to keep in step oor Spaans

to keep in step

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At the front of the Sixth Century Cato did his best to keep in step with his centurion.
Al frente de la sexta centuria, Cato hizo lo que pudo para seguir el paso de su centurión.Literature Literature
She is careful to keep in step with his long stride.
Ella tiene cuidado de mantener el paso con su larga zancada.Literature Literature
I tried to keep in step with her, waiting to hear his side of their conversation.
Intenté seguirle el ritmo para poder oír su parte de la conversación.Literature Literature
Maybe he did the killing to keep in step.
Tal vez cometio el asesinato para mantener sus pasos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To keep in step with developments in information technology, schools are equipped with computers
Para no quedar a la zaga del avance de la tecnología de la información, las escuelas están informatizadasMultiUn MultiUn
(Proverbs 10:22) Let us, therefore, be determined to keep in step with Jehovah’s organization.
Por tanto, resolvámonos a mantenernos al paso de la organización de Dios.jw2019 jw2019
They walked well together, and it was no effort for him to keep in step with her.
Andaban bien juntos y a él no le costaba adaptarse.Literature Literature
Historical accounts were constantly revised to keep in step.
Los acontecimientos históricos tuvieron que ser constantemente revisados para poder marchar al paso de esa evolución.Literature Literature
I tried to keep in step with him, but what I did resembled clowning more than dancing.’
Yo trataba de seguirle el paso, pero lo que yo hacía se parecía más a una payasada que a un baile».Literature Literature
I' ve been trying to keep in step
Llevo tratando de ir a tu ladoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“I’m Trista,” she informed me, walking quickly to keep in step with me.
—Me llamo Trista —me informó, caminando a toda prisa para seguirme el paso.Literature Literature
To try to keep in step with Fisher was to add a second encumbrance.
Tratar de seguir el paso de Fisher era añadir un segundo estorbo.Literature Literature
They tried to keep in step but were not very good at it yet.
Por más que se afanasen en caminar al paso, aún no se les daba demasiado bien.Literature Literature
In order to keep in step, we may have to adjust our personal attitude or viewpoint at times.
Para mantenernos al paso en estas circunstancias, puede ser que a veces tengamos que ajustar nuestra actitud y punto de vista personal.jw2019 jw2019
And let's try to keep in step.
Y busquemos en los mantener organizados.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I stumble to keep in step with them, nowhere near as graceful, but every bit as invisible.
Me tambaleo para mantenerme al paso con ellos, ni remotamente con su gracia, pero igual de invisible.Literature Literature
They just want you to keep in step.”
Sólo quieren que marques bien el paso».Literature Literature
It help them to keep in step.
Les ayuda a mantenerse al paso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here, too, we need to keep in step.
Aquí también es necesario que demos pasos comunes.Europarl8 Europarl8
It would require instantaneous signalling to keep in step.
Se necesitaría una señalización instantánea para mantener el compás.Literature Literature
He had to run to keep in step.
Él tenía que correr para mantenerse a su altura.Literature Literature
They just want you to keep in step.”
Sólo quieren que marques bien el pasoLiterature Literature
I tried to keep in step but what I did resembled clowning more than dancing.
Intenté seguir el compás, pero aquello parecía más una payasada que una pieza de baile.Literature Literature
We followed his advice and began walking rather clumsily, finding it hard to keep in step.
Seguimos su consejo y nos pusimos en marcha con torpeza, sin poder coger bien el paso.Literature Literature
In the center of the right wing, he was constantly bedeviled by his neighbors' refusal to keep in step.
En el centro del ala derecha era acosado continuamente por la negativa de sus vecinos a mantener la misma marcha que él.Literature Literature
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