track record oor Spaans

track record

(idiomatic) An organization's, product's, or person's past performance reviewed in its entirety, usually for the purpose of making a judgment

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Turkey needs to develop a track record of investigation, indictments and convictions.
Turquía debe desarrollar un historial de investigación, enjuiciamientos y condenas.

actuaciones judiciales



adjective nounmanlike
Moreover, with the track record of mobile number outlets, can we trust them with our personal data?
Además, con los antecedentes de los distribuidores de números de telefonía móvil, ¿podemos confiarles nuestros datos personales?


Considering my track record, don't worry about it.
Teniendo en cuenta mi trayectoria, no te preocupes por eso.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

recording track
pista de registros
tracking record
registro de seguimiento
Track Records
Track Records


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A professional cellist, and one with a distinguished track record!
Tengo que entrar en J. C. el año que vieneLiterature Literature
Someone like Risen has a track record, and we can judge him on it.
¿ Esa criatura que llevas en brazos?Literature Literature
Look at our track record
No.No, ésta ha sido la peorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I told them I couldn't think of anybody with a comparable track record.
¿ Qué pasa, papá?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We have a pretty good track record with engineers,” Smith notes.
¡ Vaya, un personaje en una lancha!Literature Literature
There would be tracking records, work orders, launch clearances.
Vera no le recogio Entonces este Andrei había aparecidoLiterature Literature
You know my track record with solving difficult cases.
Bien, porque eso es absurdoLiterature Literature
These are companies with strong track records that have reached the ‘mature’ stage of growth.
Nos vendrá bien vivir en el campoLiterature Literature
UNDP has built a solid track record as the focal point for governance among development partners.
Deja ver si te entiendo bien ¿ Crees estar en posición de amenazar a alguien?UN-2 UN-2
I’ve had a long track record of working with other screenwriters.
Observaciones generalesLiterature Literature
“Not many, actually, and certainly not of your caliber with a proven track record.
La luz que brilla el doble dura la mitadLiterature Literature
The judiciary and the law enforcement services in Hong Kong continue to have a good track record.
Lo siento pero no puedo soportar más lamonotonía de la vida de la clase mediaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The old man doesn't have the best track record.
La campanilla sonó hasta que abrí la puerta...... y encontré al señor Gwynn contra el timbreOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He refused to look at any printout of his track record that was shorter than ten years.
No debería hablar de salvar almas como " valer la pena "Literature Literature
The Council may, however, decide to make allocations to Member States with no track record.
Cuando se diluye Filgrastim ratiopharm en una solución para perfusión de glucosa # mg/ml (al # %), es compatible con el vidrio y diversos plásticos como PVC, poliolefina (copolímero de polipropileno y polietileno) y polipropilenoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, there is the IAEA’s track record, reputation, credibility and relevant experience.
¡ Pero que bíceps, muchacho!UN-2 UN-2
"""Part of the time isn't a good track record,"" he said."
FIegg sueIe habIar de usted.- ¿ Sí?Literature Literature
“This resilience reflects Mexico’s track record of prudent macroeconomic policies in the context of a strong policy framework.
Si Lowenstein llama al
You don't have the best track record.
No tengo nada en contra tuyaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Europe, on that basis alone and regardless of their track record, they would be called tyrants.
Jodí a la chica muertagv2019 gv2019
The track record and commitment of France to nuclear disarmament are exemplary.
Hagamos de cuenta que esto jamás sucedióUN-2 UN-2
Our track record for preserving finely balanced interactions has not been so stellar.
Nadie se quejó hasta ahoraLiterature Literature
Herbal medicines have a proven track record.
¿ Qué, Angela?Literature Literature
Given the track record to date, I am optimistic that this Convention will continue to produce results.
Está loca, es una lunáticaUN-2 UN-2
The Council's track record in this area has, however, been a mixed one
Peso bruto (kgMultiUn MultiUn
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