to think for oneself oor Spaans

to think for oneself

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pensar por sí mismo

Because in the Internet – everyone is able to think for oneself.
Porque en Internet – todos pueden pensar por sí mismos.

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I have also realized that being good with quotations means avoiding having to think for oneself.
Me he dado cuenta, también, de que el buen citador evita tener que pensar por sí mismo.Literature Literature
“For the end of all traditions that interfere with one’s right to think for oneself.”
—Que desaparezcan todas las tradiciones que interfieren en el derecho de uno a pensar por sí mismo.Literature Literature
So one has to thinkfor oneself—what, in the Work, means finer quality.
Así es preciso pensarpor sí mismo— lo que en el Trabajo significa una calidad más fina.Literature Literature
Much easier it was to follow orders than to think for oneself.
Era mucho más fácil seguir órdenes que pensar por uno mismo.Literature Literature
It is not theoretical solutions she advances but an abundance of incentives to think for oneself.
No son soluciones teóricas lo que ella propone, sino una gran abundancia de incentivos para pensar por sí mismo.Literature Literature
Because in the Internet – everyone is able to think for oneself.
Porque en Internet – todos pueden pensar por sí mismos.gv2019 gv2019
To think for oneself doesn’t necessarily mean to understand everything.
Pensar por uno mismo no significa necesariamente comprenderlo todo.Literature Literature
I do not know if you have noticed how increasingly difficult it has become to think for oneself!
No sé si ustedes se han dado cuenta de la creciente dificultad que representa el pensar por uno mismo.Literature Literature
One can often hear the expression 'to think for oneself: as if something significant is thereby said.
Se puede oír continuamente la expresión pensamiento propio como si con ella se dijese algo significativo.Literature Literature
All of this had the same origin—the refusal to face reality, the unwillingness to think for oneself.
Todo nacía de una misma cosa, el rechazo a afrontar la realidad, la negativa a pensar por uno mismo.Literature Literature
That is, it is necessary to begin to think for oneself.
Esto es, es necesario empezar a pensar por sí mismo.Literature Literature
It is not selfish to think for oneself.
No es egoísta pensar por uno mismo.Literature Literature
He took the use of reason to demonstrate Mündigkeit, or the ability to think for oneself.
Para Kant el uso de la razón ilustraba el Mündigkeit, o capacidad para pensar por uno mismo.Literature Literature
So across a whole range, this central demand is to be critical, to be reflective, to think for oneself.
Entonces, a través de todo un rango, esta demanda central es para ser crítico, para ser reflexivo, para pensar por uno mismo.QED QED
Kant would define it as the courage to think for oneself and not rely on socially given rules and dogmas.
Kant la definió como el coraje de pensar por uno mismo y no confiar en las reglas sociales dadas o en los dogmas.Literature Literature
If one reflects on this one begins to think in a new way—that is, one begins to think for oneself.
Si se reflexiona sobre este particular se piensa de una nueva manera —esto es, se piensa por sí mismo—.Literature Literature
It had all been for nothing—not only the physical struggle, but the fight to be allowed to think for oneself as well.
Todo había sido para nada; no solamente la lucha material sino también el forcejeo por conseguir el librepensamiento.Literature Literature
Many people learn mathematics, but to become a mathematician is to be able to think mathematics for oneself.
Mucha gente aprende matemáticas, pero hacerse matemático implica ser capaz de pensar las matemáticas por uno mismo.Literature Literature
Simply because it is natural to care for oneself or to think that others may care for them, men should not think themselves safe from God's wrath.
Aunque es natural cuidarse o que otros cuiden de uno, los hombres no deberían sentirse a salvo de la ira de Dios.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One has consistently to think against oneselfto make matters as difficult for oneself as one can.
Uno debe pensar coherentemente en contra de sí mismo: hacerse las cosas lo más difíciles posible.Literature Literature
They most, they go beyond the common place with the most conventional vehicles and so, they are cliche ridden and Flaubert loved to collect cliches which for him was sign of stupidity, a sign of the inability to think for oneself So Emma had thought she was cured of illusions, it says we, on Page 34, I can quote, By the time Charles first appeared at Les Bertaux she thought that she was cured of illusions, Emma did.
Más, van más allá del lugar común con los vehículos más convencionales y por lo tanto, se son amados cliché montado y Flaubert para recoger cliches que para él era firman de estupidez, una muestra de la incapacidad para pensar por uno mismo tan Emma había pensado en ella se curó de ilusiones, dice que, en la página 34, puedo citar, cuando Charles apareció por primera vez en Les Bertaux pensó que ella se curó de ilusiones, Emma.QED QED
What are things to think about before presenting oneself for baptism?
¿Qué factores debe considerar uno antes de presentarse para el bautismo?jw2019 jw2019
It would be better not to think at all than to permit such confusion within oneself, for it is a kind of madness.
Sería mejor no pensar nada que permitir dicha confusión, ya que esto es una forma de locura.Literature Literature
It is undeniable that it is useful to provide oneself with clear thinking for the cognition of the Subtle World.
Es innegable que es útil proveerse de un pensamiento claro para poder comprender el Mundo Sutil.Literature Literature
It takes little prodding to take the easy road of adopting the values of the other members of the community as they are presented to us by the media, instead of making the effort to think things out for oneself.
No hace falta mucho aguijada para dejarse llevar por la facilidad adoptando los valores de otros miembros de la comunidad tal como nos los presentan los medios, en lugar de hacer el esfuerzo de reflexionar sobre el fondo de las cosas uno mismo.Common crawl Common crawl
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