to stick it out oor Spaans

to stick it out

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You're just gonna have to stick it out a little longer here, till things are safer back home.
Vas a tener que aguantar un poco más aquí, hasta que las cosas sean más seguras en casa.

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Think of how strong they must have been to stick it out.
Piensa en lo fuertes que tuvieron que ser para quedarse.Literature Literature
But his belief in destiny made him decide to stick it out in St.
Pero su creencia en el destino le hizo decidirse a permanecer en San Petersburgo.Literature Literature
I promised to stick it out for a year.
Prometí aguantar un año.gv2019 gv2019
Sure, maybe they think we’re chicken for not trying to stick it out for Max and Lola.”
Bueno, seguro que piensan que somos unos gallinas por no intentarlo por Max y Lola.Literature Literature
The important thing is that you're able to stick it out.
Lo importante es poder superarlos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They had to stick it out even longer on level B.
Aún tendrían que quedarse bastante tiempo en la B-Ebene.Literature Literature
You have to stick it out till death.
Tiene que aguantar hasta la muerte.Literature Literature
Some of the old timers like to stick it out, though.
Aunque, alguna vez, he pensado en quedarme.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I cannot understand how I was able to stick it out with Klaus for so long.
No entiendo cómo he podido aguantar a Klaus durante tanto tiempo.Literature Literature
"""Your trial period won't ever end,"" I said, ""you've got to stick it out."
—Tu tiempo de prueba no tiene final —dije—, tendrás que aguantar.Literature Literature
Mother’s support was untiring, but so was Mina’s resolve to stick it out.
Mamá la apoyaba de manera incansable, pero también era incansable la resolución de Mina de continuar aguantando.Literature Literature
Have to stick it out for the sake of the presidency.
Tengo que aguantar por el bien de la presidencia.Literature Literature
If he tries to stick it out, the taxes will bleed him dry.
Si intentara ceder, los impuestos le chuparían la sangre.Literature Literature
It was a moral debt, and he felt honor-bound to stick it out to the end.
Era una deuda moral, y su sentido del honor lo obligaba a aguantar mecha hasta el final.Literature Literature
Whatever happened, I had to stick it out until the end of the year.
Pasase lo que pasase debía aguantarlo hasta fin de año.Literature Literature
You're going to have to stick it out this time.
Esta vez tendrás que llegar hasta el final.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you want to stick it out, I'll help you through it.
Si tú quieres aguantártelo, yo te ayudaré a sobrellevarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First, though, she had to stick it out for three months with a crabby hockey player.
En primer lugar, sin embargo, tenía que aguantar durante tres meses a un jugador de hockey malhumorado.Literature Literature
I' m afraid we' il have to stick it out together
Me temo que habremos de afrontarlo juntosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I always tell her to stick it out.
Yo siempre le digo que aguante.Literature Literature
“I wanted to stick it out, even after.”
Quería aguantar, incluso después.Literature Literature
You have to have strong ties to it to be able to stick it out.
Hay que tener fuertes vínculos con él para poder aguantarlo.Literature Literature
I just have to stick it out a little while longer
Sólo debo quedarme un tiempo másopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Why don’t you wait, try to stick it out, see what happens.
¿Por qué no esperas, intentas aguantar y ves qué pasa?Literature Literature
I'm going to stick it out with you, as long as it takes.
Me voy a quedar contigo el tiempo necesario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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