vodyanoy oor Spaans


(Slavic mythology) A type of water sprite from Slavic mythology

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male water spirit from Slavic mythology, tutelary deity

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He was ancient and fat and grumpy, even for a vodyanoi.
Era viejo, y gordo, y gruñón, incluso para un vodyanoi.Literature Literature
There’s a growing minority who seem to be ready to throw in their lot with the vodyanoi.”
Hay una creciente minoría que parece estar dispuesta a unirse a los vodyanoi.Literature Literature
Isaac respected the friendly vodyanoi.
Isaac respetaba a aquel vodyanoi afectuoso.Literature Literature
” she asked the vodyanoi quickly, without looking up.
—preguntó rápidamente al vodyanoi, sin levantar la vista.Literature Literature
A—” he glanced down at the militia report”—a vodyanoi, covered in deep wounds, and a young human woman.
—consultó el informe de la milicia— un vodyanoi cubierto por graves heridas, y una joven humana.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi speak at least three different languages: the primary one being Lubbock and the others Fellid and Southern.
Los vodyanoi hablan al menos tres lenguas propias diferentes: la primaria, que es el lubbok, y otras dos llamadas félido y sureño.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Humans with handcarts, a vodyanoi panting out of water.
Humanos con carromatos, un vodyanoi que jadeaba lejos del agua.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi threw everything back.
Los vodyanoi lo devolvían todo.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi were all over the Akif.
Los vodyanoi se encontraban ahora sobre el Arif.Literature Literature
"""Vodyanoi are cunning,"" said Sturm in a bare whisper, ""but they're are also cowardly."
–Los vodyanois son astutos -repuso Sturm en un susurro apenas audible-, pero también son cobardes.Literature Literature
Vodyanoi militia in the water, cactus guards, officers in every chamber.
Hay milicianos vodyanoi en el río, guardias cactos, oficiales en todas las salas.Literature Literature
He was sour and taciturn as stereotype said vodyanoi always were.
Era tan arisco y taciturno como, según los estereotipos, todos los vodyanoi.Literature Literature
“She’s bewitched a vodyanoy and set it on us!
¡La raposa ha embrujado a un vodyanói y lo lanza contra nosotros!Literature Literature
Those were the vodyanoi slums.
Aquellos eran los barrios bajos de los vodyanoi.Literature Literature
Donetsk continues to come under attack with various multiple rocket launch systems from Avdeyevka, Opytny, and Vodyanoi.
Siguen los ataques a Donetsk con el uso de distintos sistemas de lanzamisiles desde Avdéevka, Opytni y Vodianóe.mid.ru mid.ru
And there is Jaqar Kazaan, and O’Kinghersdt, and the vodyanoi Shechester, and others, all with their preferred plays.
Y también están Jaqar Kazaan, y O’Kinghersdt, y el vodyanoi Shechester y otros, cada uno con su juego predilecto.Literature Literature
I keep informants at Vodyanoy: we’ll see what they’ve got to say.”
Tengo informantes en Vodyanoyo, veremos qué tienen que decir.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi are an aquatic people.
Los vodyanoi son un pueblo acuático.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There’re a few vodyanoi, a couple of humans ... and others.
Hay unos pocos vodyanoi, un par de humanos y... otras cosas.Literature Literature
Those few vodyanoi with undines were bound to them by agreement; they could not control them.
Los pocos vodyanoi que tenían ondinas estaban unidos a ellas por acuerdos mutuos; no podían controlarlas.Literature Literature
In a cold river, the Iron Council vodyanoi were swimming, while the train idled in its strath.
En un río helado, los vodyanoi nadaban mientras el tren holgazaneaba en sus vías.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi descended, and the woman panicked very badly and began to sink.
Los vodyanoi se sumergieron y la mujer reaccionó con evidentes muestras de pánico y empezó a hundirse.Literature Literature
There were six humans apart from him, one khepri and one vodyanoi.
Aparte de él había seis humanos, una khepri y un vodyanoi.Literature Literature
"""Desert’s not really vodyanoi territory."
El desierto no es precisamente el territorio de los vodyanoi.Literature Literature
The vodyanoi could spend at least a day in the dry without ill-effects, but Sil could not be bothered.
Los vodyanoi podían pasar al menos un día fuera del agua sin efectos adversos, pero no se debía contrariar a Sil.Literature Literature
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