to take care of my siblings oor Spaans

to take care of my siblings

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cuidar a mis hermanos


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I dreamed about my mother lying on her deathbed, asking me to take care of my siblings.
Soñé que mi madre, tumbada en su lecho de muerte, me pedía que cuidara de mis hermanos.Literature Literature
I came back to the camp to take care of my siblings.
Volví al campamento para hacerme cargo de mis hermanas.ted2019 ted2019
I replied that my only ambition was to help my father on the croft and to take care of my siblings.
Contesté que mi única aspiración era ayudar a mi padre en la parcela y cuidar de mis hermanos.Literature Literature
‘I tried to make it up to my mother by taking care of my siblings.
–Traté de ayudar a mi padre cuidando de mis hermanos.Literature Literature
"""I've sent one of my siblings to take care of it tonight."
—He enviado a uno de mis hermanos a por ellas esta misma noche.Literature Literature
She muttered that she couldn’t, she had to take care of my father, of my siblings.
Refunfuñó que no podía, debía ocuparse de mi padre, de mis hermanos.Literature Literature
“My parents worked all the time and I had to take care of my siblings.
“Mis padres trabajaban todo el tiempo y yo tenía que cuidar de mis hermanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I could not properly receive school education to take care of my siblings.
No podía recibir educación escolar adecuada para cuidar de mis hermanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the past, I've had to take care of my siblings which was a good thing because it have me the necessary experience in regards to handling children.
En el pasado, tuve que cuidar de mis hermanos, lo que fue bueno porque me proporciona la experiencia necesaria en lo que respecta al manejo de niños.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I come from a big family, so I'm very family oriented and I am used to a lot of kids and having to take care of my siblings, nieces and nephews.
Yo vengo de una familia grande, así que estoy muy orientado a la familia y estoy acostumbrado a un montón de niños y tener que cuidar de mis hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I am used to taking care of my younger siblings
Estoy acostumbrada a cuidar a mis hermanos menoresParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I worked for 5 years and sent what I earned to my family to help my parents take care of my younger siblings.
Trabajé durante cinco años y el dinero que ganaba lo enviaba a casa para que mis padres pudieran cuidar a mis hermanos pequeños.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A Latina student standing next to him told the TV reporter, "If I didn't have to take care of my siblings, if I had my parents both making money and they were both educated in a college environment, yeah, it would be really easy for me to get a 4.0 grade average.
Una estudiante latina le dijo al reportero: "Si yo no tuviera que cuidar a mis hermanos, si mi papá y mi mamá ganaran dinero y los dos tuvieran educación universitaria, sí, para mí sería fácil sacar un promedio alto.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In 1982 my parents separated, and I had to take care of my mother and my two younger siblings.
En 1982 mis padres se separaron, y tuve que cuidar de mi mamá y de mis dos hermanos menores.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I have only been able to take care of kids that belong to my siblings but I have managed to learn how to take care of kids through my job as a tutor.
Solo he podido cuidar a niños que pertenecen a mis hermanos, pero he logrado aprender cómo cuidarlos a través de mi trabajo como tutor.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I have had a chance to take care of all my siblings and I have also taken care of 1 niece and 2 nephews since their childhood and now they have grown to be very amazing and intelligent children, taking care of kids is my pleasure and passion.
He tenido la oportunidad de cuidar a todos mis hermanos y también he cuidado a 1 sobrina y 2 sobrinos desde su infancia y ahora se han convertido en niños muy sorprendentes e inteligentes, cuidar a los niños es mi placer y pasión.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Grandma and Grandpa came to our house to help take care of me and my younger siblings.
La abuela y el abuelo vinieron a nuestra casa para ayudar a cuidarme a mí y a mis hermanos y hermanas más pequeños.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I need to work and study and take care of my siblings.
Tengo que trabajar, estudiar y cuidar a mis hermanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I had to take care of the remaining cattle and of my siblings.”
Tuve que cuidar del ganado restante y de mis hermanos”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“Not only was I busy trying to take care of myself, I was also helping my siblings financially.
“No solo estaba ocupada tratando de cuidar de mí misma, sino que también estaba ayudando financieramente a mis hermanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Being a part of a big family I've always had to help out around the house and take care of my siblings.
Being Parte de una gran familia que siempre he tenido que ayudar en la casa y cuidar de mis hermanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was easy through college because I could be responsible, have my job, take care of my obligations to my parents and my siblings, and my life didn’t matter to my family.
Fue fácil en la universidad porque podía ser responsable, tener un trabajo, cumplir mis obligaciones para con mis padres y mis hermanos, y mi vida no le importaba a mi familia.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I really thought very badly about myself... if our parents are doing discrimination, taking proper care of my siblings and not taking care of me due to my impairment, does that mean I am not regarded as a human being any longer?
Realmente tenía un muy mal concepto de mí mismo... si nuestros padres nos discriminan, cuidando apropiadamente de mis hermanos y no cuidando de mí debido a mi discapacidad, ¿significa eso que he dejado de ser considerado un ser humano?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“I went from playing with my siblings, to taking care of them.
“Pasé de jugar con mis hermanos a cuidar de ellos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Though my parents had great respect for the fathers and sisters, they did not want me to become a priest, but rather to study well, earn, and take care of my younger siblings.
Aunque mis padres tenían un gran respeto por los sacerdotes y por las hermanas, querían que estudiase, que sea una persona que gane dinero y que cuidase de mis hermanos menores, tal como es tradición en la cultura de mi tierra, Nagaland.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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