise of Church members.
Uchtdorf que “no se le suban a la cabeza” los elogios de los miembros de la Iglesia.LDS LDS
He fell to his knees, cutting himself on shattered glass and pottery, and tried to inhale more deeply.
Cayó de rodillas, se cortó con fragmentos de vidrio y cerámica, y trató de inspirar más profundamente.Literature Literature
Want to inhale the smoke?
¿Quieres respirar humo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He tried to inhale, and it seemed that he took in as much dust as air.
Intentó inhalar, y le pareció que absorbía tanto polvo como aire.Literature Literature
You might need to inhale a lot, since the lines are long.
Podrías necesitar inhalar mucho, ya que las líneas son largas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do this slowly, taking longer to exhale than to inhale.
Hazlo con lentitud, tomando más tiempo para exhalar que para aspirar.Literature Literature
You' re not supposed to inhale
Se supone que no debes inhalaropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Approximately 60-70% of patients respond to inhaled cromolyn alone.
Aproximadamente el 60-70% de los pacientes responden al cromolín inhalado solo.Literature Literature
But she refused to backtrack, even though she stood near enough to inhale his heady masculine scent.
Pero se negó a recular a pesar de que estaba tan cerca que podía inhalar su embriagador aroma masculino.Literature Literature
I am going to inhale I oxidize nitrous and to desmayar to me
Voy a inhalar oxido nitroso y desmayarmeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He has to inhale it.
Tiene que inhalarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The air about her turned thick as pea soup, fine for gulping but impossible to inhale.
El aire a su alrededor se espesó hasta parecer un puré de guisantes, bueno para tragar pero imposible de inhalar.Literature Literature
That almost caused me to inhale some Smithwick’s into my lungs.
Eso casi me hace bronco aspirar algo de Smithwick dentro de mis pulmones.Literature Literature
In Salvatore Martirano’s composition L’s GA the singer is required to inhale from a helium mask.
En L's GA de Salvatore Martirano se requiere que el cantante inhale de una máscara de helio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This could very well be the last time he gets to inhale Henry’s scent on anything.
Tres: Esta podría muy bien ser la última vez que consiga inhalar el aroma de Henry en un objeto.Literature Literature
Then he kissed and nuzzled her neck, just wanting to inhale her sweetness all over again.
Después la besó y la acarició en el cuello, sóloqueriendo inhalar su dulzura otra vez.Literature Literature
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