unsigned integer oor Spaans

unsigned integer

A data type that can only hold a whole number with a value greater than, or equal to, zero. In this implementation, the maximum value that an unsigned integer can hold is 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

entero sin signo

A data type that can only hold a whole number with a value greater than, or equal to, zero. In this implementation, the maximum value that an unsigned integer can hold is 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).
Two sizes were taken as signed integers from a request and then cast to unsigned integers without checking for negative numbers.
Se tomaban dos tamaños como enteros con signo desde una petición y se podía convertir a entero sin signo sin comprobar los números negativos.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Here’s a quick overview of the status flags. • The Carry flag indicates unsigned integer overflow.
Quizá te cueste creerlo...... pero aquí hay tipos que no me aprecian mucho.- ¿ A usted director?Literature Literature
The two bytes in the operand field are taken as unsigned integers.
Conozco un lugar lindo y apartado que queda cercaLiterature Literature
When adding unsigned integers, the carry flag indicates an overflow occurred.
Ziro el Hutt fue extraído durante una toma de rehenesLiterature Literature
It shall be interpreted as an unsigned integer field number.
No, por mucho más que esoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This instruction is only used with unsigned integers.
¿ Te las vas acortar en serio?Literature Literature
This is some form of unsigned integer and it is defined by <cstring>.
Muy bien.No te dejaste nada fueraLiterature Literature
Storing the information as unsigned-integer arrays reduces the storage requirement dramatically.
No va a hablarLiterature Literature
The instruction compares two unsigned integers stored in register R[SA] and R[SB].
Vuelvo en un minutoLiterature Literature
The argument must be an unsigned integer between the values 0 and 4,294,967,295.
la privatización y la reforma de las empresas; yLiterature Literature
LongReadLen LongReadLen (unsigned integer, inherited) Controls the maximum length of long fields (BLOB and TEXT).
Eso los matóLiterature Literature
Then, combine the unsigned integer with the mask 255 (00000000 11111111).
¿ Podrías ponerteLiterature Literature
(Strictly, sizeof produces an unsigned integer value whose type, size_t, is defined in the header <stddef.h>.)
¿ Y eso qué me va a abrir?Literature Literature
Unsigned Integer
Concentrada, y sin tomar prisionerosKDE40.1 KDE40.1
, where n is an unsigned integer.
¿ Hay algo que usted...?Literature Literature
The npos variable is of type string::size_type, which is some form of unsigned integer.
Si encontrara...... al hombre adecuado...... cerraría esto yLiterature Literature
Challenge: What is the largest value you can represent using a 256-bit unsigned integer?
El programa únicamente entrará en vigor a partir de su publicación por parte de la Comisión Europea de conformidad con el Reglamento (CE) noLiterature Literature
The type useconds_t is an unsigned integer type capable of holding integers in the range [0,1000000].
La organización común del mercado del azúcar prevé que las empresas azucareras ingresen cotizaciones por la producción de base y B destinadas a cubrir los gastos de sostenimiento del mercadoCommon crawl Common crawl
Each signed integer type has a corresponding unsigned integer type that has the same memory requirements.
En el acto sexual su primer orgasmo se presenta... de dos segundos a cinco segundos después de la penetraciónLiterature Literature
List of Unsigned Integers
Hay hombres afuera de este apartamentoKDE40.1 KDE40.1
This value is converted to an unsigned integer and used as the seed to the random number generator.
Lo agradezcoLiterature Literature
For unsigned integer constants, refer to Table 1-4 in Chapter 1.
Referencia a artículos del Reglamento (CE) no #/# y costes subvencionablesLiterature Literature
Treat the values in the accumulator and R7 as unsigned integers.
No voy a ofender mi cuerpo sólo porque a los chicos les gusteLiterature Literature
Which procedure from the link library writes an unsigned integer to the console window in decimal format?
Claro, hay que preguntarle a EtchepareLiterature Literature
Several of these typedef names are shown here: size_type Some type of unsigned integer.
Creo que he visto a Childs delante de la entrada principalLiterature Literature
These identifiers are 32-bit unsigned integers, but are not necessarily different from identifiers of resources or atoms.
Marca de identificaciónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
166 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.