twenty words in English oor Spaans

twenty words in English

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Every word in English has twenty synonyms, no two of which are exactly alike in meaning.”
El pasado 31 de agosto, formulé una pregunta prioritaria a la Comisión.Literature Literature
A mere eighteen words of code and twenty-two in English to pass.
Déjame manejarloLiterature Literature
If we counted, and found that twenty percent of the words in Milton's English seemed unfamiliar to us, what fraction of Chaucer's English would Shakespeare's audiences have recognized?
No.¿ Bruner nunca estableció tutela legal de Raymond?QED QED
At twenty-one minutes we hit something, a couple of words in English.
D? pienso que voy a serlo Out sick durante varios días. usted que piensa Voy a necesitar la nota de un médico?Literature Literature
c) The title, up to twenty words, in English, must be to the point.
Estimada señora BrawneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you wish to rhyme one word with another in English, there are usually ten to twenty alternatives.
No entendí el apellidoLiterature Literature
The sons are in their twenties; neither has been to England or speaks a word of English.
Bien, dejame corregir, donde está el arma?Literature Literature
In no English-language dictionary, for example, will we find an entry for the word twenty-three.
Motivos y principales alegacionesLiterature Literature
It is a simple programming challenge to convert a number into words (at least in English), like "1325" becoming "one thousand three hundred twenty-five."
No tenemos prueba acerca de que eso esté claroWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
c) The title, up to twenty words, in Portuguese and English, must be to the point.
Los pacientes deben estar adecuadamente hidratados y debe considerarse la monitorización de la función renal después del comienzo de la terapia concomitante y periodicamente despuésParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is a corpus of English and Spanish clinical trials. It consists of twenty-five clinical trials written in English (74,488 words) and another twenty-five written in Spanish (92,604 words). It was compiled to analyse and contrast the rhetorical and lexico-grammatical structure of the genre.
todos los productores de electricidad y empresas de suministro eléctrico establecidos en su territorio suministren electricidad mediante una línea directa a sus propias instalaciones, filiales y clientes cualificadosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In paragraph # of the draft resolution, at the end of page # of the English version of the report, the words “main part of its fifty-eighth session” at the end of the paragraph, should be changed to, “twenty-sixth session of the Committee on Information”
que se hayan producido utilizando métodos comúnmente aceptados con objeto de mantener la identidad de una variedad incluidas las características pertinentes relativas al valor pomológico que se puedan establecer con arreglo al procedimiento previsto en el artículo #, así como con vistas a la prevención de enfermedadesMultiUn MultiUn
In paragraph 82 of the draft resolution, at the end of page 16 of the English version of the report, the words “main part of its fifty-eighth session” at the end of the paragraph, should be changed to, “twenty-sixth session of the Committee on Information”.
Gail Chávez, la compañera de BetsyUN-2 UN-2
The same wording appears with regard to the same point in the (French and German versions of) the twenty-second recital in the preamble to Regulation No 823/87 ( afin de conserver le caractère qualitatif particulier ... / zur Erhaltung des besonderen qualitativen Charakters... , rendered in the English version as in order to preserve the particular quality characteristics ...
Tal vez esté así por el calorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An attractive set of 36 tiny bilingual books to help children learn the alphabet and the numbers — in Portuguese and in English. Twenty-six tiny books represent the alphabet, each with a letter and two words — one in Portuguese and another in English — that are spelled beginning with such letter; and ten tiny books correspond to numbers
Escuchen estoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is a simple programming challenge to convert a number into words (at least in English), like "1325" becoming "one thousand three hundred twenty-five."
Prométeme que lo comerás antes que se enfríeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
According to the web version of the Oxford Dictionary (Oxford Dictionary), to which it was added just last year, even though it was around for about twenty years, the English word "twerk", of uncertain origin means: "dance music popular in a sexually provocative manner involving the hip thrust movements in a squatting position".
¿ qué crees?- Es un SrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We had a big board with squares and with virtual dice, they had to reach a square, doing different tests to stay there, such as drawing an object on a whiteboard with their mouths and the rest had to guess what it was, saying twenty words in a minute that begin with a certain letter in English, answer riddles, shoot three free baskets in a minute or hum famous songs.
Pues, no lo esParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
What I may not have told you is that because I moved to Canada close to twenty-two years ago there are certain words that I only learned as an adult, in English, and I have no clue how to translate them into Spanish without the aid of a dictionary.
Alguien que tiene la respuestaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Three hundred and twenty-one consecutive days of writing, often until the wee hours of the night, more than three hundred and forty thousand words of English prose (just in case of being international since the beginning), and a story that I’ve been planning almost from my adolescence, finally reflected on a colossal text file of almost two megabytes.
El squadron de la superficie no parece parecerce a ninguna maquina de guerra de CylonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We have told stories for almost twenty years, we know that the children are carried away by the music of the language, and the gestures of the narrator help them grasp the story although they don ́t understand all the words in english.
¡ Qué mentiras tan poco dulces!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The word ’otherhood’ (in the same way in which types of plants usually do) was born in many different places at the same time (one of them in the UK, twenty years ago when my partner started using it). I have been hearing it for some time both in Spanish and in English speaking contexts.
Digo, demonios, tus padres estaban divorciándose y de algún modo...... te las apañaste para convertirte en un doctor relativamente exitoso y...... estoy seguro de quealguien... en alguna parte...... está orgulloso de llamarte su hijo.- ¿ Estarías orgulloso de ser mi padre?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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