to wash one's hair oor Spaans

to wash one's hair

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lavarse el pelo


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In those days, it took a lot of effort to wash one’s hair.
En aquella época costaba mucho trabajo lavarse el pelo.Literature Literature
Are you going to keep on washing her hair till tomorrow?
¡ Yo también he pagado, tendré derecho...!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tomorrow she would have her hair washed by Miss Adkin, who came on Saturdays to wash the girls’ hair.
Al día siguiente le lavaría el pelo la señorita Adkin, que iba los sábados a lavar el pelo a las chicas.Literature Literature
Unfortunately, if she was going to wash her hair, there was only one solution to her problem.
Por desgracia, si quería lavarse el pelo solo había una solución posible.Literature Literature
“How are you going to wash your hair with one hand?
-¿Vas a lavarte el pelo con una sola mano?Literature Literature
The two hours that it takes to get one’s hair washed, curled and dried is ample time for confidences.
Las dos horas que lleva lavar, marcar y secar es tiempo más que suficiente para las confidencias.Literature Literature
DOREEN (Joking) If I have to wash one more old lady’s hair, I think my fingers would fall off.
DOREEN (Bromeando) Si tengo que lavarle la cabeza a una anciana más, creo que se me caerán los dedos.Literature Literature
She had also found time to bathe, wash her hair, and cut one of Iris's dresses down to fit her.
También había encontrado tiempo para bañarse, lavarse el pelo y ajustar uno de los vestidos de Iris a su medida.Literature Literature
You say you don’t have time to wash your hair or put on make-up.
Siempre dices que no tienes tiempo de lavarte el pelo ni maquillarte.Literature Literature
I need to wash your hair and I don’t want to get anything on it.”
Tengo que lavarte el pelo y no quiero que se te manche nada.Literature Literature
I' il have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink to get to work on time
Tendré que lavarme el pelo en la cocina para llegar a tiempoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I'll have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink to get to work on time.
Tendré que lavarme el pelo en la cocina para llegar a tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After breakfast, I told Ren to head off on patrol and that I was going to wash my hair.
Después del desayuno, le dije a Ren que se fuera de patrulla y que pensaba lavarme el pelo.Literature Literature
Yet he could see she’d found time to shower, wash her hair and put on her makeup.
Sin embargo, se dio cuenta de que le había dado tiempo a ducharse, a lavarse el pelo y a maquillarse.Literature Literature
Leonora warns him well ahead of the ceremony: ‘On Thursday I have to wash my hair, Max.’
Leonora anticipa la ceremonia: «El jueves me lavaré el pelo».Literature Literature
“Does that mean I get to wash your hair every evening from now on?”
—¿Quiere eso decir que puedo lavaros el pelo de ahora en adelante?Literature Literature
From that moment on, he stopped washing or cutting his hair, and was to be seen begging on the streets of Charleville.
A partir de ese momento dejó de bañarse y cortarse el pelo, y se lo veía por las calles de Charleville pidiendo limosna.Literature Literature
Were you supposed to put it on before or after washing your hair, and did you rinse it out afterwards?
¿Se lo tenía que poner antes o después de lavarse el pelo?Literature Literature
I can’t reach the shampoo bottle, and my right arm is aching, and it’s hard to wash all this hair with only one hand.”
No alcanzo la botella de champú, me duele el brazo derecho y me cuesta trabajo lavar tanto pelo con una sola mano.Literature Literature
I for one, I do not like to wash hair.
No me gusta lavar el cabello.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even with the sign, I tended to wash my hair as if the apartment were on fire.
Incluso con el cartel, solía lavarme el pelo como si el apartamento estuviese en llamas.Literature Literature
Later, in the equally tiny shower cubicle, he pulled her wet hair to one side and washed her back.
Más tarde, en el minúsculo cubículo de la ducha, le apartó el pelo y le lavó la espalda.Literature Literature
She was planning their evening, it was five o’clock—too late to wash her hair, but she could put on a fall.
Eran las cinco: demasiado tarde para lavarse el pelo, pero podía ponerse un aplique.Literature Literature
She managed to wash herself without help and to brush her hair, but was still a little unsteady on her feet.
Se las arregló para lavarse y cepillarse el cabello sin ayuda, pero seguía tambaleándose un poco.Literature Literature
The effect of this poem on Loulou was to cause her to wash her hair more often.
El efecto de este poema sobre Lulú fue impulsarla a lavarse la cabeza más a menudo.Literature Literature
754 sinne gevind in 135 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.