to mete out oor Spaans

to mete out

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Indeed, Brazil had now made it illegal to mete out corporal punishment in the home.
De hecho, el Brasil ha declarado ilegal imponer castigos corporales en el hogar.

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the punishment that was meted out to him
el castigo que se le impuso


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So I'll leave it to you to mete out the discipline your men deserve.
Así que dejaré que usted decida el castigo que sus hombres merecen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The CNRT has also been accused of using youth gangs to mete out popular justice
El CNRT también fue acusado de utilizar bandas de jóvenes para imponer la justicia popularMultiUn MultiUn
These young fighters were loyal to Phasma and ready to mete out justice as she commanded.
Estos jóvenes peleadores eran leales a Phasma y estaban listos para hacer justicia en cuanto ella lo ordenara.Literature Literature
“And now the Good Law is broken, and you have failed to mete out just punishment.
—Y ahora que se ha quebrantado la Ley del Bien, ni siquiera habéis sido capaces de infligir un castigo justo.Literature Literature
Gone was the raging vampire seeking to mete out her revenge on Ben and Sofia.
Atrás quedaba la furiosa vampira que intentaba impartir venganza sobre Ben y Sofía.Literature Literature
(c) what measures it intends to take to mete out exemplary punishment to those responsible?
c) qué medidas tiene intención de adoptar para que se castigue ejemplarmente a los responsables?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
So Marina was left to mete out a punishment for herself.
Así que dejaron a Marina imponerse su propio castigo.Literature Literature
That’s why I’m ready to accept manfully any punishment you might want to mete out to us.
Por eso estoy listo para aceptar honestamente cualquier castigo que quieras imponernos.Literature Literature
‘It is Yehovah’s wish to mete out mercy, but the claimant has demanded judgment.
El deseo de Jehová es ser misericordioso, pero el demandante ha pedido un juicio.Literature Literature
A part of himself Zeke hadn't known existed craved to mete out that punishment.
Una parte de su ser, cuya existencia desconocía Zeke, ansiaba impartir dicho castigo.Literature Literature
You kill Hiram because you get to mete out justice.
Matas a Hiram porque tienes que hacer que se cumpla la justicia.Literature Literature
It must make her feel powerful to mete out punishments and rewards.
Debe de sentirse poderosa al imponer castigos y recompensas.Literature Literature
If the law was fit enough to mete out justice yesterday, let it be today.
Si la ley era adecuada para administrar justicia ayer, que lo sea hoy.Literature Literature
But as leader, it was up to him to mete out justice.
Pero como líder, a él le tocaba impartir justicia.Literature Literature
We are here to mete out punishment, the court-martial therefore won’t take long.”
Estamos aquí para castigar, así que el tribunal militar no necesitará mucho tiempo»[7].Literature Literature
The Commission also has powers to mete out punishment for contempt and perjury
La Comisión tiene además facultades para imponer castigos por desacato y perjurioMultiUn MultiUn
Indeed, Brazil had now made it illegal to mete out corporal punishment in the home
De hecho, el Brasil ha declarado ilegal imponer castigos corporales en el hogarMultiUn MultiUn
“The Phoenix enslaved you,” Zacharel continued, “and so you are now allowed to mete out death.”
—La fénix te esclavizó —prosiguió Zacharel—, y tú estás autorizado a vengarte.Literature Literature
Would he angrily demand his right to mete out severe punishment?
¿Exigiría airadamente su derecho a castigarlo con severidad?jw2019 jw2019
God chose me to mete out justice.
Dios me eligió para hacer justicia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We are going to mete out the measure that they ask for—and more than the measure.
Vamos ainfligirles el daño que están buscando... y más.Literature Literature
He’ll leave it to his brother to mete out the punishment.
Dejará que su hermano reparta el castigo.Literature Literature
We can't just sit around and wait for the Alphas to return to mete out their punishment.
No podemos quedarnos sentados a esperar que los alfas regresen para imponernos su castigo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Are you, once provocation is conceded, not permitted to mete out retribution that will put paid to it?
Una vez admitida la provocación, ¿no te está permitido infligir un castigo que acabe con ella?Literature Literature
So for each refusal, Commander Hickey had been forced to mete out a punishment for the recalcitrant surgeon.
Así que por cada negativa el comandante Hickey se vio obligado a administrar un castigo al recalcitrante cirujano.Literature Literature
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