to think (oneself) is the shit oor Spaans

to think (oneself) is the shit

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

creerse la muerte

verbo frasal
to think too highly of oneself to be conceited
creerse mejor que los demás [coloquial, Chile]
Reece B

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The last thing I want to think about is Steph and Dan and the shit they pulled.
En lo último que quiero pensar es en Steph y en Dan y en la que montaron.Literature Literature
I swear to God, people think their shit is the only shit that matters.
Lo juro, la gente piensa que su mierda es la única mierda que importa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I think this is it makes to the climbing - this shit.
Creo que esto es lo hace a la escalada - - esta mierda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And you think my army is supposed to watch all the shit you...
Y ustedes creen que mis tropas han de ver toda la mierda que...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And you think my army is supposed to watch all the shit you
Y ustedes creen que mis tropas han de ver toda la mierda queopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I think the term is “gone to shit”.’
Creo que la expresión que suele utilizarse es «hecha mierda».Literature Literature
Do you really think this is enough to get you off the boss’s shit list?”
¿De verdad piensas que es suficiente para sacarte de la lista de mierdas pendientes del jefe?Literature Literature
"""Here's what I think: the world is going to shit."
—He aquí lo que pienso: el mundo la va a cagar.Literature Literature
On him you think the coat is going out to shit by itself; it hides him entirely.
Pero cuando se lo pone él, parece que el gabán está saliendo a cagar por su cuenta; lo oculta totalmente.Literature Literature
I come from near Stratford, not the one that Shakespeare comes from, the other one in the London Borough of Newham, which sometimes I think is the nicest place on the planet to live and other times I think is a right shit-hole.
Vengo de cerca de Stratford, no de dónde es Shakespeare, el otro, en el distrito londinense de Newham, donde algunas veces pienso que es el mejor lugar para vivir... y otras veces creo que es un verdadero pozo de mierda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You think the police who has just walked up to the nurses station is going to believe such weak shit?
¿Crees que el policía que acaba de acercarse a las enfermeras va a creerse una sarta de chorradas como esa?Literature Literature
A horrible feeling came over me... to the point where all I can think of is shit
Siento una horrible sensación... de forma que sólo pienso mierdasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A horrible feeling came over me... to the point where all I can think of is shit.
Siento una horrible sensación... de forma que sólo pienso mierdas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I think in certain cases it is perfectly permissible to use the word ‘shit’.”
Me parece que, en ciertos casos, uno puede permitirse decir «joder».Literature Literature
I think the first step is sucking the shit out, second step is finding somebody to go down there to get it up.
Creo que el primer paso es aspirar la mierda, el segundo paso es encontrar a alguien que baje allí para subirlo.Literature Literature
Whatever dumb shit you’re thinking about doing is going to change the rest of your life.
Sea lo que sea la gilipollez que estáis pensando hacer, os cambiará la vida.Literature Literature
I think this is God's way of getting back to me for all the shit that I said about your wife yesterday.
Creo que es mi castigo divino... por todo lo que dije ayer sobre tu esposa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don’t think leaving people I like in the shit is a good way to behave.
Dejar a la gente que me gusta hundida en la mierda no me parece forma de comportarse.Literature Literature
I told her, ‘Shit, you think your parents’ house is the place to look?’”
Yo le dije: “Joder, ¿y te crees que vas a encontrarte estando en casa de tus padres?”».Literature Literature
He is white-knuckling it through all the shit he thinks he's supposed to do.
Apenas si puede lidiar con la mierda que supuestamente tiene a cargo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What, you think a mineral bath soak is gonna pay for all the shit you did to me?
¿Crees que un jabón mineral compensará lo culero que fuiste?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That might be true if you're terminally ill, or your parachute doesn't open, but if death sneaks up on you, the only thing you have time to think is, " Aw, shit! "
Pero si la muerte te sorprende la única cosa que tienes tiempo de pensar es: ¡ Demonios!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I think about it to remind myself you never know what kind of crazy good shit is around the corner.
Pienso en él para recordarme que nunca sabes qué tipo de canela fina te espera a la vuelta de la esquina.Literature Literature
I think maybe the reason people don't respond to you well in nightclubs is because of your sad-as-shit face.
Creo que quizás la razón por la que la gente no te responde bien en discotecas es por tu cara putamente triste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You don’t think your presence in New York is going to be all over the Bureau now that this shit has gone down?”
¿No crees que vuestra presencia en Nueva York va a estar circulando por la agencia, ahora que ha pasado esto?Literature Literature
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