to marry off oor Spaans

to marry off

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It took me years to marry off that useless boy.
Tardé años para casar a ese chico inútil.





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they married her off to a rich banker
la casaron con un rico banquero


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This was not good news, manglis were horribly difficult to marry off.
Eso no eran buenas noticias, las manglis eran terriblemente difíciles de casar.Literature Literature
Glad to marry off your daughter?
¿Te alegra que tu hija se case?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Isn't every Jew obliged to marry off his daughters?"""
—¿Acaso no está obligado cada judío a casar a su hija?Literature Literature
‘But you say it’s wrong to marry off girls before they’re eighteen!’
—Tú siempre has dicho —objetó— que las muchachas no debían casarse antes de los dieciocho años.Literature Literature
According to religion, the father has the duty to marry off his daughter.
Ahora te hablaré del deber de un padre... según lo prescrito por las Escrituras...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Was some matchmaking mama so determined to marry off her daughter that she would sink to these depths?
¿Estaba alguna madre casamentera tan decidida a casar a su hija que llegaría tan lejos?Literature Literature
What I did was to marry off little pieces of Ludie whenever I come across them.
Lo que hice fue casarme con fragmentos de Ludie cada vez que me los encontraba.Literature Literature
Of course, the step-mum, who's a ginormous tart, wants to try to marry off her two blimps.
Por supuesto, la madrastra, que es una tarta descomunal, quiere tratar de casar a sus dos dirigibles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do yoi want to marry off your sister with me?
¿Quieres que me case con tu hermana?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After testing out several possibilities, he finally decides to marry off the doll.
Tras explorar diversas posibilidades, finalmente se decide a casar a la muñeca.Literature Literature
Now came time to marry off the second sister.
Llegó el momento de casar a la segunda hermana.Literature Literature
Henry and Caroline made no more attempts to marry off Laura.
Henry y Caroline no hicieron más tentativas de casar a Laura.Literature Literature
Apparently her mother is known for being rather desperate to marry off her remaining two daughters.”
Por lo visto su madre está desesperada por casar a las dos hijas que tiene aún solteras.Literature Literature
Cress is too valuable to marry off to someone like Lord Dalgaard.
Cress es demasiado valiosa como para que la casen con alguien como el señor Dalgaard.Literature Literature
It's just this one to marry off now.
Solo falta que este se case.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because family honor is involved, a father may try to marry off his daughters as young as possible.
Como el honor de la familia está implicado, el padre tal vez intente casar a sus hijas cuanto antes.jw2019 jw2019
It's a débâcle beyond doubt, Sir,... just when you're going to marry off your daughter Margarita.
Es una debacle sin duda alguna, Señor, y más ahora que vais a desposar a vuestra hija Margarita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Why would Alexandra Wyndham want to marry off her only child to Baylor, Grandmother?
—¿Por qué querrá Alexandra Wyndham casar a su única hija con Baylor, abuela?Literature Literature
Especially as you have only so many sisters to marry off to suitors willing to pay so richly.
Sobre todo ya que no tenéis muchas hermanas casaderas con pretendientes dispuestos a pagar muy abundantemente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Her family didn’t want her because the mark on her face would make her hard to marry off.
—Su familia no la quería porque con esa marca sería muy difícil casarla.Literature Literature
They're trying to marry off my little girl, and I just gotta
Están tratando de casar a mi pequeña, y yo tengo que...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Do you think, your honour, that a girl suffering from such a condition is easy to marry off?
—¿Cree usted, señor juez, que una joven víctima de tal enfermedad resulta fácil de casar?Literature Literature
Then Benya returned to Odessa to marry off his forty-year-old sister Dvoira, who suffered from goiter.
Después Benia regresó a Odesa para casar a su hermana Dvoira, una cuarentona que padecía la enfermedad de Basedow.Literature Literature
And this was a difficult girl to marry off, too; she had a lot of strikes against her.
Era una chica difícil de casar, porque tenía muchas cosas en contra.Literature Literature
I’m going to marry off Savannah to the richest boy in town.
Pienso casar a Savannah con el muchacho más rico de la población.Literature Literature
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