to lash oor Spaans

to lash

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


And a man who's been two years at sea should know how to lash his hammock.
Y un hombre que lleva dos años en el mar debería saber cómo amarrar su coy.


And a man who' s been two years at sea should know how to lash his hammock
Un hombre que estuvo dos años en el mar debería saber atar su hamaca


As we meet here, heavy monsoon rains continue to lash parts of Pakistan, and fresh flooding in many areas has been reported.
Mientras nos reunimos aquí, las intensas lluvias monzónicas siguen azotando partes del Pakistán y, según se informa, hay nuevas inundaciones en muchas regiones.



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Soortgelyke frases

to lash out
arremeter · atacar
to lash out at sb
arremeter contra alguien


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The sequence of events revealed that there was someone in the audience coiled and waiting to lash out.
La secuencia de acontecimientos revelaba que entre el público había una persona agazapada y con ganas de arremeter.Literature Literature
His pride would not permit him to lash out in that way.
Su orgullo no le permitiría perder el control de ese modo.Literature Literature
But then you will have to lash me to the mast.
Pero luego me tendréis que atar a mí al palo mayor.Literature Literature
You or I would be far more likely than he to lash out blindly in a random attack.
Es más probable que usted o yo nos revolviéramos a ciegas en un ataque fortuito.Literature Literature
She turns back, prepared for anything, prepared to lash out, but she sees that he is still smiling.
Se vuelve dispuesta a todo, dispuesta a pegarle, pero ve que le sonríe.Literature Literature
I bit my lip so as not to lash out and repeated to myself: ‘Resist, heart of mine!
Me mordía el labio para no responder, me decía: «¡Aguanta, corazón mío, aguanta!Literature Literature
And from her point of view she has no choice but to lash out violently.
Y desde el punto de vista de ella, no tiene más remedio que liberarse con violencia.Literature Literature
Do we understand where the desire to lash out at another is coming from?
¿Comprendemos de dónde surge el deseo de atacar a alguien?Literature Literature
Maybe he knew I’d need someone to lash out at.
Quizá supiera que yo iba a necesitar a alguien sobre el que descargar mi impotencia.Literature Literature
Just show me somewhere to lash his chair and we'll be off.
Enséñeme dónde puedo amarrar su silla y podremos salir.Literature Literature
Remember: It’s always better to discuss issues calmly than to lash out —which inevitably will have consequences.
Si no quieres que las cosas acaben mal, recuerda que siempre es mejor conversar tranquilos que ponerse a discutir.jw2019 jw2019
Later I wished that I had had binding fibre to lash her so innocently proffered wrists.
Más tarde deseé haber tenido un cordón para sujetar las muñecas que alzaba inocentemente.Literature Literature
He wanted to lash out at them all and tell them what he thought of them.
Se moría por arremeter contra todos y decirles lo que pensaba de ellos.Literature Literature
It seemed for a second that he was about to lash into the icon.
Por un segundo, pareció que iba a lanzarlo contra el icono.Literature Literature
She had the familiar urge to do something rash, to lash out, to free herself.
Sentía el impulso, que conocía bien, de hacer algo precipitado, de dejarse llevar, de liberarse.Literature Literature
It was going to lash out at her, maybe at all of them, tonight.
Iba arremeter contra ellas, quizá contra todos ellos, esa misma noche.Literature Literature
There was resounding approval at this point, followed by a toast to Lash’s father.
Hubo una resonante aprobación en este punto, seguida de un brindis por el padre de Lash.Literature Literature
He had to lash out, he had to do something ...
Tenía que atacar, tenía que hacer algo...Literature Literature
His men threw grappling hooks across to lash the ships together and form a fighting platform.
Sus hombres lanzaron ganchos, y ambos barcos quedaron juntos, formando una plataforma en la que luchar.Literature Literature
-Occasionally, Nixon found it necessary to lash out physically at hecklers.
Ocasionalmente, Nixon sentía la necesidad de castigar físicamente las impertinencias.Literature Literature
There were killers in these Rings: rapacious pirates, paranoid settlers anxious to lash out.
Había asesinos en estos Anillos: piratas rapaces, colonos paranoicos ansiosos por atacar.Literature Literature
I opened my mouth to lash out at him and smash his erroneous belief into splinters.
Abrí la boca para replicarle bruscamente y reducir a añicos su errónea creencia.Literature Literature
The chief toubob's whistling whip began to lash against Kunta's back.
El látigo del jefe toubob empezó a chasquear contra la espalda de Kunta.Literature Literature
She wanted to lash out at Laura’s accusations, but she knew it was true.
Hubiera querido arremeter contra las acusaciones de Laura, pero sabía que tenía razón.Literature Literature
Even so, she looked frightened, as though expecting Ceres to lash out at her at any moment.
Aún así, parecía asustada, como si esperara que Ceres le soltara un golpe en cualquier momento.Literature Literature
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