tunelessly oor Spaans


In a tuneless manner.

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Tunelessly, he thought, but with something akin to cheerfulness, or at any rate a degree of positive excitement.
Desafinando, pensó, pero con algo parecido a la alegría, o en cualquier caso cierto grado de emoción positiva.Literature Literature
Aaron and Gretchen passed the bottle between them and he could hear her humming tunelessly to herself.
Aaron y Gretchen se pasaron la botella y él la oyó tararear una melodía desafinada.Literature Literature
John Groom was also invisible, but I could hear him whistling tunelessly inside the stable.
John Groom tampoco se hallaba a la vista, pero lo oí silbar de modo disonante en el interior del establo.Literature Literature
Whistling tunelessly, he booted up and watched as the program uploaded and hooked into the LPCS.
Con un pitido poco melódico, lo encendió y vio cómo se cargaba el programa y se conectaba con el LPCS.Literature Literature
Issy had begun to sing tunelessly, so I knew that she was scared too.
Issy había empezado a cantar con un tono discordante y comprendí que ella también estaba asustada.Literature Literature
The task took some time, he started to hum tunelessly, his finger on the mouse pad.
La tarea le llevó un buen rato, se puso a tararear sin melodía, con el dedo sobre la almohadilla del ratón.Literature Literature
After a pause that he spent whistling tunelessly under his breath, he said: “Hello, Miss Henry?
—Después de una pausa durante la cual silbó desafinadamente, añadió—: Hola, señorita Henry...Literature Literature
Charlie hummed tunelessly as he poked among the bottles and came up with Drambuie.
Charlie tarareaba desafinando mientras buscaba entre las botellas y sacó una de Drambuie.Literature Literature
Or how he whistled tunelessly between his teeth when he was doing something like waxing his surfboard.
O en cómo silbaba desentonando entre dientes cuando estaba haciendo cosas como encerar la tabla de surf.Literature Literature
The orchestra, which had been warming up tunelessly, began to play a rousing folk song.
La orquesta, que había estado calentando desafinadamente, empezó a tocar una animada canción popular.Literature Literature
“Memories”,’ I started to sing tunelessly, ‘ “were made of this.”
«Memories» —empecé a cantar, desafinando— «were made of this».Literature Literature
He began to draw in the grains with his forefinger, humming tunelessly as he tended to do when he was feeling anxious.
Empezó a recoger los granos con el índice, canturreando descompasadamente como tendía a hacer cuando le preocupaba algo.Literature Literature
A short while later, morbidly clean, he appeared at the table, tunelessly trilling “Melancholy Baby.”
Poco después, limpio y pulido, se sentó a la mesa, tarareando Melancholy Baby.Literature Literature
In fact, he seemed to be smiling, or at least as much as he could while tunelessly whistling.
De hecho parecía estar sonriendo, al menos tanto como pudo mientras silbaba de manera desafinada.Literature Literature
( Tunelessly ) # Love is where you find it
El amor está dónde lo encuentras.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He took frequent swigs from his whisky bottle and sang to himself, tunelessly, always the same song.
Iba tomando tragos de la botella de whisky y cantando para sí, la misma melodía disonante.Literature Literature
Musharraf started running tests on the blood, humming tunelessly to himself as he worked.
Musharraf empezó a analizar la sangre, tarareando desafinadamente mientras trabajaba.Literature Literature
I love weddings anyway. # # [ Whistling Tunelessly ]
Amo las bodas de cualquier manera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then I came down and made dinner, whistling tunelessly as I sliced pearly scallops in two.
Después bajé y preparé la cena, silbando de forma poco melodiosa mientras partía en dos unas nacaradas vieiras.Literature Literature
He whistles tunelessly as he comes, more Schoenberg than Schubert, a projection of ease rather than the thing itself.
Silba desafinando cuando se acerca, más Schönberg que Schubert, más que nada una ostentación de desenvoltura.Literature Literature
♪'Cause we're both: ♪ Best friends [ tunelessly ] ♪ And when you call me
* Porque somos amigos *OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He rode on steadily, whistling tunelessly, and apparently unaware of the menace which the knight felt.
Cabalgaba despreocupadamente, silbando una suave melodía, obviamente indiferente ante la amenaza que él sí percibía.Literature Literature
Someone whistles tunelessly until Pike tells them to shut up.
Alguien silba hasta que Pike le dice que se calle.Literature Literature
I left him whistling tunelessly as I climbed a little way up the bluff towards the site of the temple.
Lo dejé silbando inarmónicamente mientras trepaba un poco por el risco, hacia el lugar del templo.Literature Literature
She sings, constantly and tunelessly, just like Mum did.
Canta constantemente y lo hace desafinando, igual que mamá.Literature Literature
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