under full sail oor Spaans

under full sail

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

a toda vela

If we enter that storm under full sail, it may become impossible to take the canvas in.
Si entramos en esa tempestad a toda vela, puede que resulte imposible recoger el velamen.

bajo todas las velas


con todas velas


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After that he utterly devoted his hands and attention to a pair of galleons under full sail.
Tras lo cual dedicaba sus manos y su atención a un par de galeones, a toda vela.Literature Literature
If we enter that storm under full sail, it may become impossible to take the canvas in.
Si entramos en esa tempestad a toda vela, puede que resulte imposible recoger el velamen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I’ve come under full sail,” the Vanguardsman said, “and will leave the same way.”
—He venido a toda vela —dijo el vanguardiano— y me marcharé de igual modo.Literature Literature
He thought of the brig Lord Egmont and pictured her under full sail, heading for the Rock.
Pensó en el bergantín Lord Egmont y se lo imaginó a toda vela y con rumbo al Peñón.Literature Literature
He threw open a window and pointed to an English fleet entering the port under full sail.
Abrió violentamente una ventana y señaló con la mano la flota inglesa que entraba a velas desplegadas en el puerto.Literature Literature
The house around her had felt like a ship running under full sail against a relentless storm.
La casa, donde ella se encerró, parecía un barco navegando a toda vela en medio de una despiadada tormenta.Literature Literature
By 1999, the Spanish fleet was once again under full sail.
Hacía 1999, la flota española iba de nuevo viento en popa.Common crawl Common crawl
The last two Frenchmen were already under full sail.
Los dos últimos buques franceses navegaban ya a toda vela.Literature Literature
Through the smoky, rippled lens he saw the three masts under full sail moving south.
A través de la cóncava lente ahumada, vio los tres mástiles moviéndose hacia el sur a toda vela.Literature Literature
The ships trying to maintain Broughton's fixed formation under full sail.
Los barcos a toda vela tratando de mantener la rígida formación de Broughton.Literature Literature
As the British ships approached the harbor under full sail, their crews set them on fire and evacuated.
Cuando las naves británicas se acercaron al puerto a toda vela, su tripulación les prendió fuego y las evacuó.Literature Literature
This time, she entered of her own volition, sweeping in like a galleon under full sail.
Esa vez, Alicia entró por voluntad propia, como un galeón que navegara a toda vela.Literature Literature
When the storm blew from astern, the Danish ships flew to the southwest under full sails.
Cuando la tormenta soplaba de popa, los barcos daneses giraban hacia el suroeste con las velas llenas.Literature Literature
He couldn’t explain why the Terror wasn’t under full sail.
Él no podía explicar por qué el Terror no estaba a toda vela.Literature Literature
If I had billowed out like a schooner under full sail, I might've shivered his timbers.
Si me hubiera hinchado como las velas de una goleta, podría haber hecho temblar su maderamen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I look like a ship under full sail.
—Parezco un barco a toda vela.Literature Literature
In the distance, a ship under full sail seemed to skim the water as it made for Plymouth.
En la distancia, un velero con todas sus velas desplegadas se deslizaba sobre las aguas de camino a Plymouth.Literature Literature
A puapua under full sail
Un puapua con las velas desplegadasjw2019 jw2019
His first instinct had been to race for China under full sail, immediately.
Su primera intención había sido zarpar a toda vela hacia China, inmediatamente.Literature Literature
He went up on deck to find they were traveling northeast under full sail.
Al subir a la cubierta descubrió que estaban viajando hacia el nordeste a toda vela.Literature Literature
“I’m as big as a galleon under full sail.
Soy grande como un galeón a toda vela.Literature Literature
We were still under full sail in the hope of even now being able to steer clear.
Todavía andábamos con toda la vela, en la esperanza de podernos zafar en el último momento.Literature Literature
"""They planned to seize one of the brigantines and make their way back to Cuba under full sail."
—Tenían la intención de hacerse con uno de los bergantines y navegar a toda vela de regreso a Cuba.Literature Literature
Several of them pushed through the throng to meet Treatle, moving like gold-trimmed galleons under full sail.
Varios de ellos salieron de entre la gente para recibir a Treatle, moviéndose como galeones a todo trapo.Literature Literature
She was like a ship under full sail, gliding along the passage as though she glided on water.
Era como un barco a toda vela que surcaba el pasillo como si estuviera navegando en el mar.Literature Literature
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