turquoise blue oor Spaans

turquoise blue

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azul turquesa

The mostly ragged coastlines show impressive geological formations, turquoise-blue sea and fantastic sand beaches.
La costa, tan desigual muestra formaciones geológicas impresionantes, playas de fina arena y fantásticos matices azul turquesa.


adjective noun
And then there are the colors in the clouds of hail forming, the greens and the turquoise blues.
Además, ves los colores de las nubes que forman granizo, los verdes y turquesa-azulados.

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azul turquesa


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Beautiful blonde ringlets escaped from under her turquoise blue hat that exactly matched her eyes.
Unos bonitos tirabuzones rubios se le escapaban del sombrero azul turquesa, que hacía juego con sus ojos.Literature Literature
The desired Mesoamerican female would possess one easily identifiable feature—a pair of radiating turquoise-blue eyes.
La hembra mesoamericana deseada tenía un rasgo fácilmente identificable: ojos radiantes de un tono azul turquesa.Literature Literature
A giant mass of turquoise blue ocean spread out below them.
Una masa gigante de mar azul turquesa se extendía debajo de ellos.Literature Literature
The water flows in to a turquoise blue pool before continuing downstream.
El agua se acumula en numerosas piscinas de azul turquesa a medida que fluye aguas abajo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast to his sun-bronzed complexion, they were the turquoise blue of Caribbean waters.
En contraste con su tez bronceada, tenían el color turquesa de las aguas del mar Caribe.Literature Literature
The mostly ragged coastlines show impressive geological formations, turquoise-blue sea and fantastic sand beaches.
La costa, tan desigual muestra formaciones geológicas impresionantes, playas de fina arena y fantásticos matices azul turquesa.Common crawl Common crawl
Its turquoise blue sea is moderately calm and shallow, making for great sailing, snorkeling and swimming.
Su mar azul turquesa es moderadamente tranquilo y poco profundo, adecuado para navegar a vela, el buceo y la natación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ceiling, walls and floor had all been lined with turquoise-blue steel.
Techo, paredes y suelo habían sido forrados con planchas de acero en azul turquesa.Literature Literature
As the nurse raised the bag higher, the viscous turquoise-blue liquid sloshed around in the IV bag.
Cuando la enfermera colgó la bolsa intravenosa, el viscoso líquido azul turquesa osciló dentro del recipiente.Literature Literature
She was wearing a turquoise blue dress, which was her husband's favorite.
Llevaba un vestido azul turquesa, que era el favorito de su marido.Literature Literature
It was a crisp winter day, the Mediterranean a sparkling turquoise blue to their right.
El día era frío y el Mediterráneo brillaba con un color turquesa a su derecha.Literature Literature
I lit my cigarette at the flame of his turquoise blue lighter.
Encendí mi cigarrillo con su encendedor azul turquesa.Literature Literature
Ava reached for a turquoise blue silk blouse with gold embroidery around the square neckline.
Ava tomó una blusa turquesa de seda con bordado de oro alrededor del escote cuadrado.Literature Literature
He shut his eyes and saw turquoise blue, the color of Sister Myra’s swimming pool.
Cerró los ojos y vio un color azul turquesa, el de la piscina de la hermana Myra.Literature Literature
Still other rivers flow over white sands and often appear emerald green or turquoise blue.
Y hay otros que fluyen sobre arenas blancas y a menudo se ven de un color verde esmeralda o azul turquesa.LDS LDS
The carpet was Chinese, a thick turquoise blue wool with a cream geometric design.
La alfombra era china, de gruesa lana azul turquesa con un dibujo geométrico en color crema.Literature Literature
Your lucky color is turquoise blue, Your lucky number is five times two.
Tu color de la suerte es el turquesa azulado, tu número de la suerte es cinco por dos.Literature Literature
I noticed foolishly that the telephones were all turquoise blue in a green room.
Como una tonta me fijé en que los aparatos eran todos azul turquesa y la habitación verde.Literature Literature
Someone forgot to tell her that turquoise blue eye shadow went out of style about two decades ago.
Alguien olvidó decirle que hace dos décadas que la sombra de ojos turquesa ya no está de moda.Literature Literature
The even tan, which Will knew had been recently acquired in Palm Beach, accentuated her turquoise-blue eyes.
Su bronceado, recién adquirido en Palm Beach, según sabía Will, destacaba sus ojos azul turquesa.Literature Literature
The water was turquoise blue, reflecting the color of the swimming pool.
El agua era azul turquesa, tal como reflejaba el color de la piscina.Literature Literature
I walked over to the turquoise-blue parasol where they were sitting.
Caminé hacia el toldo azul turquesa bajo el que se sentaban.Literature Literature
In fact Helios shone out a magnificent turquoise blue.
En realidad, Helios brillaba con un magnífico color azul turquesa.Literature Literature
The sky was a gorgeous turquoise blue.
El cielo era de un azul turquesa impresionante.Literature Literature
The sky was high and cloudless, turquoise-blue, shading off into milkiness on the far horizons.
El cielo estaba alto y sin nubes, azul-turquesa, degradado hacia un azul lechoso hacia los horizontes lejanos.Literature Literature
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