to keep to one's bed oor Spaans

to keep to one's bed

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quedarse en la cama


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It’s getting so freezing in here I have to keep my trousers on to go to bed.
Y paso tanto frío, que he de meterme en la cama con los pantalones puestos.Literature Literature
"""I am indeed sorry that Lady Maude is obliged to keep to her bed on such a momentous day."
Siento mucho que hayan obligado a lady Maude a guardar cama en un día tan memorable.Literature Literature
But you have to promise to keep your hands on the bed.
Pero tienes que prometer mantener las manos en la cama.Literature Literature
Overcome by shock, he had to sit down on Paola’s bed to keep from losing his balance.
Conmocionado, tuvo que sentarse en la cama de Paola para no caer al suelo.Literature Literature
He’d only have had to sweep her to his bed and keep on doing what he’d been doing.
No le habría hecho falta más que arrastrarla hasta su cama y continuar con lo que estaba haciendo.Literature Literature
"""It's like this most days, no shade anywhere, one goes to bed to keep cool."
—Es como la mayor parte de los días, no hay ni una sombra en ninguna parte, y una se va a la cama para estar fresca.Literature Literature
“Yes,” said Rodriguez, “I shall require you to keep my bed tidy on our way to the wars.”
—Sí —dijo Rodrigo—, os requeriré mantener mi cama aseada en nuestro camino hacia las guerras.Literature Literature
“When you transport female slaves, do you take one to your bed to keep you warm at night?”
–Cuando transporta esclavas, ¿no se lleva alguna a la cama para estar caliente durante la noche?Literature Literature
Marsh told Toby to keep an eye on Billy, and went over to the bed.
Marsh le pidió a Toby que vigilara a Billy y se inclinó sobre la cama.Literature Literature
Marsh told Toby to keep an eye on Billy, and went over to the bed.
Marsh indicó a Toby que vigilara a Billy y se acercó a la cama.Literature Literature
It was rare for Antonia to keep to her bed for any reason, but she was glad enough to obey on that afternoon.
Era raro para Antonia permanecer en cama por alguna razón, pero se alegró bastante de obedecer esta tarde.Literature Literature
Most ranchers tried to keep enough feed and bedding on hand to last for a couple of weeks, at the very least.
Normalmente los rancheros almacenaban suficientes provisiones para aguantar un par de semanas, como poco.Literature Literature
“You only came to bed with me to keep an eye on me, didn’t you?
—Sólo te has acostado en mi cama para poder vigilarme, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
“You’re supposed to be in bed for one week to keep your shoulder stabilized.
—Se supone que has de estar en cama durante una semana para mantener el hombro estabilizado.Literature Literature
But it wasn't as if she could escape him, and it bordered on barbaric to keep her tied to the bed.
Pero después de todo tampoco era que la joven pudiera huir de él, y mantenerla atada a la cama rayaba en lo bárbaro.Literature Literature
The best way to begin one, in his opinion, was to keep Tory in bed as long as possible.
Y, en su opinión, la mejor manera de iniciarlo era mantener a Tory en la cama lo más serena posible.Literature Literature
They had to be keeping him hooked up to a hospital bed for observation on Thanksgivin’ night.
Tenía que pasar la noche de Acción de Gracias en observación, enganchado a una cama de hospital.Literature Literature
Dr Martin ordered her to bed, so Elizabeth stayed on to keep her company and play with Eli.
El doctor Martin le ordenó que guardara cama, así que Elizabeth se quedó para hacerle compañía y para jugar con Eli.Literature Literature
Martin ordered her to bed, so Elizabeth stayed on to keep company with Jane and play with Eli.
El doctor Martin le ordenó que guardara cama, así que Elizabeth se quedó para hacerle compañía y para jugar con Eli.Literature Literature
“I don’t care if you bring her upstairs and tie her to a bed to keep her from going on a shooting spree!”
—¡Me da igual si la atáis a la cama para evitar que se líe a tiros!Literature Literature
He didn’t have a reason other than something in his head telling him to keep his shoes on except when he went to bed.
No había ninguna razón especial, salvo algo que le decía que sólo se quitara los zapatos para ir a la cama.Literature Literature
She wanted to hold still, but she writhed on the bed, unable to keep her hips from moving.
Quería quedarse quieta, pero se revolvía en la cama, incapaz de mantener sus caderas en posición.Literature Literature
I had to put my hands on his shoulders to keep him from getting out of bed.
Me vi obligado a retenerlo por los hombros para impedir que se bajara de la cama.Literature Literature
I hold on to the side of the bed to keep myself steady.
Me sujeto a un lado de la cama para mantenerme firme.Literature Literature
She withdraws the $5,000 from the bank to keep it close to her, eventually spreading it on her bed so she can sleep on it.
Ella retira los $5,000 del banco para mantenerlo cerca a ella, finalmente extendiéndolo en su cama para que pueda dormir con ella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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