ulnar artery oor Spaans

ulnar artery

large artery that branches from the brachial artery to supply the muscles of the forearm and wrist and hand

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arteria ulnar


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ulnar recurrent artery
Arteria recurrente cubital
inferior ulnar collateral artery
arteria colateral cubital inferior


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Radial and ulnar arteries were both severed.
Las arterias radial y cubital fueron seccionadas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For the more common scenario of chronic, progressive occlusion, the involved segment of ulnar artery should be resected.
Para la situación crónica común, la oclusión progresiva, debe extirparse el segmento de arteria cubital afectado.Literature Literature
The nurse compresses the radial and ulnar arteries simultaneously, causing the hand to blanch.
El personal comprime las arterias radial y cubital al mismo tiempo, lo que hace que la mano palidezca.Literature Literature
The ulnar artery may be cannulated if the radial artery provides adequate collateral flow.
La arteria cubital puede canularse si la arteria radial proporciona un flujo colateral adecuado.Literature Literature
The deep branch of the ulnar artery anastomoses with the medial part of the deep palmar arch. 2.
La rama profunda de la arteria cubital se anastomosa con la porción medial del arco palmar profundo. 2.Literature Literature
At the elbow, the brachial artery splits to form the radial and ulnar arteries, which serve the forearm.
En el codo, la arteria braquial se divide para formar las arterias radial y cubital, que nutren el antebrazo.Literature Literature
If an aberrant ulnar artery is mistaken for a vein, it may be damaged and produce bleeding.
Si se confunde la arteria ulnar aberrante con una vena, puede lesionarse y provocar una hemorragia.Literature Literature
They begin with a short common interosseous artery branching from the upper end of the ulnar artery.
Empiezan con una arteria interósea primitiva corta que se ramifica a partir del extremo superior de la arteria cubital.Literature Literature
Pulsations of a superficial ulnar artery can be felt and may be visible.
Las pulsaciones de una arteria ulnar superficial pueden notarse y es posible que sean visibles.Literature Literature
Sometimes, it is helpful to use the ulnar artery, which is located more distally, as reference.
En ocasiones conviene tomar como referencia la arteria cubital, que está en posición más distal.Literature Literature
Near the elbow joint it divides into the radial and ulnar arteries, which supply the forearm.
Cerca del codo se divide en las arterias cubital y radial, que abastecen el antebrazo.Literature Literature
The cubital tunnel contains the ulnar nerve and the recurrent ulnar artery and vein.
El túnel del cúbito contiene el nervio cubital y la arteria y la vena cubital recurrente.Literature Literature
C.O.D.'s exsanguination due to bisection of the right wrist, rupturing the radial and ulnar arteries.
La causa de muerte es desangramiento... debido a la bisección de la muñeca derecha... perforando las arterias radiales y ulnares.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It got the ulnar artery, which is why you lost so much blood.
—Ha alcanzado la arteria ulnar, por eso has perdido tanta sangre.Literature Literature
Fortunately for the victim, the blade severed the radial and ulnar arteries.
Por suerte para la víctima, la hoja seccionó las arterias radial y ulnar.Literature Literature
It had just missed the ulnar artery.
Por poco le había cortado la arteria ulnar.Literature Literature
The ulnar artery may also be damaged when the hamate is fractured.
La arteria ulnar también puede lesionarse cuando se fractura el ganchoso.Literature Literature
Vasospasm in the ulnar artery would explain the hand.
Vasoespasmos en la arteria cubital explicarían la mano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The deep branch of the ulnar nerve and a small branch of the ulnar artery pass distally through this canal.
La rama profunda del nervio cubital y una pequeña rama de la arteria cubital pasan con dirección distal por este canal.Literature Literature
The TCL is also the floor of the ulnar tunnel, or Guyon's canal, passing dorsal to the ulnar artery and nerve.
El TCL también forma el piso del túnel cubital o conducto de Guyon, que pasa dorsal a la arteria y nervio cubitales.Literature Literature
The radial and ulnar arteries arise from the brachial artery in the cubital fossa and supply the forearm and hand. 1.
Las arterias radial y cubital proceden de la arteria braquial en la fosa cubital e irrigan al antebrazo y la mano. 1.Literature Literature
The deep palmar arch is fed mainly by the radial artery and the superficial palmar arch mainly by the ulnar artery.
El arco palmar profundo se alimenta sobre todo de la arteria radial; el arco palmar superficial, de la arteria cubital.Literature Literature
She had selected the longest, most daggerlike shard and used it to sever the radial and ulnar arteries of her left arm.
Había tomado el vidrio más largo y afilado para cortarse las arterias del radio y del cubito de su brazo izquierdo.Literature Literature
The proper palmar digital artery for the medial side of the little finger arises directly from the ulnar artery deep to the palmaris brevis muscle, but the rest arise from the common palmar digital arteries.
La arteria digital palmar para el lado medial del dedo meñique nace directamente de la arteria cubital a la profundidad del músculo palmar corto, aunque el resto nacen de las arterias digitales palmares comunes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ulnar digital artery of the small finger comes off as a separate branch from the superficial arch.
La arteria digital cubital del dedo meñique proviene de una rama separada del arco superficial.Literature Literature
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