to snuggle up to oor Spaans

to snuggle up to

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


On the other hand, the neutron is stable as long as it has a proton to snuggle up to.
Por otra parte, el neutrón es estable siempre que pueda arrimarse a un protón.

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Never wanted to snuggle up to something?
¿Nunca has sentido el deseo de acurrucarte?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was about to snuggle up to Cloud, her favorite nighttime neighbor, but something was still wrong.
Aliviada, decidió arrimarse a Cloud, su compañera favorita para pasar la noche, pero algo no cuadraba: el olor.Literature Literature
" Holi's just an excuse to snuggle up to me "
" Holi es sólo una excusa para acurrucarte conmigo "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's a staple of life, we all need someone to snuggle up to when things are hard.'
Es la chispa de la vida, todos necesitamos a alguien a quien asirnos cuando, las cosas son difíciles.Literature Literature
She wanted power and Ferry liked to snuggle up to power.
Ella deseaba poder, y a Ferry le gustaba arrimarse al poder.Literature Literature
If anyone was going to snuggle up to Vau and transfer heat, Mird was the best choice.
Si alguien iba a acurrucarse con Vau y transferirle calor, Mird era la mejor opción.Literature Literature
to snuggle up to what's-her-name...
para arrimarte a esa...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He wants to snuggle up to respectability, that's all.
Quiere escalar la respetabilidad, esto es todo.Literature Literature
Briefly at liberty to snuggle up to Dylan and ignore his erection with a clean conscience.
De momento podía permitirse el lujo de acurrucarse junto a Dylan e ignorar su erección con la conciencia tranquila.Literature Literature
Perhaps it wasn't quite reinforced concrete, but who wanted to snuggle up to building works?
Quizá no fuera exactamente de hormigón armado, pero ¿quién quiere acurrucarse contra una obra en construcción?Literature Literature
Batiste tried to snuggle up to Chloe, but she wouldn’t have it.
Batista trató de acurrucarse junto a Chloe, pero no debería haberlo hecho.Literature Literature
And you weren't savvy enough to snuggle up to the powers that be.
Y no fuiste lo bastante listo para hacerte amigo de los poderosos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Its big ambition in life seems to be to snuggle up to the rest of us.
Su objetivo en la vida parece ser arrimarse al resto de nosotros.Literature Literature
" Holi' s just an excuse to snuggle up to me "
" Holi es sólo una excusa para acurrucarse para mí "opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Imagine him still being happy to snuggle up to his mum!
¡Y pensar que todavía le gustaba acurrucarse con su mamá!Literature Literature
It was nice to snuggle up to someone else when the weather was getting the best of me.
Era agradable arrimarme a alguien cuando el clima luchaba contra mí.Literature Literature
Never wanted to snuggle up to something?
¿ Nunca has sentido el deseo de acurrucarte?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A barn's not so bad with a wife to snuggle up to.
Un establo está bien para vivir con tu mujer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She wished she had someone waiting for her, a nice man to snuggle up to.
Lamentaba no tener a nadie que la esperara, un buen hombre contra el que acurrucarse.Literature Literature
On the other hand, the neutron is stable as long as it has a proton to snuggle up to.
Por otra parte, el neutrón es estable siempre que pueda arrimarse a un protón.jw2019 jw2019
She was warm, but when I tried to snuggle up to her side a rock embedded into my ribcage.
Ella estaba abrigada, pero cuando traté de acurrucarme a su lado una roca se incrustó en mi caja torácica.Literature Literature
I leant against him, pleased that I had the right to snuggle up to him, to claim him as my own.
Me apoyé en él, contenta de tener el derecho de hacerlo, de reclamarle como míoLiterature Literature
Just imagine waking up in the morning with a lovely little creature next to me to snuggle up to and love.
Imagínate despertarme por la mañana con una criaturilla encantadora a mi lado a la que abrazar y amar.Literature Literature
If there was ever a time when he needed to snuggle up to Erica, it was an evening like this one.
Si alguna vez hubo un momento en que necesitaba acurrucarse con Erica, fue una noche como esta.Literature Literature
“There’s a kind of kid you know is going to snuggle up to those little friends in there and learn some tricks . . .”
—Hay cierta clase de chico que sabes que se va a hacer íntimo de los tipos de aquí, y aprenderá ciertos trucos...Literature Literature
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