to leaf through oor Spaans

to leaf through

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I asked him, “Do you remember how I loved to leaf through your pocket encyclopedia?”
Le pregunté: “¿Te acuerdas de cuánto me gustaba hojear tu enciclopedia de bolsillo?”.

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Angus got up, fetched a book from the shelf and started to leaf through it.
Angus se levantó, cogió un libro de la estantería y empezó a hojearlo.Literature Literature
Intrigued and moved, Nicolas began to leaf through the little book.
Intrigado y conmovido, Nicolás comenzó a hojear el libro.Literature Literature
Sarah feigned nonchalance, pretending to leaf through a magazine on the sofa in the lounge.
Sarah fingió despreocupación, haciendo como que hojeaba una revista en el salón, sentada en el sofá.Literature Literature
Proust picked up a big black book that was on his desk and began to leaf through it.
Proust cogió un enorme libro de tapas negras que estaba encima de la mesa y empezó a hojearloLiterature Literature
“You have that on page seventeen in my memo, boss,” said Lewin, starting to leaf through the pages.
—Jefe, lo tienes en la página diecisiete en mi resumen —dijo Lewin, buscando entre sus papeles.Literature Literature
He went back to his desk and began to leaf through them until three photographs caught his eye.
Fue hasta la mesa y empezó a hojearlas hasta que tres fotografías atrajeron su atención.Literature Literature
She knew that Simon often came just to leaf through her husband’s dog-eared old books.
Sabía que a menudo Simon venía solo para hojear los polvorientos infolios de su marido.Literature Literature
I drew them out and began to leaf through.
Los saqué de allí y empecé a hojearlos.Literature Literature
He waited until Malchior opened one of the books and began to leaf through it.
Esperó a que Malchior abriese uno de los libros y lo ojeara—.Literature Literature
Mateo grabbed the tome and began to leaf through the pages.
—Mateo agarró el mamotreto y empezó a pasar las páginas—.Literature Literature
He opened the drawer to leaf through the article about Ibn Muqla again.
Abrió el cajón para hojear de nuevo el artículo sobre Ben Muqla.Literature Literature
We had time, with Morgane, to leaf through all the magazines.
Morgane y yo tuvimos tiempo de hojear todas las revistas.Literature Literature
Giscard (starting to leaf through L’Express again): ‘The shah is dead, the mullahs are dancing.’
Giscard (volviendo a hojear L’Express): «El sah ha muerto, los mulás bailan».Literature Literature
He opened one of the books on his desk to leaf through it.
Abrió uno de los libros de su escritorio, para hojearlo.Literature Literature
I began hastily to leaf through the glossy pages.
Comencé a pasar rápidamente las lustrosas páginasLiterature Literature
One afternoon in Mexicali, I had nothing to read, so I began to leaf through the Bible.
Una tarde en Mexicali, no tenía yo qué leer, empecé a hojear la Biblia.Literature Literature
Here the ancient mouse took a while to leaf through the pages.
—Aquí el anciano ratón tardó un rato en pasar las páginas—.Literature Literature
Apparently he had been trying to leaf through it with those big splay feet of his.
Aparentemente, había tratado de hojearlo con sus grandes patas.Literature Literature
That night I began to leaf through the Book of Mormon.
Esa noche comencé a hojear el Libro de Mormón.LDS LDS
She went to get the twins, and Thad Beaumont began to leaf through his BIO again.
—Yo también te quiero —salió a buscar a los gemelos, y Thad Beaumont empezó a hojear su BIO de nuevo.Literature Literature
I went up to the scriptorium and, after obtaining Malachi’s permission, began to leaf through the catalogue.
Subí al scriptorium, pedí permiso a Malaquías y me puse a hojear el catálogo.Literature Literature
In the kitchen the boy sat down at the table and began to leaf through his book.
En la cocina, el muchacho se sentó a la mesa y comenzó a hojear su libro.Literature Literature
I had to leaf through, find the pages mapping the Ashokan Reservoir, and search its borders.
Tuve que pasar las páginas una a una hasta dar con la presa de Ashokan y localizar sus deslindes.Literature Literature
I picked out a thin book with plenty of pictures and began to leaf through it.
Escogí un libro delgado con muchas ilustraciones y empecé a hojearlo.Literature Literature
He shook his head and continued to leaf through his papers.
Sacudió la cabeza y continuó hojeando sus papeles.Literature Literature
1321 sinne gevind in 34 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.