triploblastic oor Spaans


Exhibiting triploblasty.

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The invention of the anus by triploblasts may have changed the ecology of the seas.
La invención del ano por los triploblastos puede haber cambiado la ecología de los mares.Literature Literature
All the bilateral forms are triploblastic, possessing a third primary germ layer known as mesoderm (see Chap. 11).
Todas las formas bilaterales son triploblásticas, pues poseen una tercera capa germinal llamada mesodermo (Cap. 11).Literature Literature
Diploblasts were overtaken by triploblasts ...
El diploblasto fue sobrepasado por el triploblasto...Literature Literature
However, there seems little doubt that Kimberella was at least a triploblastic bilaterian animal, in other words, an animal significantly more complex than the cnidarians.
Sin embargo, parece haber pocas dudas de que Kimberella era al menos un animal bilateriano triploblástico, en otras palabras, un animal significativamente más complejo que los cnidarios.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But where did all those triploblasts come from?
Pero, ¿de dónde vinieron todos esos triploblastos?Literature Literature
Diploblasts were overtaken by triploblasts ... Sorry, Archchancellor.
El diploblasto fue sobrepasado por el triploblasto... Lo siento, ArchiCanciller.Literature Literature
Three-layered creatures like us and practically everything else around are called triploblasts.
Las criaturas de tres capas como nosotros y prácticamente todo alrededor se denomina triploblasto.Literature Literature
And those embryos were triploblasts.
Y todos esos embriones eran triploblastos.Literature Literature
Animals with bilateral symmetry produce a third layer in-between called mesoderm, making them triploblastic.
Los animales con simetría bilateral producen una tercera capa situada entre las dos anteriores, el mesodermo.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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