truth or challenge oor Spaans

truth or challenge

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Or let's say " truth-challenged. "
El bien de la mayoría... vale más...... que el bien de unos pocosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
9 Reports that contain half-truths or incomplete information are another challenge to reaching accurate conclusions.
¡ Tengoa Stavros y a Quinn!jw2019 jw2019
Ric nodded, taking it as truthor at least choosing not to challenge her.
El CESE apoya decididamente esta propuestaLiterature Literature
Implicit is the insoluble challenge of the status ortruth-values” of Plato’s portrayal.
Los Estados miembros establecerán las modalidades de la mencionada referenciaLiterature Literature
Now Pilate has been challenged (Will he side with truth or falsehood?)
Nos casamos ayerLiterature Literature
He’s shut up in that castle with nobody daring to challenge him or speak the truth to him.
Considerando que, en su Resolución de # de junio de #, reiteraba que el compromiso global sobre el Estatuto de los diputados al Parlamento Europeo está constituido por los siguientes elementosLiterature Literature
Tired of typical first dates, Emily challenges Donald to a game of truth or dare.
Es demasiadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Such value judgements are not susceptible to challenge or to scrutiny of their truthfulness.
Y cada tarea que debas hacer se vuelve fácilUN-2 UN-2
Such value judgements are not susceptible to challenge or to scrutiny of their truthfulness
Iba a traer a mi mujer e hijos,pero el tendero no pudo darme más barrilesMultiUn MultiUn
This can be especially challenging for those new in the truth or those just starting to make progress toward spiritual maturity.
Buenos días, Rokujw2019 jw2019
This results in new challenges for society, as seen with the post-truth or fake news phenomenon.
No le gusta nadaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In truth, she was a rare challenge to any man, whether lowborn or of noble birth.
Cualquiera puede robar aquí en medio de la noche a través de la ventanaLiterature Literature
It could be a slowing-down process or a refusing to meet the challenge of new truths.
No podrás sobrevivir ahí fuera tu solajw2019 jw2019
Janet: Valery, truth or challenge?
Esa sería su temperatura cuando murió... #. #oParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Truth or challenge game It allows you to go revealing those little goodies and take advantage of the situation.
Mi pie izquierdoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Teachers who challenge that truth as summarized in textbooks may be detained, arrested, or even killed
La reducción de plazos a que se refiere en el párrafo primero solo podrá efectuarse si el anuncio previo de información se atiene a las siguientes condicionesMultiUn MultiUn
Teachers who challenge that truth as summarized in textbooks may be detained, arrested, or even killed.
si el Necronomicon cayera en manos de los Deadites, toda la humanidad se consumirá por este mal. ahora quieres reclamar el libro?UN-2 UN-2
With genuine commitment to the cause of truth, they held fast to the iron rod in spite of opposition or challenge.
Es justo lo que estoy haciendo.- ¿ La guerra nuclear?LDS LDS
Or are we moving forward, together, as a society, towards a higher and greater truth, however challenging?’
Se fugarán por las buenas o por las malasLiterature Literature
In the first example, we have: If I do not challenge (name of person), I do not speak my truth or act the way I believe.
Lo absurdo del deseo en ciernes... impotencia en florecer,: para cumplir... su destinoLiterature Literature
Because the unprofessional Special Committee distorted the truth blatantly, doing nothing to advance peace or address the real challenges facing the Palestinian people, Israel would continue to refuse to cooperate with it.
No existe el " más tarde " durante la semana de los finalesUN-2 UN-2
The applicant has not produced any specific evidence to challenge the content of those documents or the truth of the statements made by the Council' s representative at the hearing.
¿ Qué esperaba, teniente?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
One of the two parties throws down a challenge to the other: will you or won’t you accept the test of truth?
Con suerte fue lamido antes de ser pegadoLiterature Literature
o How you can apply the principles you have learned to discern truth from error as you or someone you know deals with a current decision, challenge, or problem.
Y esta es Toshiko Sato, amiga y matemáticaLDS LDS
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