to spit it out oor Spaans

to spit it out

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I spent an awful lot of time working on this dinner for you guys to spit it out.
Pasé mucho tiempo haciendo esta cena como para que la escupan.

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He brought it to his mouth but had to spit it out.
Se la llevó a la boca pero tuvo que escupirla.Literature Literature
She held her culpability in her throat, wanting neither to spit it out nor to swallow it down.
Fabrisse sentía la culpabilidad en la garganta, y no quería ni escupirla ni tragársela.Literature Literature
Rachel’s face twisted as though she’d just tasted something sour and was about to spit it out.
Rachel retorció la cara, como si hubiera probado algo amargo y estuviera a punto de escupir.Literature Literature
He looked at me dismayed, as if he wanted to spit it out; I felt terribly embarrassed.
Me miró consternado, como si quisiera escupirla y sentí un apuro terrible.Literature Literature
I ask, hoping it will encourage him to spit it out already.
—pregunto con la esperanza de animarlo a escupirlo de una vez.Literature Literature
I just want Whitney to spit it out at this point.
Solo quiero escupir a Whitney en este momento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wait for him to spit it out, but nothing happens.
Espero a que lo escupa, pero no sucede nada.Literature Literature
Michaelson seemed to be weighing up his options, but he was too excited not to spit it out.
Michaelson pareció sopesar sus opciones, pero no le entusiasmaba decirlo.Literature Literature
I could taste blood in my mouth and I felt compelled to spit it out.
Podía saborear la sangre en mi boca y me sentí obligado a escupirla.Literature Literature
Later on, it gets difficult to spit it out.
Pero luego es difícil de escupir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The sixth starts to move in my mouth and I have to spit it out.
El sexto empieza a moverse en mi boca, y tengo que escupirlo.Literature Literature
I forced Izumi to spit it out, and then I informed him.
Hice que Noah me dijera y luego que lo reportara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Just a small amount, and be sure to spit it out.
Sólo una pequeña cantidad, y asegúrate de escupirlo todo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After a few moments the animal makes the decision to swallow the morsel or to spit it out.
Tras unos instantes, el animal toma la decisión de tragar el bocado o de escupirlo.Literature Literature
It is fine to spit it out on your plate (in small portions, of course).
Bastará con que lo haga en el plato (por supuesto, en cantidades razonables).Common crawl Common crawl
“That doesn’t make it okay to spit it out on the floor.
Eso no significa que esté bien que lo escupas en el suelo.Literature Literature
" But, like poison from an adder's tongue... " I have to spit it out.
Pero ahora, como la ponzoña de la lengua del áspid la tengo que escupir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The beetle objected to this unusual treatment, ejecting enough acid fluid for Darwin to spit it out.
El escarabajo había protestado ante un trato tan poco corriente emitiendo un líquido ácido para que Darwin lo escupiera.Literature Literature
“I don’t know how to say it so I’m just going to spit it out.”
—No sé cómo decirlo, así que lo voy a soltar sin más.Literature Literature
Fish have been observed to grab a nudibranch, only to spit it out in “disgust.”
Se ha observado a algunos peces comerse un nudibranquio y escupirlo al momento con evidente desagrado.jw2019 jw2019
I fight the urge to stop it, to block my throat with my tongue, to spit it out.
Detengo la urgencia de pararla, de bloquear mi garganta con mi lengua, de escupir.Literature Literature
You're supposed to spit it out.
Se supone que lo debes escupir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Redeemers poured it into you and now your soul is trying to spit it out.’
Los redentores os metieron dentro esa maldad suya, y ahora vuestra alma está tratando de vomitarla.Literature Literature
So I thought again that he might try to spit it out and relieve himself from this nuisance.
Luego pensé que tal vez lo que intentaba era escupirla y aliviarse de aquella molestia.Literature Literature
Painful to swallow, and if you try to spit it out, you’re likely to make things worse.
No hay manera de tragarlos y si intentas sacártelos, lo más probable es que empeores las cosas.Literature Literature
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