to unsheathe oor Spaans

to unsheathe

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans




My opponent is there, about to unsheathe, when suddenly...
Mi enemigo va a desenvainar la espada, cuando de repente...

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Reluctance to unsheathe those swords and all they represent seems a good thing to me.
La reticencia a la hora de desenvainar esas espadas y todo lo que representan a mí me parece una buena señal.Literature Literature
We shall need to unsheathe our swords.
Tendremos que desenvainar las espadas.Literature Literature
Aggie had only meant to unsheathe her dagger as a display of courage.
Aggie únicamente había desenfundado su puñal como una muestra de valor.Literature Literature
Only then will you be fit to unsheathe this weapon in matters of life and death.
Solo entonces estarás capacitado para desenvainar esta arma y emplearla en asuntos de vida o muerte.Literature Literature
The warrior had barely enough time to unsheath his dagger before Malus reached him.
El guerrero apenas tuvo tiempo de desenvainar la daga antes de que Malus llegara hasta él.Literature Literature
My opponent is there, about to unsheathe, when suddenly...
Mi enemigo va a desenvainar la espada, cuando de repente...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He called his cult the Order of Sahanu, after an ancient word that meant “to unsheathe a dagger.”
Llamó a su culto la Orden de Sahanu, derivada de una antigua palabra que significaba ‘desenvainar una daga.’Literature Literature
To unsheathe it, you must grasp the hilt and say my name.”
Para desenvainarla debes agarrar la empuñadura y pronunciar mi nombre.Literature Literature
'It's not like the King to keep us waiting,' Lostara muttered, reaching to unsheathe her knife.
—No es propio del rey tenernos aquí esperando —murmuró Lostara, llevándose la mano para desenfundar el cuchillo.Literature Literature
He used the other hand to unsheath a shiny hunting knife, which he placed next to Acker’s nose.
Con la otra desenfundó un reluciente cuchillo de caza que colocó junto a la nariz de Acker.Literature Literature
Jack didn’t even have time to unsheath the sword before Kazuki’s blade cut at his neck.
Ni siquiera tuvo tiempo de desenvainar la espada antes de que la hoja de Kazuki le buscara el cuello.Literature Literature
"I only have to unsheathe my Yemenite dagger,"" reassured Salim through the closed door."
Solo tengo que coger mi dagayemení —le tranquilizó Salim a través de la puerta cerrada.Literature Literature
What reason did the Spanish have to unsheathe their weapons?
¿Y qué razón tenían los españoles para desenvainar sus armas?Literature Literature
And the trolls were beginning to unsheathe their weapons.
Y los trolls empezaban a desenvainar sus armas.Literature Literature
It was time to unsheath the tiger's claws.
Era el momento de desenfundar las garras del tigre.Literature Literature
Angie had no personal reason to unsheath her claws.
Angie no tenía razones personales para sacar las garras.Literature Literature
He moves to unsheathe his sword, but the other guard holds him back.
Se dispone a desenvainar la espada, pero el otro guardia lo retiene.Literature Literature
It would be derogatory for a samurai to unsheathe his sword in anger against a mere insect!
¡Sería una deshonra que un samurái desenvainara su espada contra un simple insecto!Literature Literature
I have only seconds to unsheathe my own weapon.
Solo tengo unos segundos para desenfundar mi propia arma.Literature Literature
“But you have said that you have come not to bring peace but to unsheath a sword.”
-Pero tú has dicho que no has venido a traer la paz, sino a desenvainar la espada.Literature Literature
He decided not to unsheathe his sword.
Decidió no desenvainar la espada.Literature Literature
His sons are as quick to draw their swords as an adolescent is to unsheathe his member.”
Sus hijos desenvainan la espada con la misma facilidad con que un adolescente desenfunda su miembro.Literature Literature
Engulfed in pain, swimming in shock, Riley struggled to unsheathe her knife with her left hand.
Dominada por el dolor, presa de la conmoción, Riley luchó para desenfundar su cuchillo con la mano izquierda.Literature Literature
“Tybalt starts insulting Romeo and challenges him to unsheathe his sword.
—Tibaldo comienza a insultar a Romeo y lo desafía a que desenvaine su espada.Literature Literature
I accept defeat with no white flag to wave, with no strength even to unsheathe my sword.
Acepto la derrota sin bandera blanca que ondea, sin fuerzas siquiera para desenvainar mi espada.Literature Literature
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