underreporting oor Spaans


Present participle of underreport.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


However, it also stated that the Ministry itself recognized that abortion was underreported.
Sin embargo, también se declara que el propio Ministerio manifiesta que existe subregistro.
UN term

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underreporting of rape
violaciones que no se denuncian


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(b) The underreporting of violence against women by victims, the low numbers of prosecutions and convictions of perpetrators and the limited application of protection orders by the police, in particular in cases of sexual violence;
En los cuatro ensayos controlados con placebo los hazard ratios (índice de riesgo) para la supervivencia global oscilaron entre # y # a favor de los grupos controlUN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, while commending the adoption of the National Strategy for Prevention and Protection from Family Violence 2012–2015 and the National Coordination Body for the Prevention and Protection from Family Violence, the Committee expresses its concern about the increasing incidence of all forms of violence which are underreported, in particular psychological, physical and sexual violence against women and girls; the limited use of protection orders; the limited number of State-run shelters and the lack of data on violence against women.
Abarca los principales aspectos del comercio de bienes y servicios (barreras aduaneras y no aduaneras, medidas de protección comercial, especialmente en los casos de dumping y subvenciones, créditos de exportación) y los importantes aspectos de la propiedad intelectual, la inversión y la competenciaUN-2 UN-2
In an effort to draw media and public attention to important issues and crisis situations that often remain underreported, the Department launched a new project in April 2004, entitled “Ten stories the world should hear more about”.
No nos hacen falta, compraremos unas nuevasUN-2 UN-2
WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA adjusted MMR is 420, which is adjusted for misclassification and underreporting.
¿ Cómo es que tienes cerillas y mechero?UN-2 UN-2
However, it is necessary to encourage adherence to the national epidemiological surveillance protocol and to improve notification in the primary institutions to avoid underreporting.
¿ Tienes el dinero?scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
These crimes are receiving increased attention, but remain underreported and under-documented
Haría análisis de sangre...... tipo y factor, tomografía de cabeza y cuelloMultiUn MultiUn
It affords visual testimony of events that continue to go unreported, or underreported, in mainstream media.
En caso de que la divulgación pudiera afectar negativamente a la confidencialidad de la información comercial o industrial de la organización cuando dicha confidencialidad esté prevista por la legislación nacional o comunitaria a fin de proteger intereses económicos legítimos, se podrá permitir a la organización incluir dicha información en sus informes, por ejemplo, mediante el establecimiento de un año de referencia (con el número de índice #) a partir del cual aparecería el desarrollo del impacto/consumo realglobalvoices globalvoices
A 2005 UNIFEM report explained that given the extent of underreporting, very little can be concluded from police records on the prevalence of violence against women.
Sí, es mío ¿ por qué?UN-2 UN-2
In considering its programme of work, the Conference may wish to take into consideration the issue of means of collecting information on the implementation of the Convention and the Protocols and the continuing difficulties apparently encountered by States in providing such information, which has resulted in persisting underreporting.
Se detienen, estacionan el autobús y bajan a # jubiladosUN-2 UN-2
The survey revealed that a few imports of HCFCs in 2009 had not been reported, which had resulted in the underreporting of the party’s HCFC consumption for that year by 0.81 metric tonnes.
¡ Ayuda!Fui atacadaUN-2 UN-2
However, violations are thought to be largely underreported because of lack of access and limited monitoring capacity on the ground.
Perdona, pense que dijiste plana del pechoUN-2 UN-2
Cases of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS, are often underreported.
Vaya al final del trenUN-2 UN-2
HIV/AIDS has yet to be recognized as a serious threat by the society, and cases are greatly underreported.
¿ Y en la bifurcación?UN-2 UN-2
Deaths were adjusted by adopting WHO-recommended Bennett-Horiuchi methodology for accounting for underreporting.
En el segundo semestre de # se animará a la comunidad científica a participar en el taller sobre el experimento internacional de detección de gases nobles, en el que se recabarán y debatirán las ideas de la comunidad científica sobre este asuntoscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
However, the increase in core resources in # may have also been influenced by significant innovations in the way contributions to core resources have been computed in the United Nations statistics for operational activities for development, reducing past forms of underreporting
Sociedad prestamista socio establecida en un tercer paísMultiUn MultiUn
Luxembourg was one Member State that appeared to be grossly underreporting the amount of waste shipped out.
Los tipos de cambio utilizados para el cálculo de estas retribuciones se fijan con arreglo a las normas de desarrollo del Reglamento financiero y corresponden a las fechas mencionadas en el párrafo primeroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned that abuse and ill treatment of children are underreported.
Eso te excluye, NellyUN-2 UN-2
The evidence also suggests that the seriousness of the problem and the extent to which it is transnational in nature are often underreported and underestimated.
Reglamento (CE) no #/# de la Comisión, de # de febrero de #, por el que se establecen valores globales de importación para la determinación del precio de entrada de determinadas frutas y hortalizasUN-2 UN-2
According to a # study by Ana Silvia Monzón of ONAM reviewing State policies with regard to women and work, for the # per cent of women who live in rural areas, agriculture is the activity in which their employment is most underreported
Tambien es cruel del Sacerdote Takuan!MultiUn MultiUn
Incomplete data were 3.7% of the total, with no evidence of systematic underreporting.
Entonces, moriránspringer springer
Deeply concerned also that violence against women and girls is underrecognized, particularly at the community level, and underreported or unrecorded as a result of stigma, fear, social tolerance and the often illegal and covert nature of such activities,
Estuvo casado, pero su esposa murió trajicamenteUN-2 UN-2
Sexual violence against children in the three areas continued to be underreported in 2013 owing to limited monitoring capacity and victims’ fear of stigmatization.
No lo sé, BillieUN-2 UN-2
The situation was aggravated by social inequalities and financial hardships and the underreporting of the problem
Bueno, está feliz de haberse reunido con Torren y conmigo... pero tiene problemas de adaptación a la vida en AtlantisMultiUn MultiUn
E. Disappearance and underreporting of cases
¡ Escucha, a patadas lo correré de aqui!MultiUn MultiUn
Underreporting of wages adds to the problem of low tax collection.
¿ Podría beber una copa, por favor?Ya que estoy aquíeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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