to sneak up oor Spaans

to sneak up

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

acercarse a hurtadillas

She ought not to sneak up like that
No debería acercarse a hurtadillas

acercarse con sigilo

This sophisticated camouflage allows them to sneak up on their favorite food, tiny mysid shrimps.
Su sofisticada técnica le permite acercarse con sigilo a su bocado favorito: ciertos camarones diminutos.

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“Ain’t nobody gonna be able to sneak up on us up here, I’ll tell you that.”
—Nadie va a poder espiarnos si estamos aquí arriba, eso te lo aseguro.Literature Literature
Do you have to sneak up like that?”
¿Tienes que deslizarte siempre de este modo?Literature Literature
I'm going to sneak up behind you in the dark... and there won't be... a safe word. Oh.
Voy a aparecer detrás de ti en la oscuridad... y no habrá... una palabra segura.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was going to sneak up behind it, but now it will probably electrocute me if I try.”
Yo pensaba escabullirme por detrás, pero ahora es probable que me electrocute si lo intento.Literature Literature
No Mahdists are going to sneak up on us, not at the Chateau de Feuilles.”
No nos sorprenderá ningún mahdista, no en el Chateau de Feuilles.Literature Literature
“You want to sneak up on those motherfuckers like a sleeping baby.
Hay que echarse encima de esos hijos de puta como si fueran un bebé que duerme.Literature Literature
"""They may be trying to sneak up on a side band!"""
¡Puede que intenten sorprendernos por una banda lateral!Literature Literature
You should know better than to sneak up on a patrol like that.
Deberías saber que no puedes acercarte a hurtadillas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I thought I didn’t make any noise, but he was a tough man to sneak up on.
Pensé que yo no hacía ruido, pero no era hombre fácil de sorprender.Literature Literature
Hence my tendency to sneak up blindside somebody weeks after the fact.
De ahí mi tendencia a atacar solapada e inesperadamente semanas después de un enfrentamiento.Literature Literature
Not easy to sneak up on a SEAL.
No es fácil escabullírsele a un SEAL.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Looks like they’re heading around the primary to sneak up on Grayson from behind.”
Al parecer están evitando el rumbo principal para acercarse a Grayson desde atrás.Literature Literature
I didn't mean to sneak up on you.
No era mi intención entrar con sigilo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We think he was trying to sneak up here to visit Potter.”
Suponemos que intentaba llegar hasta aquí para visitar a Potter.Literature Literature
But you don't have to sneak up on exercise in the dark, do you?
Pero no es necesario hacerlo en la oscuridad, ¿no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You want me to sneak up on Roy Gelles?
¿Quieres que siga a Roy Gelles?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Looks like they're heading around the primary to sneak up on Grayson from behind.""
Al parecer están evitando el rumbo principal para acercarse a Grayson desde atrás.Literature Literature
I don’t want to sneak up and scare her into having a heart attack or something.
No quiero aparecer de improviso, asustarla y provocarle un ataque al corazón o algo parecido.Literature Literature
You should know better than to sneak up on a lady.
Deberías saber mejor cómo acercarte sigilosamente a una dama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not even Tithian should have been able to sneak up on him unannounced.
Ni siquiera Tithian debiera haber podido llegar hasta él sin que lo anunciaran.Literature Literature
“Obviously you’ve never tried to sneak up on someone from the Two Rivers, Gawyn Trakand,” she said.
—Es evidente que nunca has intentado pillar por sorpresa a alguien de Dos Ríos, Gawyn Trakand.Literature Literature
Liesel had managed to sneak up on him while the toddler and his mock growls had him distracted.
Liesel había logrado acercarse sigilosamente mientras el niño pequeño y sus gruñidos lo distraían.Literature Literature
He doesn’t have to sneak up on me from behind and then run away.
No tiene por qué acercárseme a hurtadillas y luego irse corriendo.Literature Literature
And of course she wouldn’t try to sneak up on a man from behind.
Y desde luego nunca intentaría atacar a un hombre por la espalda.Literature Literature
You were able to sneak up on us without being detected by our night-vision sensors.
Ustedes fueron capaces de sorprendernos sin haber sido detectados por nuestros sensores de visión nocturna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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