to reconquer oor Spaans

to reconquer

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Ten years later, the Spanish returned to reconquer the area.
Diez años después, los españoles regresaron a reconquistar la zona.

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They were able to reconquer their territory by advancing slowly toward the southern part of the peninsula.
Las fronteras de las tierras «reconquistadas» avanzan paulatinamente hacia el sur de la península.Literature Literature
However, in 479 Nepos began planning an operation to reconquer Italy from the barbarians.
Sin embargo, en 479 Nepote comenzó a planear una operación para reconquistar Italia de los bárbaros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus Darius had to reconquer the Babylonians.
Por eso Darío tuvo que reconquistar a los babilonios.jw2019 jw2019
His report showed how it would be possible to reconquer it and then keep it permanently safe.
Su informe mostraba cómo sería posible reconquistarla y mantenerla a salvo para siempre en el futuro.Literature Literature
A vital aspiration, to reconquer my own dignity.
La aspiración esencial a la reconquista de la propia dignidad.Literature Literature
We shouldn’t have committed all those troops to reconquer the West.
No debimos ordenar a todas las tropas la reconquista de Occidente.Literature Literature
The Conference has to reconquer its relevance as the sole multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community.
La Conferencia debe recobrar su pertinencia como único foro multilateral de la comunidad internacional para las negociaciones sobre desarme.UN-2 UN-2
But the Seleucids tried to reconquer Judaea: Jonathan was tricked, captured and killed.
Sin embargo, los seléucidas trataron de reconquistar Judea, y engañaron, capturaron y mataron a Jonatán.Literature Literature
Maria Theresa later unsuccessfully tried to reconquer Silesia during the Seven Years' War.
Más tarde, María Teresa intentaría sin éxito reconquistar Silesia durante la Guerra de los Siete Años.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then he will use me to reconquer Athens.
Después, me utilizará para reconquistar Atenas.Literature Literature
Boys, together we're going to reconquer an empire or die in the attempt!
Muchachos, juntos vamos a reconquistar un imperio ¡ o moriremos en el intento!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vaillant-Couturier282 means to reconquer, by means of brainstorms in I'Humanite, their positions of 1 91 4.
Vaillant-Couturier[275] reconquistar, con el frenesí de l’Humanité, sus posiciones de 1914.Literature Literature
You will have to reconquer it every ten years.
Tendrán que reconquistarlo cada diez años.Literature Literature
Together they would drive the Turks out of Asia Minor and go on to reconquer Jerusalem.
Juntos, expulsarían a los turcos de Asia Menor y luego pasarían a reconquistar Jerusalén.Literature Literature
I had an uncomfortable suspicion that Nature had come to reconquer the earth for herself.
Sentí la inquietante sospecha de que la naturaleza se disponía a reconquistar la tierra.Literature Literature
The family most likely supported Dušan's Bosnian campaign (1350), in which he saw to reconquer Hum.
La familia más probablemente apoyó la campaña bosnia de Dušan (1350), en la cual vio la reconquista de Hum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principal objective of the Allies was to reconquer lost ground and to win the con test.
El principal objetivo de los Aliados era reconquistar el terreno perdido y ganar la contienda.Literature Literature
Sargon, who was at this time preparing to reconquer Babylon, was at the peak of his power.
Sargón, que por este tiempo preparaba la reconquista de Babilonia, estaba en el cénit de su poder.Literature Literature
Because the forces of the coalition are in Beyadi... 6 kilometers, ready to reconquer it.
Porque las fuerzas de la coalición están en Beyadi... a 6 kilómetros, listas para reconquistarla.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We are Jews,” they argued, “and it is our job to reconquer Palestine.
«Somos judíos —argumentaban— y nuestra misión es reconquistar la Palestina.Literature Literature
His military backing was so great that Rome had, in effect, to reconquer western Europe.
Su apoyo militar era tan grande que Roma se vio obligada nada más y nada menos que a reconquistar la Europa occidental.Literature Literature
Yes, they were going to reconquer the Earth, he thought feverishly.
Sí, iban a reconquistar la Tierra, pensó febrilmente.Literature Literature
The revolution finally managed to reconquer the country in 1920.
La revolución reconquistó definitivamente el país en 1920.Literature Literature
An expedition to reconquer the former colony was even considered, but the idea was soon abandoned.
Se pensó incluso en una expedición de reconquista de la antigua colonia, pero la idea cayó en saco roto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thirteen years the Spaniards have taken to reconquer these wild lands of the North.
Trece años han demorado los españoles en reconquistar estas bravías tierras del norte.Literature Literature
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