to keep the faith oor Spaans

to keep the faith

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mantener la fe


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He enjoined them to keep the faith and went back to the bar.
Les recomendó que mantuvieran la fe y volvió a la barra.Literature Literature
When you take lessons, you need to keep the faith in your instructor.
Cuando tomes clases, es importante que tengas confianza en tu profesor.Literature Literature
But you have to keep the faith
Pero tienes que mantener la feopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
We would imagine that it is also difficult to sustain life there and to keep the faith.
Nos imaginamos que también ha de ser difícil sustentar la vida y guardar la fe.LDS LDS
He died to keep the faith sacred for you.”
Murió para quemantuvieras la sagrada fe.Literature Literature
Upon our shoulders lies the responsibility to keep the faith through our own generation.
Sobre nuestros hombros descansa la responsabilidad de mantener la fe en nuestra generación.LDS LDS
She wanted to yell at him to keep the faith!
Quería gritarle, que mantuviera la fe.Literature Literature
We have to keep the faith, Quinn.
Tenemos que mantener la esperanza, Quinn.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don’t need miracles in my life anymore to keep the faith.
Ya no necesito milagros para mantener viva mi fe.Literature Literature
Today this is of vital importance: to keep the faith.
Es muy importante en este tiempo: proteger la
And I know that sometimes it's hard to " Keeping the Faith. "
Y sé que muchas veces es difícil " Mantener la fe ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You have to keep the faith.
Tienes que mantener la fé.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We just have to keep the faith.
Tenemos que mantener la fe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What does it mean to keep the faith?
¿Qué significa mantener la fe?LDS LDS
He has given me the gift of healing to keep the faithful well until he arrives!""
¡Me ha otorgado el don de sanar para así mantener a los fíeles en buen estado hasta que él llegue!Literature Literature
But Bosch tried to keep the faith.
No obstante, Bosch trataba de conservar la fe.Literature Literature
And right now, the best Alex could do for Ziggy was to keep the faith.
Y en ese momento lo mejor que podía hacer Alex por Ziggy era conservar la fe.Literature Literature
You have to keep the faith, for Emily's sake if not your own.
Tienes que mantener la fe, por Emily si no es por ti mismo.Literature Literature
When Daniel said he was not in the mood to party Joe urged him to keep the faith.
Cuando Daniel contestó que no estaba de humor, lo animó a no dejarse vencer por el abatimiento.Literature Literature
I had your promise to obey every commandment And to keep the faith even in hell.
Prometí tenerte a buen recaudo y hay que cumplir hasta en infierno.Literature Literature
We just have to keep the faith, that's all.
Tenemos que mantener la fe, eso es todo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We have to keep the faith that the killer will be discovered.”
Debemos mantener la fe en que descubrirán al asesino.Literature Literature
It is necessary to keep the faith perspective.
Hay que conservar la mirada de la fe.Literature Literature
But you have to keep the faith.
Pero tienes que mantener la fe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In those 12 years, you my fellow citizens, and I, Jo Myung Ho, continued to keep the faith.
En esos 12 años, mis queridos ciudadanos y yo, Jo Myung Ho... seguiremos teniendo feOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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