to stoop oor Spaans

to stoop

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You will have to stoop, but don't unclasp your hands.
Usted tendrá que agacharse, pero no separar sus manos.


If the speaker happens to be tall, he may have to stoop a little.
Si el orador es alto, tendrá que encorvarse un poco.


Debbie may not want to stoop to their level, but I've been stooping my whole life.
Quizá Debbie no quiera rebajarse a su nivel pero yo me he rebajado toda la vida.


Debbie may not want to stoop to their level, but I've been stooping my whole life.
Quizá Debbie no quiera rebajarse a su nivel pero yo me he rebajado toda la vida.

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Soortgelyke frases

stoop to
someterse a
I'm not going to stoop to his level
no voy a rebajarme a su nivel
to stoop so low
caer tan bajo


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So of course I had to stoop down for a closer look.
Así que, por supuesto, tuve que agacharme para ver mejor.Literature Literature
Like um China boy better, she said, in a voice so faint we had to stoop to listen.
—Prefiero al chino —dijo con una voz tan débil que había que esforzarse para entenderla—.Literature Literature
"""The worst thing, David, is those places you have to stoop to get in to."
– Lo peor, David, son esos lugares en los que tienes que agacharte para entrar.Literature Literature
A woman of your stature should not have to stoop.’
Una mujer de su estatura no debería tener que encorvarseLiterature Literature
He was so tall he had to stoop to pass his head under the door frame.
Era tan alto que tenía que agacharse para pasar por el marco de la puerta.Literature Literature
It's hard for most leaders to stoop and wash the feet of those whom they perceive as subordinates.
Es difícil para algunos líderes agacharse y lavar los pies de aquellos a los que perciben como sus subordinados.Literature Literature
She didn’t want to stoop down and pick up those pieces; she was already tired and sore.
No quería agacharse a recoger los pedazos; estaba cansada y dolorida.Literature Literature
He had to stoop to get inside.
Tuvo que encorvarse para entrar.Literature Literature
Sure, she'll have to stoop a bit to pick them up.
Claro, deberá agacharse un poco para recogerlos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Debbie may not want to stoop to their level, but I've been stooping my whole life.
Quizá Debbie no quiera rebajarse a su nivel pero yo me he rebajado toda la vida.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lister, I'm far, far too much of a gentleman to stoop to that shower-room mentality.
Lister, tengo demasiada clase para rebajarme a esa mentalidad de duchas de caserna militar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(In these larger rooms I don’t have to stoop over.)
(En estas estancias grandes no tengo que encorvarme.)Literature Literature
Both were forced to stoop as they entered their respective tubes.
Ambos se veían obligados a doblarse al entrar en sus respectivos cañones.Literature Literature
Jim left immediately—so immediately that he forgot to stoop and bumped his head on the door frame.
Jim se fue inmediatamente, tan inmediatamente que se le olvidó agacharse y se golpeó la cabeza en el dintel.Literature Literature
We would be less prone to stoop to those things which clearly are unbecoming us.
Tendríamos menos tendencia a rebajarnos a cosas que obviamente son impropias de nosotros.LDS LDS
Dani is only about five foot two, and I have to stoop down to talk to him.
Dani apenas mide unos 1.55, y tengo que inclinarme para hablar con él.Literature Literature
I was helping Lola to stoop down when suddenly she slipped, dragging me with her.
Estaba ayudando a Lola a agacharse, cuando de repente resbaló y me arrastró en su caída.Literature Literature
They wouldn’t have to stoop to keep their feet and heads out of the plants.
No tendrían que agacharse para mantener los pies y cabezas alejados de las plantas.Literature Literature
And age, taking advantage of the tailors’ absence, had finally taught his shoulders to stoop.
Y la edad, aprovechándose de la ausencia de los sastres, había acabado de enseñar a su espalda a encorvarse—.Literature Literature
Nobody could have known how low either of them was going to stoop,” he said.
"Nadie podría haber sabido cuán bajo podría caer algún miembro de tu familia"", dijo."Literature Literature
Russou Howell did not have to stoop to such measures.
Russou Howell no tenía que rebajarse a tomar aquella clase de medidas.Literature Literature
Above all, to show heterosexual men who quite fancy a whore how low they will have to stoop.
Principalmente mostrar a los hombres que quieren hacérselo con una puta lo bajo que deberán caer para conseguirlo.Literature Literature
They were beginning to stoop as they dug on the grave and threw the dirt over their shoulders.
Empezaban a agacharse a medida que cavaban en la tumba y arrojaban la tierra por encima de sus hombros.Literature Literature
Faith was on the tips of her toes, and even so, Eric had to stoop to kiss her.
Faith estaba de puntillas y, aun así, Eric debía agacharse para besarla.Literature Literature
My height is not much over five feet and I had to stoop in order to enter.
Mi altura no es mucho mayor de un metro sesenta y cinco y tuve que encorvarme para entrar.Literature Literature
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