treasure trove oor Spaans

treasure trove

A hidden treasure, subsequently discovered.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


It's a treasure trove.
Es un tesoro enterrado.
Glosbe Research


Tatoeba is a treasure trove of wisdom and world knowledge.
Tatoeba es un tesoro de sabiduría y de conocimiento mundial.

tesoro hallado


tesoro oculto

There is a treasure trove to be had in buying and selling foreclosed properties.
Existe un tesoro oculto en la compra y venta de propiedades embargadas.

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Deliver your treasure-trove to Dr Curtis.
Entregue todo el material al doctor Curtis.Literature Literature
The beach house was a treasure trove for the old terrorists.
La casa de la playa resultó ser la cueva del tesoro para los viejos terroristas.Literature Literature
The Black Book is such an extraordinary...treasure trove.
El Libro Negro es un extraordinario... tesoro oculto.Literature Literature
Nobody had stumbled on a treasure trove like this in a long time.
Nadie se había tropezado con un tesoro tan valioso como este en mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
Alzugaray, in whom every treasure-trove of his friend’s always produced great surprise, stood staring naïvely at him.
Alzugaray, a quien todos los buceamientos de su amigo producían una gran sorpresa, se le quedó mirando candorosamente.Literature Literature
“Lilah, your home is a treasure trove.”
Lilah, tu casa es un verdadero tesoro.Literature Literature
His fingers moved up to her breasts, touching them like a man touching a treasure trove.
Movió sus dedos hasta sus pechos, tocándolos como un hombre tocando un tesoro.Literature Literature
They will of course have to be handed to the coroner and declared as treasure trove.
Naturalmente, habrá que entregarlos a la policía y declarar el hallazgo.Literature Literature
Then he opened the door and Nina gasped, for inside there was a treasure trove.
Entonces abrió la puerta y Nina soltó un grito ahogado, pues dentro había un tesoro.Literature Literature
I read about the treasure trove laws of the United States government and of the various states.
Leí sobre las leyes de tesoros encontrados en Estados Unidos y en diversos Estados.Literature Literature
Thorby, you’re a treasure trove!
¡Thorby, eres un hallazgo valioso!Literature Literature
Another study tapped into the informational treasure trove of the Danish National Birth Cohort.
Otro estudio analizó el auténtico tesoro de información que es la Cohorte Nacional Danesa de Nacimientos.Literature Literature
Medicine, machines, death—the Chesney case was a treasure trove of explosive possibilities.
Medicina, máquinas, muerte: el caso Chesney era un tesoro de posibilidades explosivas.Literature Literature
The armory door was quickly shattered and the treasure trove distributed.
La puerta del arsenal fue derribada fácilmente y repartieron el tesoro.Literature Literature
You have a treasure trove here.
Lo que usted tiene es un tesoro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That would make it treasure-trove, wouldn't it?
Eso haría un tesoro, ¿no es así?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There, Gösta hid his paintings of Paris, his very own treasure-trove.
Ahí escondía Gösta sus cuadros de París, era su particular cueva del tesoro.Literature Literature
Inside was his treasure trove.
En su interior, se encontraba su tesoro escondido.Literature Literature
It was an exciting, tantalizing sight: another Great World treasure-trove, one that he had not known of!
Era una vista excitante y fantástica: ¡otra sala de los tesoros del Gran Mundo, totalmente desconocida!Literature Literature
A treasure trove, a glorious repository of scarcely understood Forerunner history.
: todo un descubrimiento, un glorioso depósito de la apenas comprendida historia Forerunner.Literature Literature
‘Like Ali Baba’s treasure trove,’ the institute’s director said.
El tesoro de Ali Babá —anunció el director del instituto.Literature Literature
Perhaps he had found a treasure trove!
¡Tal vez había encontrado un tesoro oculto!Literature Literature
I had a treasure trove of those forbidden drawings.
Un tesoro se escondía en aquellos dibujos prohibidos.Literature Literature
The internet had been a treasure trove of pictures of her men with various beauties.
Internet había sido un tesoro de fotos de sus hombres con diversas bellezas.Literature Literature
The flight of Lasthenes or the loss of the treasure trove?
¿La huida de Lastenes o la pérdida del tesoro?Literature Literature
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