to yawn oor Spaans

to yawn

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Tom tried not to yawn.
Tom trató no bostezar.

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The two of them flirted outrageously while Jonas ordered the lobster and Fred tried not to yawn.
La pareja coqueteó escandalosamente mientras Jonas pedía langosta y Fred intentaba no bostezar.Literature Literature
The doctors remember that they are at work and refuse to yawn.
Los médicos recuerdan que están trabajando y se niegan a bostezar.Literature Literature
The sole candle in the room sputtered and went out just as Amelia began to yawn.
La única vela que había en la habitación tembló y se apagó justo cuando Amelia empezaba a bostezar.Literature Literature
Anne diverted herself by computing the bank’s advantage in the game and started to yawn.
Anne se entretuvo computando la ventaja de la banca en el juego y empezó a bostezar.Literature Literature
“Winning a homework pass for Quisling’s challenge is nothing to yawn over.
—Ganar un pase de deberes en el desafío del señor Quisling no es para bostezar.Literature Literature
Then he looked at his watch and pretended to yawn and Lily couldn't help but smile.
Luego, él miró el reloj, fingió bostezar y Lily no pudo evitar sonreír.Literature Literature
The men would begin to yawn and get thirsty.
Los hombres bostezaban y empezaban a tener sed.Literature Literature
This seemed a good point to yawn a lot like a tired traveller and depart for bed.
Parecía un buen momento para empezar a bostezar como un viajero fatigado y retirarme a la cama.Literature Literature
Oh, they tried so hard not to yawn in my face.
Oh, trataron tan duro no bostezar en mi cara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But laughter is the opposite function to yawning.
Pero la risa es la función opuesta al bostezo.Literature Literature
I ducked my head and, pretending to yawn, I covered most of my face with my hands.
Agaché la cabeza, fingiendo bostezar, y cubrí la mayor parte de mi cabeza con las manos.Literature Literature
Try not to yawn.
Intenta no bostezar.tatoeba tatoeba
Seeing you play shepherd to your Viennese shepherdess makes me want to yawn.
Su amor platónico por la vienesa me da ganas de bostezar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is easy to see how this works when someone we are close to yawns in our presence.
Es fácil ver cómo funciona esto cuando alguien bosteza en nuestra presencia.Literature Literature
asked Van der Valk, trying not to yawn and failing.
—preguntó Van der Valk tratando de no bostezar y fracasando.Literature Literature
Tom tried not to yawn.
Tom trató de no bostezar.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He was feeling very pleasantly tired, though he repressed the urge to yawn again.
Él se sentía gratamente cansado, aunque reprimió el deseo de volver a bostezar.Literature Literature
Just thinking about how tired she was caused her to yawn once more.
Solo de pensar en lo cansada que estaba, tuvo que volver a bostezar.Literature Literature
After a few minutes, I start to yawn.
Después de unos minutos, empiezo a bostezar.Literature Literature
Stephen, who was trying his dead best to yawn, if he could, suffering from dead lassitude generally, replied:
Stephen, que hacía lo posible por bostezar si podía, sufriendo en general de una laxitud mortal, contestó:Literature Literature
Soon after this he began to yawn enormously.
Poco después empezó a bostezar de una manera prodigiosa.Literature Literature
Willie Shoemaker looked as if he were about to yawn.
Willie Shoemaker parecía a punto de bostezar.Literature Literature
I put my hand over her mouth and told her not to yawn.
Le puse mi mano en la boca y le dije que no bostezara.Literature Literature
To his utter dismay, the group’s response yawn.
Ante su consternación, la respuesta del grupo fue... bostezar.Literature Literature
They chatted for a few more minutes, and Matilda started to yawn.
Charlaron un par de minutos más y después Matilda empezó a bostezar.Literature Literature
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