to mesmerize oor Spaans

to mesmerize

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I was referring to your ability to mesmerize your staff into believing you're the second coming.
Me refería a tu habilidad para hipnotizar al personal para que crean que eres el segundo advenimiento.


" Patients were magnetised according to Mesmer's principles in a dim room. "
" Los pacientes eran magnetizados según los principios de Mesmer... en habitaciones oscuras.

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“Maybe I should return to Mesmer.”
—Lo mejor sería que volviera con Mesmer.Literature Literature
Gentlemen seem to mesmerize houses—cow them with an eye, and up they come, trembling.
Los hombres parecen imantar las casas: las miran fijamente y las casas acuden temblando.Literature Literature
Communism, considered as a science, owes as much to Mesmer as to Marx!
Del comunismo considerado como una ciencia que debe tanto a Marx como a Mesmer.Literature Literature
Let us drink to mesmerism, the ministration of the gods.
El socorro de los dioses.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He obviously relished his ability to mesmerize this elite female company.
Sin duda saboreaba su habilidad para hipnotizar a tan selecta compañía femenina.Literature Literature
And as every little fairy knows, weak minds are easier to mesmerize.
Y en tercer lugar, Luc era idiota, y como saben todos los seres mágicos, las mentes débiles son más fáciles de encantar.Literature Literature
But didn’t vampires have that ability, that power to mesmerize their victims?
Pero ¿acaso los vampiros no tenían esa habilidad, el poder de cautivar a sus víctimas?Literature Literature
He walked catlike from one side of the room to the other, engaging students, seemingly to mesmerize them.
Caminaba sutilmente de un lado a otro de la sala, captando la atención de los estudiantes; cautivándolos en apariencia.Literature Literature
Another growl escaped, and he tried to look away, but she seemed to mesmerize him.
Otro gruñido escapó, y trato de mirar lejos, pero pareció hipnotizarlo.Literature Literature
She’d fended off attempts to mesmerize her all day, but this was on another scale entirely.
Había esquivado intentos de mesmerizarla todo el día, pero este era a otra escala por completo.Literature Literature
Then it is an actuality--which means the word has lost its power to mesmerize people.
Entonces eso es una realidad, lo cual implica que la palabra ha perdido su poder de hipnotizar a la gente.Literature Literature
It took her all of thirty seconds to hook her audience and less than that to mesmerize them.
Ella tardó menos de diez segundos en atraer la atención de la gente y aún menos en cautivarla.Literature Literature
" Patients were magnetised according to Mesmer's principles in a dim room. "
" Los pacientes eran magnetizados según los principios de Mesmer... en habitaciones oscuras.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You who spout the whole line of supernatural foolishness from Paracelsus to Mesmer to Braid, say, If?""
Tú, que sueltas la retahila de locuras sobrenaturales desde Paracelsus hasta Mesmer y Braid, ¿dices «si»?Literature Literature
The stew in her hand was untouched, forgotten, as his voice continued to mesmerize her.
El estofado que tenía en la mano siguió intacto, olvidado, mientras él seguía hipnotizándola con su voz.Literature Literature
Leaders use speeches to mesmerize millions of people at a time .
Los líderes se valen de los discursos para encantar a millones de personas de manera simultánea.Literature Literature
The brightness, and the rhythmic way it struck his retina, seemed to mesmerize him.
La luz y la manera rítmica con que golpeaba su retina parecían fascinarle.Literature Literature
Elektra has the ability to mesmerize others, and as such make them see illusions or other phenomena.
Elektra tiene la capacidad de hipnotizar a los demás, y como tal les hace ver ilusiones u otros fenómenos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sarah then uses her siren-like singing to mesmerize Salem's children, luring them to the Sandersons' cottage.
Posteriormente, Sarah usa su voz de sirena para hipnotizar y atraer a los niños de Salem a la cabaña de las Sanderson.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Now you are ready to mesmerize an audience,” said Hafiz Jan at breakfast one morning.
—Ahora estás ya preparado para hipnotizar al público —dijo Hafiz Jan una mañana, durante el desayuno—.Literature Literature
“You came to California to mesmerize me?”
—¿Has venido a California a hipnotizarme?Literature Literature
Such a woman would not expect to cling to power only through her ability to mesmerize Pharaoh.
Semejante mujer no pretendería aferrarse al poder sólo por su capacidad de hipnotizar al faraón.Literature Literature
I recalled the way I had used a song to mesmerize the myrmekes back at Camp Half-Blood.
Me acordé de que había utilizado una canción para hipnotizar a los mirmekes en el Campamento Mestizo.Literature Literature
If I wanted to mesmerize you, you wouldn’t even know it.
Si quisiera controlarte, ni siquiera te darías cuenta.Literature Literature
You have to mesmerize with them.
Tiene que hipnotizar con ellos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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