upper front oor Spaans

upper front

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His smile showed a cleft between his upper front teeth.
Su sonrisa mostraba un hueco entre los dientes superiores.Literature Literature
I found fracturing around the bony wall socket of the victim's two upper front teeth.
He encontrado fracturas alrededor del encaje de los dos dientes superiores delanteros de la víctima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’s in the upper front unit, the one we repainted last summer.
Estaba en el apartamento de enfrente, el que volvimos a pintar en el verano.Literature Literature
We both had two crooked upper front teeth.
Ambos teníamos los dos dientes frontales torcidos.Literature Literature
The upper-front corner of the orbit was formed by the prefrontal.
La esquina frontal superior de la órbita está formada por el prefrontal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sergeant Mintah smiled, revealing a broken tooth in the upper front row.
El sargento Mintah sonrió, dejando al descubierto un diente roto en la encía superior.Literature Literature
The upper fronts are damaged, practically beyond repair, because of my constant grinding over the last three years
Las paletas de arriba no tienen arreglo por rechinar los dientes constantemente en los últimos # añosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It is a little tube opening into the mouth just behind the upper front teeth.
Se trata de una abertura tubular situada exactamente detrás de los dientes incisivos superiores.Literature Literature
The milk then bathes the upper front teeth, causing tooth decay.
Entonces la leche baña los dientes frontales superiores, provocando caries.Literature Literature
“Cattle would have to have upper front teeth before they could do that.”
–Tendrían que tener dientes superiores para poder hacerlo.Literature Literature
Prescutum: plate covering the upper front thorax.
Prescuto: placa que recubre la parte superior anterior del tórax de la mosca.Common crawl Common crawl
Your son's upper front teeth were separated by a small tissue, a diastema.
Su hijo tenía un espacio entre los dientes del frente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She closed her lips and ran her tongue hard over her upper front teeth, then took another look.
Cerró la boca, deslizó la lengua con fuerza sobre los dientes superiores, y volvió a mirarse.Literature Literature
His upper front teeth were cased in gold.
Sus dientes superiores de en medio estaban cubiertos de oro.Literature Literature
She showed him that her two upper front teeth were false.
Le mostró que sus dos dientes de adelante eran postizos.Literature Literature
His two upper front teeth were missing.
Le faltaban los dos dientes frontales superiores.Literature Literature
She had blue eyes, fair hair down to her shoulders, and a gap between her upper front teeth.
Tenía los ojos azules, una cabellera rubia que le llegaba a los hombros y un hueco entre los incisivos superiores.Literature Literature
Healthy milk teeth with absent two upper front incisors.
Dientes de leche sanos, faltan dos incisivos superiores.Literature Literature
His two upper front teeth were missing, which made spitting the juice far easier.
Le faltaban los dos dientes delanteros superiores, y eso le hacía mucho más fácil escupir el jugo de tabaco—.Literature Literature
The doctor gave him a glance and noticed that his upper front teeth had been extracted.
El doctor le dirigió una mirada y se dio cuenta de que los dientes frontales superiores le habían sido extraídos.Literature Literature
He could see that there was a light in the upper front room.
Vio que había luz en la habitación de arriba.Literature Literature
He points to soupy areas at the upper front part of my brain.
—Señala unas zonas borrosas de la parte superior frontal de mi cerebro—.Literature Literature
All his upper front teeth were filed to sharp little points, with slightly longer fangs at either end.
Todos sus dientes frontales eran unos afilados puntitos con unos colmillos algo más largos a ambos extremos.Literature Literature
He recognizes the upper front teeth.
Reconoce los dientes frontales superiores.Literature Literature
My oldest brother got all of his upper front teeth knocked out playing football.
A mi hermano mayor le reventaron todos los dientes de arriba cuando jugaba al fútbol.Literature Literature
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