unsoiled oor Spaans


Uncontaminated, undirtied, pure, clean, immaculate.

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No one could stab another human being and walk away unsoiled.
Nadie podía apuñalar a un ser humano y salir indemne.Literature Literature
You did that, Gil, some perpetually unsoiled, disbelieving part of him whispered.
Eso lo has hecho tú, Gil, susurró una parte de él perpetuamente inmaculada e incrédula.Literature Literature
Brencis was dressed in fine silks of pure white, unsoiled by any mud or blood.
Brencis estaba vestido con sedas de un blanco puro, sin manchas de barro o sangre.Literature Literature
Like birds and animals, you must have an unsoiled heart.
Al igual que los animales y los pájaros, debes tener un corazón muy puro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He took a bite of his unsoiled but boring grilled cheese.
Le dio un mordisco a su inmaculado pero aburrido queso derretido.Literature Literature
Unsoiled and slender, he might come off the bench to lead them to victory.
Inmaculado y esbelto, acaso saliese del banquillo para conducirlos a la victoria.Literature Literature
He had given her a piece of life unsoiled by lies.
Le había dado un trozo de vida que no estaba salpicado por la mentira.Literature Literature
The Emperor's unsoiled respectful existence will not be dirtied.
El emperador es sagrado e inviolable.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He died unsoiled by me, and the papers ought to say so.
Murió sin que yo lo mancillara, y los periódicos deberían saberlo.Literature Literature
Through the window, Twentieth Street looked deceptively charming and unsoiled in the forgiving glow of early morning.
A través de la ventana, la calle 20 parecía engañosamente atractiva e inmaculada bajo la luz indulgente del alba.Literature Literature
Keep it unsoiled.
Te hace falta reposo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
naturally she was very beautiful, as well as unsoiled, as well she should be.
, desde luego que era muy bonita, y además una mujer incólume, como debía ser.Literature Literature
“That’s because Wade Junior and I want to go out of this mare’s nest unsoiled by curses.
—Eso es porque el pequeño Wade y yo queremos largarnos de esta jaula de grillos sin que nos persiga ninguna maldición.Literature Literature
The fruit is healthy, without deformities, bright and unsoiled.
El fruto se presenta sano, sin deformidades, brillante y exento de suciedad.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sometimes, Christine borrowed a dress from her best friend, Kate, to wear to work, with promises to return it unsoiled.
A veces Christine le pedía prestado un vestido a su mejor amiga, Kate, tras prometerle que se lo devolvería sin manchar.Literature Literature
He had long ago resolved to buy me college and “unsoiled hands.”
Largo tiempo atrás había decidido pagarme estudios y unas «manos limpias».Literature Literature
The smile of that officer, his singsong voice, his unsoiled white gloves, his assurance.
La sonrisa de aquel oficial, su voz cantarina, sus impolutos guantes blancos, su seguridad.Literature Literature
In this formative period, the soul is unsoiled by warfare with the world.
En este período formativo, el alma es purificada por la guerra con el mundo.Literature Literature
Having landed on his brother, Gregory was largely unsoiled and dry.
Como había aterrizado encima de este, Gregory no se había ensuciado ni mojado mucho.Literature Literature
But the unsoiled state of her clothes was still bothering me.
Sin embargo, el estado inmaculado de la ropa aún me descuadraba.Literature Literature
To keep it unsoiled, the dead were not burnt.
Para protegerla de impurezas, no se quemaba a los muertos.Literature Literature
Not new, unsoiled, plentifully wrinkled. ... Ellery took it from his father’s hand and turned it inside out.
No era nuevo, estaba limpio y arrugado... Ellery se lo quitó a su padre de la mano y lo volvió del revés.Literature Literature
" God, our Saviour... like an everlasting flower unsoiled... give your good word for us... and bless the good immaculate ones.
" Dios, nuestro Salvador... como una flor eterna inmaculada... intercede por nosotros... y bendice a los puros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not after all the work the two of us have put into keeping her name unsoiled.
Después de todo el esfuerzo que hemos hecho los dos para mantener limpio su nombre.Literature Literature
The sky was totally clear today, and the world had that fresh, unsoiled smell that late spring brings.
El cielo estaba completamente despejado ese día y el mundo tenía ese fresco aroma que trae la primavera tardía.Literature Literature
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