to knife oor Spaans

to knife

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Did Alicia threaten to knife one of her daughter's teachers?
¿Alicia amenazó con acuchillar a uno de los profesores de su hija?


She doesn't look like someone who's about to knife her boyfriend in the back.
No parece alguien que esté a punto de apuñalar a su novio por la espalda.

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use a knife to open it
usa utiliza un cuchillo para abrirla


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No sooner had the last prisoners gone out when two rivals set about valiantly to knife each other.
No habían salido los últimos presos cuando ya dos rivales se estaban apuñalando fieramente.Literature Literature
Taking to knifing boys, eh, Silver?
¿Apuñala a los niños, Silver?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Quite apart from Mace's other sins, he was in the process of trying to knife Lucien."
Aparte de los demás pecados que hubiera cometido Mace, estaba intentando atacar con un cuchillo a Lucien.Literature Literature
I try to knife them but we drink together and we’re friends.
Y a mí me gustaría acuchillarlos, pero bebo con ellos y somos amigos.Literature Literature
Maybe the stout woman would be able to knife the hybrid and rescue her friend.
Quizá la mujer robusta lograra clavarle un cuchillo al híbrido y rescatar a su amiga.Literature Literature
No, he hadn’t risked his own life to save these wretches just to knife them in their sleep.
No; no había arriesgado su vida salvando a aquellos desgraciados para ahora acuchillarlos mientras dormían.Literature Literature
Was it normal that she wanted to knife a puppy?
¿Y tener ganas de degollar a un cachorro era normal?Literature Literature
Instead of paying him, you sent some roughnecks to knife him.
En lugar de pagarle, usted le envió a unos rufianes para que lo apuñalaran.Literature Literature
And her best friend had had to knife her mentor to death.
Y su mejor amiga había tenido que apuñalar a su mentor hasta la muerte.Literature Literature
Chakliux led the Near River men into the village, and they fought, knife to knife, hunter to hunter.
Chakliux condujo a los hombres de Río Cercano y lucharon, a cuchillo, hombre contra hombre.Literature Literature
But the one person he had never expected to knife him in the back was her.
Pero la única persona a la que nunca había esperado que le clavara un cuchillo en la espalda era ella.Literature Literature
He tried to knife me
Intentó acuchillarmeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
But I tried to knife a man!
Pero intenté apuñalar un hombre!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The scum tried to knife me.
¡ El desgraciado quería acuchillarme!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But I never suspected that you were the one who put this crazy heathen up to knifing me.
Pero nunca sospeché que eras tú la que indujo a ese chalado para que se me apuñalara.Literature Literature
The scum tried to knife me
¡ El desgraciado quería acuchillarme!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""You can't sit around all the time and wait for someone to knife you, can you?"""
No puedes estar sentado callado todo el tiempo, esperando que alguien te acuchille, ¿no?Literature Literature
They try to knife me but they like me.
Intentan apuñalarme, pero me quieren.Literature Literature
I had no need to knife him, no compulsion to slip poison in his drink.
No tenía ninguna necesidad de acuchillarlo, ni compulsión alguna de echarle veneno en la bebida.Literature Literature
‘Someone attempted to knife him on his way to the theatre this afternoon.
Alguien ha intentado apuñalarlo de camino al teatro, esta tarde.Literature Literature
Because he' s a louse who can' t pass up the opportunity to knife me
Porque es un irresponsable que no deja pasar una ocasión de apuñalarmeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She doesn't look like someone who's about to knife her boyfriend in the back.
No parece alguien que esté a punto de apuñalar a su novio por la espalda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maybe Dannon had the guts to knife him and be done with it.
Quizás Dannon tenía las entrañas para acuchillarle y acabar con él.Literature Literature
The art of the assassin is to draw the victim close; makes him easier to knife.
El arte del asesino consiste en atraerse a la víctima; así es más fácil acuchillarla.Literature Literature
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