to mesmerise oor Spaans

to mesmerise

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


His bewitching melodies allow him to mesmerise, root or kill his enemies as well as heal his allies.
Puede hipnotizar, petrificar, sanar a los enfermos o causar muerte y destrucción con sus cautivadoras melodías.

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What courage this little woman had, to mesmerise these evil men.
¡Qué valor tenía esa mujer tan menuda para cautivar a hombres tan malvados!Literature Literature
your passion was sincere, but you used the distraction to mesmerise me.
Tu pasión era sincera, pero has utilizado la distracción para hipnotizarme.Literature Literature
All that is necessary is for you to allow me to mesmerise you.
Es necesario que esté tranquila para que pueda mesmerizarla.Literature Literature
The majority of light comedies of our day seek to mesmerise directly the mind of the spectator.
En la mayor parte de los vodeviles se trabaja directamente la mente del espectador.Literature Literature
First of all, he will try to mesmerise his prey and draw them to his lair
Lo primero de todo, intentará llevarlos a su mansión y luego hacerlos entrar en su guaridaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The vista of the constantly changing sea and mysterious Mount Olympus had never ceased to mesmerise her.
Aquel mar, siempre distinto, y el misterioso monte Olimpo habían ejercido una extraña atracción en ella toda su vida.Literature Literature
Something sublime has happened to him which should enable him to continue to mesmerise us with his yarns.
Le ha ocurrido algo sublime, que debería capacitarlo para seguir hipnotizándonos con sus historias.Literature Literature
You really want to mesmerise me, Charles?
–¿Realmente quieres mesmerizarme, Charles?Literature Literature
His bewitching melodies allow him to mesmerise, root or kill his enemies as well as heal his allies.
Puede hipnotizar, petrificar, sanar a los enfermos o causar muerte y destrucción con sus cautivadoras melodías.Common crawl Common crawl
�Sir, do you propose to mesmerise the audience as well as to entertain them?
¿Así que usted propone mesmerizar al público, al mismo tiempo que los entretiene?Literature Literature
The entrancing properties of the screen fail to mesmerise them.
Las fascinantes propiedades de la pantalla no consiguen hipnotizarlas.Literature Literature
“You promise that you will allow me to mesmerise you and release you from my cruelly inflicted magnetic suggestions?”
—¿Me prometes que me permitirás mesmerizarte y liberarte de mis sugerencias magnéticas, tan cruelmente inducidas?Literature Literature
Magnus said he could rid me of the visitations, as I called them, he tried to mesmerise me, but could not, at first.
Magnus dijo que podría librarme de esas «visitas», como yo las llamaba; intentó mesmerizarme, pero al principio no pudo.Literature Literature
So he wanted Delaborde to be mesmerised by his central column, to see them and only them.
Quería que Delaborde se quedara hipnotizado por su columna central, que solo los viera a ellos.Literature Literature
He tried not to be mesmerised by their plies and arabesques, and to concentrate on what was going on in Zerimski’s box.
Trató de no quedarse hipnotizado por sus pliés y arabescos, y concentrarse en lo que ocurría en el palco de Zerimski.Literature Literature
The animals and the audience listened to me, mesmerised.
Los animales y el público me escuchaban hipnotizados.Literature Literature
No, no, Trilby would never have submitted to him, mesmerised or not.
No, no, Trilby nunca se hubiera entregado a él, hipnotizada o no.Literature Literature
Much too fuckin cynical to be mesmerised by an idiot who sounds like a fairy.
Demasiado cínico para quedarme boquiabierto ante un idiota que habla como un hada madrina.Literature Literature
lam not going to be mesmerised like a stupid fan
No seré hipnotizada como una fanática estúpida.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was impossible not to be mesmerised by the sight.
Era imposible no quedar hechizado por el panorama.Literature Literature
Mr. Valdemar has consented to be mesmerised in articulo mortis.
El Sr. Valdemar ha aceptado que lo hipnotice en articular mortis...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dickens never allowed himself to be mesmerised, of course.
Dickens no permitió nunca que nadie le mesmerizase, por supuesto.Literature Literature
She finally managed to drag her mesmerised gaze from the stranger to look at her father.
Ella consiguió por fin apartar la vista del desconocido y mirar a su padre.Literature Literature
The fingers of his hand continue to twitch, and I watch them, mesmerised, unsure what to say or do.
Los dedos de su mano siguen moviéndose, y lo observo hipnotizado, sin saber qué decir o qué hacer.Literature Literature
The golden code to a truly mesmerising performance?
El código de oro a un fascinante performance?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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