very same oor Spaans

very same

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That very same waiter also said that you threw your coffee cup at Ellen when she left.
Ese mismísimo camarero también dijo que tú le tiraste tu café a Ellen cuando ella salía.

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the very same day
el mismísimo día


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The very same characteristic that made him so irresistible to women worked wonders on scientists as well.
La misma característica que le hacía tan irresistible para las mujeres hacía también milagros con los científicos.Literature Literature
And at times, behind the words rejecting God she sensed a strong belief in that very same God.
Y a veces, en esas palabras negadoras de Dios, ella apreciaba una sólida fe.Literature Literature
Those very same boots.
En esas mismas botas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The very same day that I did this, the entire discomfort disappeared.
El mismísimo día en que hice eso, todo el malestar desapareció.Literature Literature
But on the very same date, three checks were cashed, each for ten thousand kroner.”
Pero en una misma fecha se cobraron tres cheques de diez mil coronas cada uno.Literature Literature
And, finally, on exactly similar grounds the very same is true of the price of Intermediate Products.
Y lo mismo es cierto, por idénticas razones, con respecto al precio de todos los productos intermedios.Literature Literature
of the very same toxic waste that surrounds them, balled up into missile form.
Los mismos residuos tóxicos que nos rodean, hechos un ovillo en forma de misiles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Coincidentally, people also have reported huge numbers of Bigfoot sight reports in these very same woods.
Coincidentemente, la gente también ha reportado un gran número de avistamentos de Pie Grande en estos mismos bosques.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In southern countries, the dead are buried the very same day.
En los países meridionales, los muertos son enterrados el mismo día.Literature Literature
The very same.
El mismo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“No, that is the strange thing about it, he met his death in that very same hour.
—No, esto es lo extraño... La muerte le sorprendió en aquel mismo instante.Literature Literature
The smell was in the room again - the very same damp and sickening smell.
Aquel olor estaba otra vez en la habitación: el mismo olor húmedo y nauseabundo.Literature Literature
His body lay on the floor on the very same blankets that Tessa had been using.
Su cuerpo yacía en el piso sobre las mismas mantas que Tessa había estado utilizando.Literature Literature
No, but your friend who was just here, he asked me the very same question.
No, pero tu amigo que acaba de estar aquí, me hizo la misma pregunta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"The very same companies that said, ""We will never be able to do quality voice over the internet."
"Las mismas compañías que dijeron, ""Jamás podremos transportar voz de calidad por Internet."Literature Literature
The very same night!
¡ La misma noche!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“I was going to ask you the very same question, Klaus.”
—Iba a hacerle la misma pregunta, Klaus.Literature Literature
That is, Felix visited Rasputin’s apartment the very same day that he called Purishkevich.
Es decir, Félix visitó el apartamento de Rasputín el mismo día en que llamó a Purishkiévich.Literature Literature
I cleaned the whole thing up that very same night.
Esa misma noche limpié toda la sangre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You were created from this very same unlimited abundance.
Tú fuiste creado por esa ilimitada abundancia.Literature Literature
It disappeared the very same day you was here, the Bakersfield game, homecoming.
Desapareció el mismo día que usted estuvo aquí, durante el partido con Bakersfield.Literature Literature
Joel knows right away that it's the very same dog.
Joel sabe inmediatamente que es precisamente ese perro.Literature Literature
The very same thing happened to us.
Lo mismo nos sucedio a nosotros.Literature Literature
They were arrested and executed that very same day.
Ese mismo día fueron arrestados y ejecutados.jw2019 jw2019
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