turn altitude oor Spaans

turn altitude

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altitud de viraje


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turn at an altitude/height
viraje a una altitud/altura
turn altitude/height
TNA/H · altitud/altura de viraje


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The indicated airspeed for this condition changes with ambient temperature, which in turn changes with altitude.
la elaboración tiene lugar en esa zona geográficaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Holding altitude, he turned his attention to what lay ahead.
Si, las espadasLiterature Literature
Savi gained altitude and turned them north across open seas.
Sé que parece que así es,... pero ¿ realmente conoce a estos otros muchachos?Literature Literature
But the vessel began to lose altitude and turned away from the conflict area.
Si no se mantuvieran las medidas, probablemente la industria de la Comunidad volvería a verse perjudicada por un aumento de las importaciones procedentes del país afectado a precios subvencionados y su situación financiera, actualmente frágil, se deterioraríaLiterature Literature
The raid commander ordered them to turn west and reduce altitude.
¡ Pero que bíceps, muchacho!Literature Literature
The night turned colder with the altitude.
Tabla # Respuesta ACR-pediátrico en el ensayo de AIJLiterature Literature
‘They could be gaining bombing altitude before turning back to settle accounts with us?’
Tu morirás en una semana, ella dijoLiterature Literature
He thought: The three-mile altitude has turned you into a faded flower with a pounding heart.
No llevaré panqueques a BerlínLiterature Literature
As they came down below five hundred meters altitude, Arielle turned on the landing lights.
Asunto: Discriminación política en Estados miembrosLiterature Literature
Lichtermann barely had the altitude to turn the plane one last time to line up with the glacier.
He tomado todas las precauciones para asegurar que todo salga como la sedaLiterature Literature
It—whatever it was—shone a bright light into the cockpit, then turned away and dropped altitude.
! Maldito Pucinski!! Hijo de puta!-? Quién, el tío Pooch?Literature Literature
He was about to give up, to gain altitude and turn back to the northeast, when his radio came alive.
¡ Ataquen el flanco derecho!Literature Literature
As they gained altitude, the rain turned to hail, pinging off the dragon’s invisible scales.
Quizá quieras ir a los estudios del FBI... que son expertos, debido a su llamada " guerra a las drogas "Hacen una comparación, pero yo diría que la Metanfetamina de esos registros combinan con la Meth encontrado en DJ Mount en la paredLiterature Literature
The Mi-26 banked suddenly, spiraling tightly to the right and losing altitude in the turn.
Debe estar equivocado, porque la vida de mi padre depende de que...le pueda llevar ese mapa al jefe de una tribu... en algún lugar llamado Sitandra' s KraalLiterature Literature
The raindrops became cloudy with ice as he gained altitude, and then turned into snow.
Antes de usar ActrapidLiterature Literature
So we have agreed to take turn with mine and give altitudes that are two minutes different.""
Toda información obtenida por las autoridades aduaneras en el desempeño de sus funciones que sea confidencial por naturaleza o que se haya facilitado con ese carácter estará protegida por el deber de secreto profesionalLiterature Literature
Finally, we reached altitude, and they turned out the cabin lights, and I said, “I’m going to sleep.”
Kinayh, ¿ dónde estás?Literature Literature
So we have agreed to take turn with mine and give altitudes that are two minutes different.”
Si las conocieras, te darías cuenta de que es un cumplidoLiterature Literature
The carpet dove, skimmed the treetops, rolled and turned, then clawed back the altitude.
Bueno, si no quiere entendermeLiterature Literature
He gained altitude and then turned back for a second sweep with his machine guns.
¿ Qué?- Nos van a disparar a todosLiterature Literature
It was raining, and as we gained altitude, the rain turned to snow.
Yo no planeé estojw2019 jw2019
Then the night air became uncomfortably cold, as so often happened at this altitude, and I turned to Kamau.
Los # númerosLiterature Literature
Ten miles out to sea, he turned south and slowly increased altitude as Giordino locked in a course for San Jose.
Para prevenir la aparición de efectos adversos, su médico se asegurará de que está tomando la menor dosis de Viani que controle su asmaLiterature Literature
When we turn on final, please monitor airspeed, altitude, and rate of descent.
Más que un rato, no más tardeLiterature Literature
“At this altitude, water vapor can turn to ice, which has a positive charge.
Quiero que la traigas todas las semana para un tratamiento especialLiterature Literature
384 sinne gevind in 25 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.