to puff up oor Spaans

to puff up

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


She tied it tight, because she was skinny and she wanted her cheeks to puff up.
Ella lo ató apretado, porque era flaca y quiso que sus mejillas se hincharan.



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A tiny wound but a real one, ready to puff up.
Una herida diminuta pero real, preparada para hincharse.Literature Literature
She tied it tight, because she was skinny and she wanted her cheeks to puff up.
Ella lo ató apretado, porque era flaca y quiso que sus mejillas se hincharan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Shaunee started to puff up like a mocha-colored blowfish.
—Shaunee empezó a hincharse como un pez globo color moca.Literature Literature
His only pastime now is to puff up and polish his accomplishments.
Ahora su único pasatiempo es pavonearse y sacarle punta a los cumplidos.Literature Literature
Just thinking of the prizes her mother would collect caused Kaia’s small body to puff up with pride.
Solo con pensar en los premios que iba a acaparar su madre, Kaia se ahuecaba de orgullo.Literature Literature
First you say something to puff up his ego.
Primero, dices algo que hinche su ego.Literature Literature
Meanwhile, Gustave was imagining piercing the Indian like a pie crust that you don’t want to puff up.
Su marido se imaginaba agujereando al indio como a la masa de una tarta que no queremos que se infle.Literature Literature
What she didn’t want was to puff up in a humiliating false pregnancy.
Lo que no quería era hincharse a causa de un humillante embarazo psicológico.Literature Literature
Any longer and the cheeks start to puff up like, uh, Dizzy Gillespie.
De haber estado más tiempo, tendría los mofletes como Popeye.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They’re playing you, Sullivan, or at least trying to puff up sparse information to increase their own cachet.”
Ellos están jugando contigo, Sullivan, o al menos tratando de esparcir información para incrementar su propio sello.Literature Literature
Behind her ambassador, she saw Captain Church already beginning to puff up.
Detrás de su embajador, vio al capitán Church empezando a hincharse.Literature Literature
"""Besides,"" said another, ""he must have let the outsider win in order to puff up his confidence."""
—Además —añadió otro—, ha debido de dejar ganar al extranjero para que aumente su confianza.Literature Literature
"""Joey, your bottom lip is beginning to puff up."""
Joey, el labio inferior está comenzando a hinchársete.Literature Literature
Alex seems to puff up slightly.
Alex parece hincharse ligeramente.Literature Literature
If a great, hulking, beady-eyed monster could be said to puff up with pride, the bulette did.
Si pudiera decirse que un monstruo enorme se hinchaba de orgullo, el bulette lo hizo.Literature Literature
The real damage was to the tissue around the eye, which caused it to puff up.
La verdadera lesión estaba en el tejido que rodeaba el ojo, lo que hizo que se le hinchara.Literature Literature
The captain, not realizing he was being made sport of, seemed to puff up at this.
El capitán, que no se dio cuenta de que se estaban burlando de él, pareció hincharse ante esto.Literature Literature
Knowledge in the head tends to puff up; it is love in the heart that builds up.
El tener la cabeza llena de conocimiento tiende a hinchar; es el amor que radica en el corazón lo que edifica.jw2019 jw2019
There is also the inflaton field, the field used to puff up the early universe.
Está también el campo de inflación, el campo utilizado para inflar el universo primigenio.Literature Literature
What she didn't want was to puff up in a humiliating false pregnancy.
Lo que no quería era hincharse a causa de un humillante embarazo psicológico.Literature Literature
Anthony started to puff up again, but Mobley held up a hand, like a traffic cop.
Anthony empezó a resoplar de nuevo, pero Mobley levantó la mano, como un agente de tráfico.Literature Literature
The black hole begins to puff up and eventually turns back into a big ball of string.
El agujero negro empieza a hincharse y con el tiempo se convierte de nuevo en una gran bola de cuerda.Literature Literature
"I could feel something inside me begin to puff up as it absorbed these ""good"" words."
Pude sentir como algo en mi interior comenzaba a hincharse al oír esas «buenas» palabras.Literature Literature
Two people the wrong side of forty with little reason to puff up achievements or suck in stomachs.
Dos personas en el lado equivocado de los cuarenta, con pocas razones para darse bombo o contarse verdades a medias.Literature Literature
I’ll join Larson and try to puff up his punctured ego a bit.”
Me uniré a Larson y trataré de inflar un poco su pinchado ego.Literature Literature
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