to suspect oor Spaans

to suspect

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

dudar de

But little by little, I began to suspect his motives in dating me.
Pero poco a poco, empecé a dudar de sus motivos de salir conmigo.


I am beginning to suspect that I am the love of my life.
Estoy empezando a sospechar que el amor de mi vida soy yo.

sospechar de

I know you don't care enough to suspect me.
Sé que no te importa lo suficiente como para sospechar de mí.

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Soortgelyke frases

at what point did you begin to suspect?
¿en qué momento empezó a sospechar?
to suspect sb
sospechar de alguien
to suspect sth
sospechar algo
Rules on the Assignment of Counsel to Suspects and Accused Recognized as Indigent
Normas sobre designación de defensor para los sospechosos y los acusados declarados menesterosos
we had begun to suspect his motives
habíamos empezado a sospechar de sus motivos
to suspect that
sospechar que


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She seemed to suspect that it could make the wearer sleep more deeply.
Parecía sospechar que el aparato es capaz de hacer que el que lo lleve se duerma más profundamente.Literature Literature
I had some reason to suspect he was not so reticent with other men, or with some women.
Tenía alguna razón para sospechar que no era tan reticente con otros hombres, o con algunas mujeres.Literature Literature
I’ve begun to suspect that during that summer of ’28 I made a kind of Faustian pact.
* He empezado a sospechar que ese verano del 28 hice algún tipo de pacto fáustico.Literature Literature
I had no reason to suspect it might send a red flag to someone.
No tenía ninguna razón para sospechar que podría enviar una alerta a alguien.Literature Literature
She is too violent to suspect me—passion never reflects.
Ella es demasiado violenta para juzgar el golpe que le voy a asestar; además, la pasión no reflexiona nunca.Literature Literature
Whatever happened, Sir Edward must not be allowed to suspect that Connor had found her.
Como fuera, sir Edward no debía sospechar que Connor la había encontrado.Literature Literature
President Clinton burst into such loud laughter that it was difficult to suspect him of an unnatural reaction.
El Presidente Bill Clinton se echó a reír entonces de tal modo que era difícil sospechar una reacción no
By the fifth buzz, she began to suspect that Craig was at the office.
Al quinto zumbido, empezó a sospechar que Craig sí estaba en la oficina.Literature Literature
If one of the bodies referred to in Article 14 has reason to suspect that:
En caso de que uno de los organismos a que se refiere el artículo 14 tuviera motivos para sospechar:EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
And I would never tell my mother or even give her a reason to suspect.
Y yo nunca se lo diría a mi madre, ni le daría motivo para que sospechara.Literature Literature
But I think people are beginning to suspect anyway.""
Pero creo que la gente empieza a sospechar algo.Literature Literature
But then big problems start small, especially if you’ve reason to suspect something.
Pero los grandes problemas siempre empiezan siendo pequeños, en especial si tienes algún motivo para sospechar algo.Literature Literature
Thanks to the Virgin, we were too ignorant to suspect it!
Gracias a la Virgen, ¡ fuimos demasiado ignorantes para sospecharla!Literature Literature
The fact that he had arrived so fortuitously wasn't enough reason to suspect him.
El hecho de que hubiera aparecido de modo tan fortuito no era motivo suficiente para sospechar de él.Literature Literature
They were beginning to suspect that I was not what I had seemed.
Comenzaban a sospechar que no fuese lo que parecía.Literature Literature
And they had no reason to suspect Madame, his mother, anyway.
Y de todas formas no tenían motivos para sospechar de Madame, su madre.Literature Literature
Perhaps you have had some reason to suspect that what I say is true.’
Tal vez tengas alguna razón para sospechar que lo que te digo es ciertoLiterature Literature
"""They are beginning to suspect... or Patrin..."""
Están empezando a sospechar... o Patrin...Literature Literature
That’s when I began to suspect that I was a secret.”
Fue entonces cuando empecé a sospechar que mi existencia era un secreto.Literature Literature
Not for certain, perhaps, but Diana had to suspect something.
Quizá no con certeza, pero estoy seguro de que mi hija sospechaba algo.Literature Literature
“I believe there are enough indications to suspect that the witness's written statements were signed under duress.”
Creo que hay bastantes indicios para sospechar que las declaraciones escritas del testigo fueron firmadas bajo coacción.Literature Literature
‘Did she seem to suspect anything?
—¿Te dio la impresión de que sospechara algo?Literature Literature
It was one thing to suspect this was the case – another to have it confirmed.
Una cosa es sospecharlo y otra que te lo confirmen.Literature Literature
He lost his wife and his eyesight, and you want me to suspect him?
Él perdió a su esposa y su visión, ¿y quieres que sospeche de él?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’d had no reason to suspect that Gwyn was somehow compromised and on an emotional precipice.
No había tenido ninguna razón para sospechar que Gwyn estaba de alguna manera comprometida y en un precipicio emocional.Literature Literature
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